My blue pigeon blood pair decided to spawn after taking a lengthy vacation after I moved them across my basement to their new home. I decided not to update until they actually became wigglers since none of their spawns has been sucessful up instill this one(so far). The difference was this time I was able to be home to catch them before she started laying so i turned the filter off and treated with meth blue. After two days I has wigglers and as of yesterday they went free swimming. I had to remove the filter I was using do to the fact that it was now dark green and all the free swimmers were attaching to it and not the parents. I also lowered the water to an inch or two above the parents. I had 2 or 3 attach yesterday and few more found them through the night. I tried explains to the parents how to be more successfull. Hopefully it works! This will be my first time raising fry so I want to document what I'm doing for future reference. I'm still debating on whether to do the contest or not.....?
July 31 Spawn
July 31 Spawn