New beginnings

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  • For100
    Registered Member
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    • Fred

    New beginnings

    Hey all,

    I have not posted any updates since the cross contamination in December
    I ended up tearing everything and sterilizing the entire tank, sump, etc

    The new setup was done around end of Jan. I introduced discus (two survivors from the disaster) mid February after cycling with just plants and few cories. I acquired some new fish (same source) February and finished quarantine 2 weeks ago.

    Because it is a 36” deep tank, I tried to make it as easy as possible to maintain. I purchased a 30” long python attachment with a 10ft long hose to help me reach all the way down without getting too wet.

    After a LOT of reading about large tanks maintenance, I decided on sand substrate <1” and placed 2 powerheads to create currents across the tank in such a way it created a vortex inside the branches area. This helped me have all debris accumulate at the bottom left corner. After few trial and error adjustments of the powerheads, there is not much accumulation of debris anywhere else. The tip of the branches touches the sand are not a problem and there is minimal current dead spots. It makes it easy to vacuum and aesthetically appealing to see white sand in the open space and not black poop scatter there.

    My first time posting a video, I hope it works

    Last edited by brewmaster15; 04-14-2024, 09:46 AM.
  • brewmaster15
    • Apr 2002
    • 30080
    • Northford,CT,USA

    Re: New beginnings

    Tank looks great! I love that Branch and plants on it, and the open look to everything! Well Done! and a great "New Beginning"


    ps...I embedded the vid... Info on how here..

    Theres a real easy way to post videos where they show embedded. Its truly easy peezy. In you tube click &quot;share&quot; . Copy the link. Go to your post on Simply and click the filmstrip Icon.. paste link. Edit link to remove the &quot;s&quot; from https and post. Thats it. This works for regular vids &quot;shorts&quot;
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    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

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    • For100
      Registered Member
      • Dec 2010
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      • Fred

      Re: New beginnings

      Thanks Al! I was not sure how to include the video in the posting.


      • illumnae
        Registered Member
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        Re: New beginnings

        I feel your pain about the tall tank and maintenance - mine is 48" tall and basically impossible to keep the substrate clean. What has worked for me is to keep fish that constantly disturb the substrate to keep all the debris stirred up and in the water column in the hope that the filter will eventually catch it. Corydoras catfish are OK, substrate sifting cichlids like eartheaters are good, and substrate sweepers like featherfin cichlids (when I kept Tanganyikan cichlids) and medium to large plecos (tip: program your autofeeder to feed at 2am when the lights are off and the other fish are asleep - the plecos will come out to feed and kick up a debris frenzy) are great. In my current tank, I'm planning on scattering a layer of botanicals over the sand to hopefully cultivate microorganisms that will help decompose organic debris faster. It also has the benefit of making the tank look more natural and hiding the unsightly debris amongst its natural look.


        • For100
          Registered Member
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          • Fred

          Re: New beginnings


          Agree with the cories, I am planning to get another 24 more and maybe some rams. They help stirring the sand but most of the work is done by the powerheads. I also have 5 small plecos, but to my surprise they just like to be in plants at the top of the wood pieces. They don’t come out even at night.
          About stirring the dirt to the water column, it does not work for me. It tends to accumulate in the ferns and anubias and never goes high enough to go thru the overflow.

          You might want to check out something like this, I found it to be very helpful to reach out to the substrate without getting your arm and armpit wet. I use it to clean the sand, but most of all to suck the debris that concentrates in the bottom left of the tank.


          • illumnae
            Registered Member
            • Mar 2007
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            Re: New beginnings

            Thank you for the recommendation!


            • AquaticNerd
              • Sep 2019
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              • Jake

              Re: New beginnings

              Agree with Al here, the tank looks great and glad to see you get back on your feet without being too discouraged. The fish are looking great as well!


              • Discus Fever
                • Sep 2023
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                • Scott Winefka

                Re: New beginnings

                Congrats on the new beginning, everything looks great!!!


                • For100
                  Registered Member
                  • Dec 2010
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                  • Fred

                  Re: New beginnings

                  Thank you all!

                  Honestly it was very disheartening to see some many dead discus at once. I lost all of my Kenny blue scorpions and blue sapphires. It took me awhile to think just beyond to start again.
                  I had to turn things around to be positive for me at the end, I researched and learned much more after my December’s disaster than I had in 30+ years of discus keeping, not just aquarium chemistry but also design and maintenance of semi-planted tanks.

                  Having said that, it is a very young tank. It has been up and running about a month now (with discus I mean). I will take it step by step and see where it takes me this time. At the moment I am dealing with TON of aggression going around and around, CHICLID behavior at its best. I am planning to add a couple of more fish in the next few of weeks, if I find the right ones.
                  Last edited by For100; 04-15-2024, 11:45 AM.


                  • fishy_jim
                    Registered Member
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                    Re: New beginnings

                    Looking good !! I have a similar aquascape as yours. I did start out with a super thin sand layer but decided to go bare bottom in a short time. Its just plain easier to see the poop and gunk and suck it out. Tank looks good !!


                    • For100
                      Registered Member
                      • Dec 2010
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                      • Austin, texas
                      • Fred

                      Re: New beginnings

                      Hi all,

                      Couple of weeks since I posted, the tank continues to mature nicely. No complain and lucky things have continue to improve, fish are doing great. They feast on everything I give them, just one picky eater in the group.

                      Few things that have come up along the way that were a bit of a surprise:

                      1.- Aggression: There are 8 fish, but it is NON stop. Pecking order is taking awhile, surprise to me that size DOES NOT matter. One AMG is bullying everyone.

                      2- Detritus: you have not idea how much accumulates on the Anubias’ leaves and in between fern leaves at the top of the tank. It takes me more time to siphon the plants than the entire sand bottom. Not just that, I have to do it twice a week for the tank to look good.

                      3.- Evaporation: I used to use the tank lids before, I removed them to minimize light reflection for the plants to capture an ideal spectrum. (Beside it looks better like this). So, evaporation is massive. I have incorporated a small 5G bucket with an ATO to maintain water levels at the sump for about 1wk.

                      PS: I removed the s from HTTPS but I did not work. what am I doing wrong?
                      Last edited by For100; 04-26-2024, 12:38 PM. Reason: Trying to embed the video in the post


                      • brewmaster15
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 30080
                        • Northford,CT,USA

                        Re: New beginnings

                        Use the default at you tube and copy link

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20240426-141243_YouTube.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	27.2 KB
ID:	2063248
                        AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

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                        Al Sabetta
                        Simplydiscus LLC Owner

                        I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


                        • mleibowi
                          Registered Member
                          • Dec 2021
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                          Re: New beginnings

                          Brian suggested insulation on a prior thread. I bought some at home depot for my QT tanks and the back of my stand with my sump. I use a lid for my tank that also has anubias and java ferns with a cheap LED light. They seem to grow fine. With temps that high, you will get a lot of evaporation which will be a problem when you take vacations... Love to see an update!

                          Do you have an amano shrimp in there to eat the algae off your plants?


                          • Willie
                            Silver Member

                            • May 2002
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                            • Willie

                            Re: New beginnings

                            Originally posted by For100
                            2- Detritus: you have no idea how much accumulates on the Anubias’ leaves and in between fern leaves at the top of the tank. It takes me more time to siphon the plants than the entire sand bottom. Not just that, I have to do it twice a week for the tank to look good.
                            Yes, I do. Even a simple system like this,

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2364.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	114.6 KB
ID:	2064207

                            and daily 100% water changes, could not keep the tank clean. I've since switched to just hardscape.
                            At my age, everything is irritating.


                            • For100
                              Registered Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 321
                              • Austin, texas
                              • Fred

                              Re: New beginnings

                              Originally posted by Willie
                              Yes, I do. Even a simple system like this,


                              and daily 100% water changes, could not keep the tank clean. I've since switched to just hardscape.
                              I am playing with the powerheads to see if I can keep most of the top canopy free of detritus. The top left, near the water return outlet, is squeaky clean. So, I know it is possible. I am sure it is going to take me a good amount of time to get it right.

