Shops closing!!

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  • Iminit
    Platinum Member

    • Mar 2020
    • 3403
    • Long island
    • Tom

    Shops closing!!

    Here on Long Island 2 of the biggest shops are closing. Pets warehouse in Carle Place has been there since the 80s. 3 aquariums got together to form a chain. Only one left now. The one that does the online business. The closing one was a huge store with a big variety. Used to be a busy place. Though not so much inthe last few years.
    The other had a big draw of people. Never understood why? They were a sloppy shop. All sorts of fish mixed together. But they had a big variety. Caribbean Blue. This guy didn’t pay his bills for months and now they’ve shut off his power. Middle of the winter and no power.
    This to me is a big sign that the aquarium hobby isn’t doing to well. Online must be putting them out of business.
  • Charlyc11

    • Sep 2021
    • 1770
    • Jarrettsville, MD
    • Carlos AKA Chuck

    Online is doing a lot of harm to the local businesses over here they are slowly shutting down the only mall in miles. Ellen worked part time in Macy's and now they are doing a liquidation sale for the next 2 months so she will have no job soon. She only worked a couple a days a week but that got her out of the house. Unfortunately Tuesday she brooke two bones on her wrist so she will be out for a bit and she will get surgery some time next week they haven't given her the date yet. I don't have any LFS stores besides Petco and Petsmart but they are a few within 25 miles that are still open.
    Just Call Me Chuck​


    • brewmaster15
      • Apr 2002
      • 30095
      • Northford,CT,USA

      Its sad seeing the shops close up like that.
      The market has definitely shifted. For me its a loss because these kinds of places are where first time fish keepers / kids usually get the bug..

      Chuck, sorry to hear about Ellen's broken wrist. Thats definitely inconvenient! And the work scene as well.


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      • CliffsDiscus
        Registered Member
        • Apr 2003
        • 3102
        • San Francisco

        Two Mom and Pop pet shop closed in the last year. One of the remaining pet shop that is still open thought they were going to pick up their business but that never happen.


        • Charlyc11

          • Sep 2021
          • 1770
          • Jarrettsville, MD
          • Carlos AKA Chuck

          My daughter is at Caribbean now she said they have the fish on power with heaters and filters, open til 3PM.
          Just Call Me Chuck​


          • Charlyc11

            • Sep 2021
            • 1770
            • Jarrettsville, MD
            • Carlos AKA Chuck

            Originally posted by brewmaster15
            Chuck, sorry to hear about Ellen's broken wrist. Thats definitely inconvenient! And the work scene as well.

            Now it's all honey do...

            Just Call Me Chuck​


            • Iminit
              Platinum Member

              • Mar 2020
              • 3403
              • Long island
              • Tom

              Sorry about Ellen’s wrist! Yes Macy’s is going out of business. Who would have guessed? The last one by me has been closing for months and I think this is the last month. Only thing left in the Mall is Dicks sporting goods. Which is now moving. That mall has been closing for almost 10 yrs. Really strange to look inside. Like a movie. Everything is still there. No clue what they will do with the space.
              Didn’t hear they had the power back. But heard CC and SST were helping with removing the pets. Don’t understand why this guy isn’t arrested for animal cruelty. He knew he wasn’t paying the utilities and that he had pets. I got texts to go help when they shut off power. They were looking for generators. Not so sure that a good idea to bring your stuff.


              • jwcarlson

                • Jan 2022
                • 1473
                • Iowa
                • Jacob

                It always kind of stinks to see stuff go away, but I'm shocked as many LFS have stuck around as long as they have. Fish must have had massive popularity over the years. I bought my first fish (oscars) from a regional grocery store chain (Hy-Vee) and Walmart in town had fish as well. And at the time there were at least two LFS in town also. A town of less than 30,000. Now there are none in town. That last LFS closed within our oldest daughter's lifetime because we bought her some mollies there when she was ~3-4 years old. She's 12 now. That last LFS hold out was a dive and mostly just sold pet stuff in general, not fish exclusively. They were open one day a week... Thursdays, I think.

                In my experience, most LFS aren't doing anything particularly well to help keep themselves in business. They're either WILDLY expensive on everything or they have next to nothing to sell. Most have sickly fish that look like no one is taking care of them or alternatively they half cared for, but cost 4x as much as the sickly ones and they're still sickly. There's actually a few pretty good ones in about a 1-hour drive radius of home. One of the better ones locally (West Lake Aquatics) belongs to the guy who organizes/runs the Quad Cities Fish Swap. It's not much to look at, he runs it out of a storage unit, basically. But he has a lot of fish. They're typically in good health and his prices are what I would consider good. The tanks are bare bones setups and not well lit. So, a lot of times the fish don't look their best, but I think once you're fairly experienced you understand that fish color up quickly and that lighting has a decent amount to do with that.

                The biggest problem with most LFS is that most of them are basically a destination for new fishkeepers and typically lack much selection to grow into. This might be mostly a regional issue. West Lake here has quite a few of what I would consider more exotic or rare stuff.


                • Charlyc11

                  • Sep 2021
                  • 1770
                  • Jarrettsville, MD
                  • Carlos AKA Chuck

                  Posted on Fb today
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1559.jpg
Views:	58
Size:	57.9 KB
ID:	2763968
                  Just Call Me Chuck​


                  • jeep
                    • Jul 2002
                    • 7279
                    • O.P. KS
                    • Brian

                    Originally posted by jwcarlson
                    It always kind of stinks to see stuff go away, but I'm shocked as many LFS have stuck around as long as they have. Fish must have had massive popularity over the years. I bought my first fish (oscars) from a regional grocery store chain (Hy-Vee) and Walmart in town had fish as well. And at the time there were at least two LFS in town also. A town of less than 30,000. Now there are none in town. That last LFS closed within our oldest daughter's lifetime because we bought her some mollies there when she was ~3-4 years old. She's 12 now. That last LFS hold out was a dive and mostly just sold pet stuff in general, not fish exclusively. They were open one day a week... Thursdays, I think.

                    In my experience, most LFS aren't doing anything particularly well to help keep themselves in business. They're either WILDLY expensive on everything or they have next to nothing to sell. Most have sickly fish that look like no one is taking care of them or alternatively they half cared for, but cost 4x as much as the sickly ones and they're still sickly. There's actually a few pretty good ones in about a 1-hour drive radius of home. One of the better ones locally (West Lake Aquatics) belongs to the guy who organizes/runs the Quad Cities Fish Swap. It's not much to look at, he runs it out of a storage unit, basically. But he has a lot of fish. They're typically in good health and his prices are what I would consider good. The tanks are bare bones setups and not well lit. So, a lot of times the fish don't look their best, but I think once you're fairly experienced you understand that fish color up quickly and that lighting has a decent amount to do with that.

                    The biggest problem with most LFS is that most of them are basically a destination for new fishkeepers and typically lack much selection to grow into. This might be mostly a regional issue. West Lake here has quite a few of what I would consider more exotic or rare stuff.
                    You bought live fish at HyVee?

                    Yes, it's a shame about the prices. I don't mind paying a little extra to support local businesses, but when a small hardware store charges $20 for a small wrench I can buy at HD for $3, or the LFS charges $35 for a $8 can of Tetrabits, it's easy to pass. Especially when they give an attitude about it.

                    I've ordered online from Pet's Warehouse in the past and had excellent prices and service. I actually thought they were a little bit larger organization than they appear to be, but several years ago they disappeared from my online searches and I totally forgot about them. It's a shame to see them go. Pet Mountain is another one that had a decent online presence and I've bought from in the past but I don't hear much from them anymore.


                    • jwcarlson

                      • Jan 2022
                      • 1473
                      • Iowa
                      • Jacob

                      Originally posted by jeep
                      You bought live fish at HyVee?
                      Yes! I had a couple of oscars, one red and one "albino" that was sold as a "blueberry". I was an idiot as to the whole dying process at the time... I had no idea. She was quite sick early on, but I got her through it and she lived a fairly long, normal life. I have an extremely soft spot for oscars. It's always been a struggle for me NOT to buy one when I've had the tank space. When I had relocated all of my discus to a 125 last year, I had an empty 75 that was begging for an oscar. Thankfully, I resisted.


                      • Iminit
                        Platinum Member

                        • Mar 2020
                        • 3403
                        • Long island
                        • Tom

                        Brian Pets Warehouse online is still there. That’s the last one left. I think the online business keeps them going. Though they have a small but well run fish area. The shops main business is dog and cat foods now.

