Woke up this morning to the sound of my wifes screams. 
Last night after the water change I was remiss in replacing the lid on the tank. This morning right after lights on, 6am, Rochelle walked by the tank and spooked banana. He went flying out of the tank, right past her face and onto the floor. This tank sits up pretty high. The center of the tank is at about eye level so the top is a good 6 1/2 feet and Banana went straight to floor
After that momentary grogginess of being woken suddenly, I wasn't more than 60 seconds getting to the fish room. She had Banana in her hands appearing lifeless, tears already coming to her eyes. I took him from her and he flopped in my hands and back onto the floor, so I scooped him up and tossed him back in.
He seems to have no ill affects.
I just fed the 9:30 FBW feeding and he appears totally normal and hungry. I filled the hospital tank just in case and I'll keep a close eye on him today.

Last night after the water change I was remiss in replacing the lid on the tank. This morning right after lights on, 6am, Rochelle walked by the tank and spooked banana. He went flying out of the tank, right past her face and onto the floor. This tank sits up pretty high. The center of the tank is at about eye level so the top is a good 6 1/2 feet and Banana went straight to floor

He seems to have no ill affects.
