In over 20 years of keeping discus, I've never had a water related issue until now, and it doesn't seem to be going away. Although there isn't any more sludge or debris that I can see in the water, over the weekend I lost another 30 juvies after doing a 60% water change with a combination of 80% aged and 20% fresh tap water. I'm not sure on the math, but I'm thinking this translated to around 5% fresh tap water as it relates to the whole tank volume. And this is filtered water! After running many tests I found my ph is coming into the house at a level that is off any scale I can use to measure and I'm now having to age my water with a circulating pump for a solid 24-36 hours instead of the usual 3 or 4 hours. Over the years, I had become some what of a water expert and had 100% confidence in my supply, but now it seems I'm beginning from scratch and I am mystified! Of course, the water company denies anything out of the normal but 20 years of discus keeping tells me something is going on. I've warned all my friends to avoid drinking the toxic cocktail that is our tap water and to drink RO or bottled water.
That being said, I wanted to thank everyone once again for the contributions that are helping to rebuild my discus stock after the water issue I had in July. Especially Al and Pat who started their fundraiser even before my power was restored, lol... I never expected everyone's generosity, and to be honest I came pretty close to refunding everyone's donations because I wasn't sure I had the energy to rebuild after this heart breaking devastation, but in the end I decided not to give up.
I also want to thank Miranda at Chicago Discus and Robert Lim for hand selecting the first of my replacements, an absolutely stunning mated pair of Super Panthera's. They're still a bit timid and I don't blame them since their QT facility is my living room, lol... So far I haven't been able to take a photo that shows their true beauty or even comes close to doing them justice, but here are some pics I'd like to share. They look almost like BD's with thousands of little red spots and the body, eyes and fins are nearly perfect. Panthera's have become quite popular these days, and I've seen a lot of them, but these are hands down the nicest and most unique I've seen!! But Miranda knows how picky I am and she told Robert and they sure came through!
These are just the first of my replacements. More will hopefully follow soon...
I'll keep this thread going as they mature and hopefully become as good a pair as the Ruby x Meteor, as well as the others I hope to acquire soon and make this thread an all around spotted project!

That being said, I wanted to thank everyone once again for the contributions that are helping to rebuild my discus stock after the water issue I had in July. Especially Al and Pat who started their fundraiser even before my power was restored, lol... I never expected everyone's generosity, and to be honest I came pretty close to refunding everyone's donations because I wasn't sure I had the energy to rebuild after this heart breaking devastation, but in the end I decided not to give up.
I also want to thank Miranda at Chicago Discus and Robert Lim for hand selecting the first of my replacements, an absolutely stunning mated pair of Super Panthera's. They're still a bit timid and I don't blame them since their QT facility is my living room, lol... So far I haven't been able to take a photo that shows their true beauty or even comes close to doing them justice, but here are some pics I'd like to share. They look almost like BD's with thousands of little red spots and the body, eyes and fins are nearly perfect. Panthera's have become quite popular these days, and I've seen a lot of them, but these are hands down the nicest and most unique I've seen!! But Miranda knows how picky I am and she told Robert and they sure came through!
These are just the first of my replacements. More will hopefully follow soon...
I'll keep this thread going as they mature and hopefully become as good a pair as the Ruby x Meteor, as well as the others I hope to acquire soon and make this thread an all around spotted project!