We never could determine exactly what this strain is because they were sent to the person I got them from by mistake, but they are gorgeous. My best guess is Super Red Melons because for some reason Red Melons are orange, lol... But, I lost all the originals last year after the storm nearly wiped me out. But these are a couple of offspring from my original pair that have been spawning in a community tank for more than 2 years. After I had to cull their dad a couple of weeks ago I went ahead and put them in their own tank, lowered the TDS to 50 and it worked! This is their first successful spawn and so far they're better parents than their own parents were. They moved them to the back of the cone and they should go free swimming tomorrow. The parents ended up eating almost every fry they produced.
I'm really excited about these guys because I was hoping to continue the line. They start coloring up at 1 inch and they don't have the white faces most melon's I've seen have, and they develop a black halo as they grow. Not a speck of pepper in any of them...
This dad and also what they should look like as adults...
I'm really excited about these guys because I was hoping to continue the line. They start coloring up at 1 inch and they don't have the white faces most melon's I've seen have, and they develop a black halo as they grow. Not a speck of pepper in any of them...
This dad and also what they should look like as adults...