Re: New journey; freshwater stingrays…
The learning curve continues…without incident in case you’re wondering, just a steady acquisition of knowledge related to this new journey….
I was looking at old posts FS on the MFK site to ascertain price variations for the different pure strain and hybrid rays hobbyist breeders are selling, and I came across a term I was not familiar with….”fully rolled”. It was in the context of a male being sold who was sexually mature and proven as a dad. The term relates to the male sex appendages known as claspers. When a male matures and becomes sexually capable to produce pups the tips of the claspers split open and “roll” to form the opening through which sperm exits the male and enters the female. Whoda thunk it!
As I examined Scooter, my male, I discovered his claspers are indeed “rolled”, albeit not “fully” as yet, but confirmed by experienced breeders on MFK that he is mature enough to produce offspring. Happy dayz
Here’s a pic of Scooter and his claspers for reference as to what I am talking about…

This is a very interesting and exciting aquatic journey. More to come I’m sure
The learning curve continues…without incident in case you’re wondering, just a steady acquisition of knowledge related to this new journey….
I was looking at old posts FS on the MFK site to ascertain price variations for the different pure strain and hybrid rays hobbyist breeders are selling, and I came across a term I was not familiar with….”fully rolled”. It was in the context of a male being sold who was sexually mature and proven as a dad. The term relates to the male sex appendages known as claspers. When a male matures and becomes sexually capable to produce pups the tips of the claspers split open and “roll” to form the opening through which sperm exits the male and enters the female. Whoda thunk it!
As I examined Scooter, my male, I discovered his claspers are indeed “rolled”, albeit not “fully” as yet, but confirmed by experienced breeders on MFK that he is mature enough to produce offspring. Happy dayz

Here’s a pic of Scooter and his claspers for reference as to what I am talking about…
This is a very interesting and exciting aquatic journey. More to come I’m sure
