So I've been thinking about finally adding some small fish, but with most species, the high temperature seems to be a problem. I know most people keep sterbai corys, rummynose tetras or lemon tetras with discus.... but I'd like to look for other alternatives. Might still end up with sterbais at least, but it would be interesting to try something a bit different.
Has anyone here tried Corydoras gossei or duplicareus or something else?
Any other dwarf cichlids than rams (I'm a bit worried about rams being very sensitive and generally having a short life span)?
What about Otocinclus? I'm not worried about them sucking at the discus' slimecoats (it's never happened with 7 different plecos in a planted tank, I guess they have more than enough food and other activities in there), but would they be harassed or out-competed by the bigger plecos?
Also, feel free to suggest any small, soft & warm water species that would be interesting to try with discus, but might not be one of the most common tank mates.
Has anyone here tried Corydoras gossei or duplicareus or something else?
Any other dwarf cichlids than rams (I'm a bit worried about rams being very sensitive and generally having a short life span)?
What about Otocinclus? I'm not worried about them sucking at the discus' slimecoats (it's never happened with 7 different plecos in a planted tank, I guess they have more than enough food and other activities in there), but would they be harassed or out-competed by the bigger plecos?
Also, feel free to suggest any small, soft & warm water species that would be interesting to try with discus, but might not be one of the most common tank mates.