Ok then Everyone... It looks like we have enough members interested in this contest to make it happen. Because I want these fish to be a certain size when they are shipped we need to get this started fast.
I want to ship on the 24th which is this upcoming Monday. You should receive the fish wednesday. . I will provide tracking to you by pm. If you expressed interest now is the time to pm with the following information.
Full name and shipping address
telephone number
valid email address.
I will send you a paypal request for funds in the amount of $100. I will use that to cover shipping. I suggested the balence to be used as a deposit that entrants would get back at the end of the contest. Some have suggested this should just be a flat fee thats paid to participate. I will leave that up to you. If you want your $100 to be a donation let me know when you give me your paypal address.... If you do not specifically tell me that I will hold it as a deposit.
Fish will be randomly netted from the same tank of Fry.Same parents same spawn. They may vary in size slightly.Remember the goal is raise them.as best you can and share the growth and development along the way.Updates are critical. Sharing what you are doing specifically with regards to water changes, temperature and food are part of the competition... Im not sure just yet how We will factor the information into the final judging but we will.
The official Rules:
1) The contest is a 8 month commitment at the minimium. We reserve the right to carry to a maximum 1 year .
2) You must start these fish in a 10 gal tank,using sponge filters and covered on 3 sides and bottom. It must be a bare bottom tank.
You must use Aged water at a Temperature of 82 F to 85 F . For the first 2 weeks I would suggest you maintain them in the 10 gal tank. They must be alone. No other fish present. After that you can do as you want but must document it.
3) You must do an update at least once a week. This is less than what we have used in the past to make it easier. You are allowed 4 missed updates .. more than that and you forfeit the contest and your deposit. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! You may post updates as often as you want. Your update must be in pictures.. You may use videos at any time but not for the mandatory update.
4) Photo updates MUST use the forum software and not be off site links.
5) You must net your largest fish at 3 months, 6 months, and at the contest end and measure it. .Photo document and post the image.
Thats it ... I have made the rules as concise and straightforward as possible. Understand that as unexpected things occur we may have to modify rules or add to them. If you participate you are agreeing to all rules and to our full control over the contest .
Any questions please ask them now.
Thank you,