Ok, I'm going to try and document my discus hobby on this thread. It might not be strictly a tank journal but rather a place to organize all my experiences neatly in one place and an easy-to-follow timeline. I do only have the one and only main tank still, so I think it qualifies
STARTED 12/08/2023, upgrading from my previous 450 l tank with 2 angels, a few old tetras and plecos. Added the first 7 discus on 03/09/2023. No quarantine and had some problems...
Tank and equipment:
660 litres (200cm x 55cm x 60 cm height)
filtration: Fluval FX6 (2130 l/h with media) + Eheim classic 2217 (1000l/h without media) + Eheim Powerline 2252 (1200l/h)
heater: Eheim 250W + timer (on/off regular intervals for safety: never trust the thermostat and on this heater it's not even working)
lights: 2 x Leddy Slim Marin day&night 32W (10 000K)
water parameters: NO2 0, NO3 12,5 - sometimes closer to 25 after starting to feed beefheart (needs wc), GH 2, KH 1-2, pH 7,1. temperature 28C
hardscape and decor: natural 0,5-1mm sand substrate 2-5cm thick, front corner of white gravel and pebbles, driftwood (mangrove and mopani), rocks from nature.
plants: Echinodorus bleheri, E. amazonicus, Cryptocoryne wendtii, C. pontederiifolia (these crypts are over 20 year old!) Cryptocoryne crispatula, Anubias barteri var. nana, Anubias gracilis, Ceraophyllum demersum, Ludwigia repens, Hydrocotyle tripartita, Staurogyne repens, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis and Nymphea lotus.
fishes 21/06/2024:
10 Discus
L200 Hemiancistrus subviridis (green phantom pleco)
2 x L134 Peckoltia compta (leopard frog pleco)
2 x L104 Panaqolus maccus (clown pleco)
Albino long fin bristlenose pleco
Farlowella acus
4 VERY old colombian tetras, Hybressobrycon columbianus
in quarantine
2 new Discus
- in 125 l bare bottom with a log of mangrove
2 Panda dwarf cichlids (Apistogramma nijsseni)
2 Checkerboard cichlids (Dicrossus filamentosus)
- in 40 l bare bottom with driftwood
I should upload some new videos, these are a couple of weeks old. The new discus keep taking turns laying eggs every week, first one, the next day the other follows
I will link the major issues I've had over the past year / related threads here in a following post when I have the time - just to be easily accessible for me later if needed. And I will post all updates on this thread unless it's a specific issue that goes under a different forum topic - in that case I will just add the links here.
STARTED 12/08/2023, upgrading from my previous 450 l tank with 2 angels, a few old tetras and plecos. Added the first 7 discus on 03/09/2023. No quarantine and had some problems...
Tank and equipment:
660 litres (200cm x 55cm x 60 cm height)
filtration: Fluval FX6 (2130 l/h with media) + Eheim classic 2217 (1000l/h without media) + Eheim Powerline 2252 (1200l/h)
heater: Eheim 250W + timer (on/off regular intervals for safety: never trust the thermostat and on this heater it's not even working)
lights: 2 x Leddy Slim Marin day&night 32W (10 000K)
water parameters: NO2 0, NO3 12,5 - sometimes closer to 25 after starting to feed beefheart (needs wc), GH 2, KH 1-2, pH 7,1. temperature 28C
hardscape and decor: natural 0,5-1mm sand substrate 2-5cm thick, front corner of white gravel and pebbles, driftwood (mangrove and mopani), rocks from nature.
plants: Echinodorus bleheri, E. amazonicus, Cryptocoryne wendtii, C. pontederiifolia (these crypts are over 20 year old!) Cryptocoryne crispatula, Anubias barteri var. nana, Anubias gracilis, Ceraophyllum demersum, Ludwigia repens, Hydrocotyle tripartita, Staurogyne repens, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis and Nymphea lotus.
fishes 21/06/2024:
10 Discus
L200 Hemiancistrus subviridis (green phantom pleco)
2 x L134 Peckoltia compta (leopard frog pleco)
2 x L104 Panaqolus maccus (clown pleco)
Albino long fin bristlenose pleco
Farlowella acus
4 VERY old colombian tetras, Hybressobrycon columbianus
in quarantine
2 new Discus
- in 125 l bare bottom with a log of mangrove
2 Panda dwarf cichlids (Apistogramma nijsseni)
2 Checkerboard cichlids (Dicrossus filamentosus)
- in 40 l bare bottom with driftwood
I should upload some new videos, these are a couple of weeks old. The new discus keep taking turns laying eggs every week, first one, the next day the other follows
I will link the major issues I've had over the past year / related threads here in a following post when I have the time - just to be easily accessible for me later if needed. And I will post all updates on this thread unless it's a specific issue that goes under a different forum topic - in that case I will just add the links here.