Week 3 update

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  • 2075turner
    Registered Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 1192
    • Ottawa, Ontario Canada

    Week 3 update

    Sorry for the delay with my report for the last two weeks. Like the other contestants I have had a couple of busy weeks, and a camera malfunction All seems to be back in business now, so here we go....

    Not to much to report with the contest fish. They are now eating my beefheart and shrimp mixes so that makes me happy All the bloodworms were getting expensive. They are starting to take the tetrabit pellets and still do not like the flakes, so that is what they get in the morning. They are stubborn though, and I am still having to clean up after them for that.
    They are getting fed 4 times a day with an autofeeder and three frozen food meals.

    I have one that seems to be growing at a different rate than the others.....guess who the bully is All the others are growing at the same rate.

    I have been doing a 50% water change in the evening during the last week, with a morning poop pick up. Like I stated before, I have been busy lately.
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    Don't let the things you can't do stop you from doing the things you can!
  • Eddie
    Registered Member
    • Nov 2004
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    • Vacaville, CA

    Re: Week 3 update

    Outstanding Evelyn, I was wondering where you were. They look great and thanks for the update! Keep up the great work!


    "If you ask for an opinion...don't get pissed when I give you mine."


    • wgtaylor
      Registered Member
      • Oct 2007
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      • Brookings, Oregon

      Re: Week 3 update

      Hi Evelyn,

      Good to hear from you, was getting worried. Know how busy things can get at times.
      Your fish look great. I can see bully, he is bigger huh ! That's just the way it is most of the time. Just have to try to get enouth food to the rest of them.
      Anyway, they look good.



      • Chad Hughes
        Registered Member
        • Nov 2008
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        • San Diego, CA

        Re: Week 3 update


        Your fish are looking excellent! I too can tell who your bully is. He's got a bit of a growth lead on the others. No worries though. I've grown out juvies before where some grew faster than others but caught up in the end. As adults, you couldn't tell the difference. I've even had some slower growers exceed the adult size of the fast growers. You just never know.

        Anyway, I had two bullies with the contest fish. To resolve this i started feeding in at least two areas of the tank. Now the bullies stay on their side and the passive ones feed on their side. I can see the growth starting to even out. I use the drift wood in the center of the tank as a visual divider and it seems to be wroking well.

        Keep up the great work!

        Best wishes!
        Chad Hughes



        • Scribbles
          Registered Member
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          • Chris

          Re: Week 3 update

          Hi Evelyn,

          Thanks for the update. The discus are looking great! Your bully might get dethroned when the others have a growth spurt. One of my littlest juvies grew an inch one month and took over as boss. Keep up the good work.

          "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."~ Mahatma Gandhi


          • calihawker
            Registered Member
            • Sep 2006
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            • Cool, California

            Re: Week 3 update

            Anyway, I had two bullies with the contest fish. To resolve this i started feeding in at least two areas of the tank. Now the bullies stay on their side and the passive ones feed on their side. I can see the growth starting to even out. I use the drift wood in the center of the tank as a visual divider and it seems to be wroking well.
            That's a good idea Chad. Wish I could do that.

            Thanks for the update Evelyn. Fish are looking great.



            • fishyj
              Registered Member
              • Jan 2009
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              • niagara falls ny
              • Jim

              Re: Week 3 update

              Looking good Evelyn. Mine still do not like flakes either, but I put it in my seafood mix and they eat that.
              Never to old to learn


              • Armandi_Fishcarer
                Registered Member
                • Dec 2006
                • 359
                • Sydney, Australia

                Re: Week 3 update

                Evelyn, looking good, the bully always tend to stand out, show off's!

                Great pics too!

                Is there an antibiotic for aquarists!

