The New Fishroom
Re: The New Fishroom
hi darren hows things mate if you dont mind could you tell me how much your stands cost you to get made i am think about getting some made the same as yours sorry to here you had to sell it is the best i have seen thanks mate hope you get this...ant...Comment
Re: The New Fishroom
your own fish house! hahaha just fill the whole shed with water =)46 Gallon Bowfront - 6 Discus - 10 cardinal tetras - 1 black ghost knifefishComment
Re: The New Fishroom
Just waiting for the day when i can set up my next fishroom.really missing it at the moment,don't worry when i am settled i will be back bigger and better than ever can't wait !
cheersDarren Burgess
Townsville Queensland Australia
Re: The New Fishroom
So sorry!! The setup was brialliant! "T"
125g Tenecor - Cardinal, Serpae, Bloodfin, Redeye, Phantom & Pristella Tetra - Ghost Shrimp - Raphael Cats - Stendker Discus
Rena XP4, Eheim 2075, 2 A/C500, 2(250w) Ebo-Jagers / Jehmco Controller, 29g AGA-sick
"Knowledge Gained & Not Shared Is Knowledge Lost"Comment
Re: The New Fishroom
Cheers Tony.Darren Burgess
Townsville Queensland Australia
Re: The New Fishroom
Just off to Thailand for a month,hopefully when I get back will set up a small fish room again and will be looking at bringing a shipment in July.
CheersDarren Burgess
Townsville Queensland Australia
Re: The New Fishroom
Looking great Darren.
Amazing how you took such a small space and created a breeding operation.
Only positive thoughts going your way friend and looking forward to seeing some more quality stock in those tanks soon.
...Ralph"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."
-John WoodenComment
Re: The New Fishroom
Ralph and Eddie for your comments.
cheersDarren Burgess
Townsville Queensland Australia