Summer NEDA meeting...

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  • freshwatersolutions
    Registered Member
    • Jul 2009
    • 1

    Re: Summer NEDA meeting...

    I'm planning on coming but I'm running late.I have plants and fishtanks, etc. for the auction.I'm newly registered, I just found out a few days ago while at Fin & Feather.Looking forward to meeting everyone!


    • csarkar001
      Registered Member
      • Mar 2009
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      • stamford, ct
      • chandan sarkar

      Re: Summer NEDA meeting...

      thank you mark, al, martha and all the others who made this such a great event. i enjoyed myself thoroughly.



      • shawnhu
        Registered Member
        • Jan 2009
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        Re: Summer NEDA meeting...

        Thanks Mark, Martha, Al, Paul, and everyone else that came and made this event so enjoyable! This was my first event, and it looks like it definately won't be my last. The food and company was great! Mark, you're place is like a palace, and loved the surprise, SimplyAmazing.

        Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!



        • hope
          Registered Member
          • Nov 2008
          • 81

          Re: Summer NEDA meeting...

          WOW! Like others - I so appreciated the thoughtful plans - the learning alone was worth it for me. Equal to that, though, is the warmest hospitality and welcoming around - and really fun people! People here are really genuine human beings and I am grateful for the opportunity to have met you all.

          On a side note, I am the proud new owner of baby red roses (THANK YOU MARK!) and baby mollies (THANK YOU BECKY!) Here are some initial pics:

          1. Mollies are home in their baby tank (just need a cover)
          2. Becky, here's where they will live when they are a little bigger! I might also give a few to my niece Ryleigh if I can get them all nice and big = they have tropical tanks, too. Hey - nice birthday present for her - they should be big enough by then - Nov 2nd!
          3. Filling the tank (looks not so clean but must be the water bubbles - I sanitized it!)
          4. Testing the water (ph has to drop)
          5. Still have to take care of these guys now! Drats! Shouldn't have left the tank draining while testing new tank - now filter has to be re-primed! I'll have to adjust my "routine" so this doesn't happen again!


          And to think less than 1 year ago, I had one 29 gallon tank - what a long strange trip it's been!

          I just have to keep testing the ph so I can let Martha know I am ready for pick up later when the ph goes down.
          Attached Files

