Contest Wrap Up

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  • willbldrco
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    I just want to thank you for participating in the contest and sharing your experiences with us! While the fish are gone, your tale of raising such a wonderful group of discus certainly will persist in our memories - so in that regard they will always be with us!


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  • Eddie
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    OMG Evelyn, this saddens me greatly. I am so so sorry to hear about this. I know its tough on you the first time and then all of a sudden another issue. My heart goes out to you.

    I'm really in support of getting a controller for your heaters. I'm wondering if the electricty in your house might be faulty or something. This is too strange for it to happen twice and both times with one of todays most reliable heaters. I know one time is unfortunate but twice is almost unheard of.

    Again, my heart goes out to you.

    All the best,


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  • wgtaylor
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    So sorry to hear this Evelyn.
    You have done so much good and gone through your share of bad this last year. This is indeed a big one but time will get you through, it will be a little easier tomorrow.
    A external heater controller does seem safer. I started using Jalli heaters that use separate controllers and have been good so far. Replaced one heater and used the old controller that still worked great. Cheaper replacement only having to replace the heating element. Anyway they work for me.
    Or.....maybe Norm could build a heated fish room for ya !
    Hope you feel better soon,

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  • Jennie
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    buy a controller Evelyn. It will automatically stop the heaters from getting too hot and cooking your fish. you can buy them for about 70$

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  • 2075turner
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    See I have plenty of other discus around here. I just don't want to go through this process again just to have my heart broken yet again. Everytime something like this happens I have been able to overcome I said this was a tough blow. I am a strong person emotionally but there is only so much one can take.

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  • vera
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    Originally posted by DiscusLover65
    when you get over this sadness, you'll become more determined than ever to have this fish. Don't let this beat you down. Get yourself some more discus, a new heater, a controller to plug it into and start enjoying this hobby. You've done well as a challenger, raised some beautiful fish, you can do this again.
    well said ! maybe invest in a different make of heater , i have Tetra for 8years - never gave me a problem

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  • Jennie
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    when you get over this sadness, you'll become more determined than ever to have this fish. Don't let this beat you down. Get yourself some more discus, a new heater, a controller to plug it into and start enjoying this hobby. You've done well as a challenger, raised some beautiful fish, you can do this again.

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  • 2075turner
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    Thank you for your kind words guys. I am at a low today as I was downstairs to not see my beauties there. As I type tears form. This year has had many ups and downs and I think that this has been a damaging blow. All the hard work, feedings and water changes, wipedowns, bills...what a waste, just because of a stupid heater. This is the second tank that has gone down this year because of a heater....I am not sure of what I will do....

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  • vera
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    So sorry to hear Eveline , u had stunning fish ..that sux big time , sigh
    dont give up
    take care

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  • Jennie
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    WOW, Evelyn, so so sorry to hear that

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  • Kingdom Come Discus
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    That is horrible news.

    A word about Jager Heaters. I have bought nearly 100 of these in the last three years. I have had trouble only out of a handful. I have never had one stick but I have had a few not heat up with the light on. I bought 20 more this summer after they re-designed all of them and added a 300 watt to their product line, all but one of these was fine. I have contacted the company, without a reply I might add. There must be some reason they introduced these new designed heaters. Could it be there was a flaw in the old? I have always thought so. Even with all this going on I don't know of a better heater on the market. I have tried many other brands with worse results.

    So sorry for your loss,

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  • calihawker
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Evelyn.

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  • Disgirl
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    What sad news Evelyn. And I have just received my new Eheim Jaeger heaters today to replace the Rena Smart heaters that wouldn't shut off. I sure wish discus would live at 72-76 degrees like we do in the house. I am so sorry for you and your fish.

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  • phat nguyen
    Re: Contest Wrap Up


    I am so sorry to hear about your bad news.........

    Hope thing will be better soon.


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  • 2075turner
    Re: Contest Wrap Up

    Well not so good news about the contestant fish. I came home today to a tank with all the fish floating at the top. Once again another of my jager heaters stuck on and heated the tank up to 38 so they are all gone. I am really upset. This is the second tank this year that this has happened to. These heaters are only two years old.....I would think that they should last longer than this. I am now going to replace all my 250 & up heaters with 150's. I hope that this will end the needless suffering of my fish. Things like this make me wonder why I keep fish.....this feels so crappy

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