All has been well with the challenge discus. They are coming of age and wanting to spawn no matter how much i try and distract and discourage them. I have two pair so far laying eggs every other week or with atmospheric pressure changes. I have not changed anything with my routine since the start of this challenge, yes that means +/- 280 water changes. I have been using aged water a deg or so higher then tank water to hold back on the spawning stimulation. Water quality is perfect. I have been feeding freeze dried black worm, flakes, pellets and frozen bw or krill. i just started to get them back on beef heart this week but they have been a little reluctant accepting it. I will get them back on the bh mix as their staple food soon. Not too much else going on with them at this point. I can not wait until this challenge is over and i can pull pairs to see what the offspring turn out to be
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