Well with week 2 behind me, the good news is now when they see me or my wife they beg for food. All water prams are good. I have noticed a increase in their size. Every one is eating well and happy. With in the next 2 weeks they will be moved from the 45 to the 125. I will be moving the fish around and might be leaving a couple in with them. I am still not sure as to what I will do. I really don't like the idea of mixing them at this point. As far as water changes go, I am removing waste nightly which is about 10 gallons worth and my tds has not gone over 190. Every other day I am doing a 90 % water change and I have not noticed any difference in the way they act before or after changing water. The colors on them are also increasing. Heres a few pics at feeding time. Once I learn how to post a video I will.
Week 2
Re: Week 2
Jim, looking great bro, once they go in the 125 they should just explode in size wk after wk, can't wait!
AhmedIs there an antibiotic for aquarists!Comment
Re: Week 2
They are looking great! IMO I wouldn't mix them with other fish. At this point they are still in QT.
Chris"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."~ Mahatma GandhiComment