Let’s try again

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  • micinvegas
    Registered Member
    • Jul 2023
    • 1

    Let’s try again

    A few months ago I was going to convert my 150 gallon with 30 gallon sump from saltwater to discus. Well I am just now doing it.

    I have have a question on quarantine. What can I use to deworm any fish? I want to be proactive and treat anything that goes in the tank.

    can I use Levamisole on all fish? What about Praziquantel? I plan on some tetras, maybe blue rams and maybe clown loaches. Obviously the loaches are scaleless.
  • brewmaster15
    • Apr 2002
    • 29943
    • Northford,CT,USA

    Hey Mic,
    Welcome to Simplydiscus! Glad to hear you are going to give Discus a shot. I'd like to suggest you tell us a litle about what your are envisioning for your tank. Theres quite a bit abit about discus thats a bit different than Marine.

    As for deworming... its a smart choice and most discus compatible fish are fine with both Praziquantel and levamisole.

    Clown loaches are really not a good choice for discus tanks.. possibly in a large tank they may work but I have always found them to stress out discus and out compete them for food. They are really just too active and generally like to be in groups themselves.

    My best suggestion is start off just discus.. bare bottom tank or possibly thin layer sand and some driftwood.. maybe a few potted plants. Learn about Discus first then think about adding other things and fish if you want.
    Its usually not the advice people new to discus want to hear but its solid advice.

    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

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    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


    • jeep
      • Jul 2002
      • 7238
      • O.P. KS
      • Brian

      Welcome to Simply!!!

      Clown loaches are really not a good choice for discus tanks.. possibly in a large tank they may work but I have always found them to stress out discus and out compete them for food. They are really just too active and generally like to be in groups themselves.
      In addition, loaches are nocturnal and can easily spook discus during the night.

      As far as QT recommendations, Al has written an excellent procedure that I follow -
      Hi all, Just saw this and thought I would update. I do much of what I always have done.. though I do tailor it a bit different depending on the condition the fish come in... For those interested..I had done several Discus Disease and Health Presentations over the years... The following are from a few pages of that

