New journey; freshwater stingrays…

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  • danotaylor
    Registered Member + MVP
    • May 2018
    • 3728
    • Aussie living in Cincy
    • Daniel


    So I woke up this morning to the evidence of female reception. It’s kinda gross, but after successfully mating big chunks of semen are evident floating around in the tank. I took a short video but for some reason YouTube would not let me load in any other format except a short, so here’s a few pics.
    I have marked the date in our calendar, so 90-100 days from now we should have pups.
    The biggest chunk drifted out from under Dotti, the black diamond hybrid female, but the male was after Murphy pretty persistently as well. I don’t know if it was the new BD male or the BD hybrid male that got the job done. Either way I’m happy as a mud lark as any resulting pups are gonna be hybrids which ever male was successful.
    More to come as the pregnancy/s become more evident. Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4376.jpg Views:	0 Size:	55.2 KB ID:	2761475 Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_4378.png Views:	0 Size:	186.6 KB ID:	2761476
    Last edited by danotaylor; 12-18-2024, 11:12 AM.


    • brewmaster15
      • Apr 2002
      • 30093
      • Northford,CT,USA

      Hey Danny that is super promising !! Fingers crossed for you!

      AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

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      Please Show your Appreciation..

      Al Sabetta
      Simplydiscus LLC Owner

      I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


      • LizStreithorst
        Moderator Team

        • Jan 2005
        • 13905
        • Moselle, MS

        I'm so happy for you Danny. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress and then the puppies!
        Mama Bear


        • danotaylor
          Registered Member + MVP
          • May 2018
          • 3728
          • Aussie living in Cincy
          • Daniel

          Thank you Al and Liz!! Now time to do some much needed tank maintenance to clear out the mess


          • Second Hand Pat
            Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
            • Sep 2010
            • 33298
            • Central Florida
            • Pat

            That is so awesome Danny Will you be able to tell which female(s) are pregnant and are the pups born live?
            Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


            • danotaylor
              Registered Member + MVP
              • May 2018
              • 3728
              • Aussie living in Cincy
              • Daniel

              Originally posted by Second Hand Pat
              That is so awesome Danny Will you be able to tell which female(s) are pregnant and are the pups born live?
              Not immediately Pat, but as the pregnancy develops the female gets a hunched back as the pups occupy & fill the womb.
              The pups are born live with a small yolk sac still attached that is absorbed over their first week outside the womb. It takes 2-4 weeks to get them feeding well & strong, and then they can be sold. It’s a much quicker process from birth to sale than other fish species.


              • fljones3
                Platinum Member

                • Jun 2018
                • 1258
                • VA
                • Frank

                Fantastic Danny! Loving this thread.


                • LizStreithorst
                  Moderator Team

                  • Jan 2005
                  • 13905
                  • Moselle, MS

                  HOw large are they when they reach sellable age?
                  Mama Bear


                  • danotaylor
                    Registered Member + MVP
                    • May 2018
                    • 3728
                    • Aussie living in Cincy
                    • Daniel

                    Thank you Frank. Glad you are enjoying it!

                    Liz the pups are typically around 4” when born, and grow quickly when feeding properly. Most I see for sale are 5”. In the right water quality & feeding conditions they will reach 10-12” in 1 year.


                    • LizStreithorst
                      Moderator Team

                      • Jan 2005
                      • 13905
                      • Moselle, MS

                      Wow! Tell me how you ship them. What size bag, what thickness, UPS or FedEx? Anything interesting you can tell a curious person.
                      Mama Bear


                      • danotaylor
                        Registered Member + MVP
                        • May 2018
                        • 3728
                        • Aussie living in Cincy
                        • Daniel

                        Originally posted by LizStreithorst
                        Wow! Tell me how you ship them. What size bag, what thickness, UPS or FedEx? Anything interesting you can tell a curious person.
                        Haha Liz…I have never shipped anything live so I’m not sure about bag size & thickness, but I will find out for you. I do know that pups have a barb at birth, and those that do ship them use side cutters to snip the sharp point of the barb off so it doesn’t pierce the bag during transit.
                        A guy on MFK just had 2 rays arrive dead after UPS lost the box and when it did arrive the following day the original box was wet and in shockingly busted up condition. They put the whole thing into a plastic bag, zip tied it and stuck it into another box before delivering it. The seller is going to replace the rays and deal w UPS himself which is nice. I encouraged the buyer strongly to wait until the weather warms up cause any error in shipping at this time of year is a death sentence d/t the cold. He said he’d wait. We’ll see I guess…
                        Liz there are 2 LFS here in Cinci that said they would by pups from me, so whilst the wholesale price would be much less, the transaction would be less risky for the rays. I would probably try to sell some by local pick up as well


                        • LizStreithorst
                          Moderator Team

                          • Jan 2005
                          • 13905
                          • Moselle, MS

                          I'm stressed to the max even shipping Discus, so I don't blame you for selling locally at a lower price. I don't have that option with my Discus. When they pet store buys Discus from the wholesaler they always go for PB which are of course hormoned and show what would be their mature color at 3" My young SS's can't compete with that "knock your eye out" color.

                          You know, I have loved rays since the first time I saw them. I have 6 60 gallon wide tanks on my bottom rack. If I were young again, and able to work to make money, I'd have figured out a way to join all those tanks into 1 huge 360 gallon tank for rays. The tanks are just 17" tall and 3' wide. A tank like that wound be perfect. But I'm too old and broken to take on a task like that now, and besides, It would be next to impossible to save up enough money from my SS check to purchase the fish. Instead, I'll be enjoying yours. I hope that you get to see the birthing process and are able to post pics or a video if YouTube will let you.
                          Mama Bear


                          • danotaylor
                            Registered Member + MVP
                            • May 2018
                            • 3728
                            • Aussie living in Cincy
                            • Daniel

                            I hear you Liz, and I wish your body wasn’t hurting so bad, and that there was a way I could help make that happen for you mate. If I had mini marbled motoro breeding stock you could keep a pair in your 125 gal as they max out at 10-11” disc width.
                            Your SS’s are so ridiculously more superior than LFS grade PB’s. I wish peeps could see the future more clearly when it comes to purchasing juvenile fish, and not just go for the instant gratification of artificial bling. SMH.
                            I hope to be able to capture the birthing process, not sure how realistic that hope is, but it would be awesome to get footage of the event. But rest assured that even if I miss the event itself, I will continue to document progress here to share with you & the SD family mate!


                            • danotaylor
                              Registered Member + MVP
                              • May 2018
                              • 3728
                              • Aussie living in Cincy
                              • Daniel

                              Friends I am very sad to say, that as hard as i tried, I have not been able to break the recently added pure black diamond male to the foods that my other 3 rays take readily. He eats a little shrimp here and there but nothing consistently and is losing condition. Additionally, he is getting picked on by the other male, and I have no long term separation solution that is viable. I have been in contact with his previous owner, and we agree that it is better to get him into a habitation where he can recover. I know a guy in northern KY that has an online store, Jason's Pleco's, and the resources to take him in and recondition him. He happens to have a hybrid marbled female that he is willing to give me as a trade for the BD male, and she is already eating what I feed my trio. It's a win win for us both. Here's a vid of the female, more to come;


                              • Second Hand Pat
                                Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 33298
                                • Central Florida
                                • Pat

                                She is a beauty Danny but really sorry the new male hasn't settled in for you. Sounds like you are doing your best for him and hope all goes well with the trade.
                                Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening

