Week 6-7

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  • fishyj
    Registered Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 359
    • niagara falls ny
    • Jim

    Week 6-7

    Well its been 2 weeks since my last post. The fish have adjusted well in the 125. They love swimming back and forth following me as I walk by, always begging for food. I did make a beef heart sea food mix and its been a hit with them. On the mix I used the following:
    2 1/2 pounds trimmed beef heart
    1 pound of shrimp
    12 large clams
    2 scallops
    6 centrum multivitamins
    Beef heart flakes
    3.5 ounces of Omega One pellets
    1 tbs. paprika
    2 tbs. of Garlic Guard

    After grinding each item in the food processor, I mix everything together by hand and then put it back into the food processor 1 more time. It is spread out on a cookie sheet and put in the freezer for about 1/2 to 45 minutes. It is taken back out and cut into 1/2 squares and put back in for a couple of hours and then put into zip lock bags.

    These fish have been killing this mix and it only last a couple of minutes in the tank. The cost for the clams, beef heart, scallops, and shrimp was about $30. It was well worth the cost, just due to the fact on how they respond to it. Here's a couple of pictures while feeding:
    Attached Files
    Never to old to learn
  • Chad Hughes
    Registered Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 4696
    • San Diego, CA

    Re: Week 6-7


    Looking great brother! These guys always act live they're starving! One thing I can say for sure is that you should never have to worry about vacuuming out food. They eat every last bit. Great job so far!

    Best wishes!
    Chad Hughes



    • Scribbles
      Registered Member
      • Feb 2009
      • 2594
      • Sammamish, WA
      • Chris

      Re: Week 6-7

      Looks like they like the mix. Well done. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

      "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."~ Mahatma Gandhi


      • Eddie
        Registered Member
        • Nov 2004
        • 28057
        • Vacaville, CA

        Re: Week 6-7

        Looks good Jim, its great the fish love the mix! Should put some good size on them.

        One note, might try to put a sponge pre-filter on the intake of the 350 (or 400). Otherwise you can shut it off but every time I used to turn mine off, I would forget to turn it back on. LOL

        All the best, fish look GREAT!


        "If you ask for an opinion...don't get pissed when I give you mine."


        • MRQuad
          Registered Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 501

          Re: Week 6-7

          good looking fish you got in there.. you've been really taken care of them.. goodluck!


          • wgtaylor
            Registered Member
            • Oct 2007
            • 997
            • Brookings, Oregon

            Re: Week 6-7

            Hey Jim,

            They look great. Now with a big tank, good water and that mix I'm sure you will even see more growth.
            That's 20 gallon per fish, should help you cut back on some work huh?
            If they outgrow that tank the rest of us contestants are in serious trouble, ha ha.
            Take care,



            • kirkp
              Registered Member
              • Jun 2003
              • 562

              Re: Week 6-7

              Hey Jim, things are looking really good. Also want to thank you for sharing your mix. I'm going to mix up a batch of something this weekend, have the heart and shrimp and various flakes, etc to put in. Just need to settle on a formula, there's so many good ones posted.

              Keep up the good work,


              • fishyj
                Registered Member
                • Jan 2009
                • 359
                • niagara falls ny
                • Jim

                Re: Week 6-7

                Thanks everyone. If they out grow this tank I would be in trouble. As far as the mix goes, I have been looking at all the different mixes out there and their are so many to choose from. I just wanted a mix that had the beef heart and sea food combined. The next mix I will try adding peas and fish to the mix. I am just trying to come up with a mix that puts maximum growth on these fish and is healthy for them.
                Never to old to learn


                • acroken
                  Registered Member
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 897
                  • Philadelphia

                  Re: Week 6-7

                  They are looking great. No doubt they will put on some weight with the added space and your mix. Nice job with them.



                  • GrillMaster
                    Registered Member
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 2283
                    • Groton, CT

                    Re: Week 6-7

                    Keep up the good work Jim!


                    • Armandi_Fishcarer
                      Registered Member
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 359
                      • Sydney, Australia

                      Re: Week 6-7

                      Jim, the fish are coming up very nice. A big difference I bet in the bigger tank. The mix seems like it will work wonders. Keep up the fab job bro.

                      Is there an antibiotic for aquarists!

