Discus are smart ;) ;)
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Re: Discus are smart
They're just jealous because they know that they're all just as good. They can't help that they aren't solid white. Very nice bunch you have there. Congrats!Mama BearComment
Re: Discus are smart
Thank you Liz. I follow your easy guide line of discus keeping. Water change everyday and feed them good......Comment
Re: Discus are smart
It's not my easy guide. It's Simply's easy guide. Learn it, do it, and pass it on. It's just the way we do things here.Mama BearComment
Re: Discus are smart
Well said Liz. SimplyDiscus has made keeping Discus from challenging to pretty easy and enjoyable.
The only thing I can think of the discus are not so smart is I can fool them to think they are living in the nature by doing massive water change everyday. When I grow them out from the baby, I even do WC twice a day. And watching them getting bigger and bigger each week are so amazingComment
Re: Discus are smart
Hi Engene, that is a handsome crew you have there. How many fish are in that tank??
PatYour Discus are talking to you...Are you listening
Re: Discus are smart
Very well done Eugene - you did a great job of growing that group out - helps to start out with Rick's (Canadian Aqua Farm) high quality fish though, doesn't it ?
What size were they when you got them - quarter size ?
Please post a full tank shot when you have time.Comment
Re: Discus are smart
I can tell that you have the Discus addiction now. It can make you feel wonderful as well as make you feel like dirt. I know all about it because I have been addicted for 18 years.
I want to know all about the fish and the tanks with lots of pictures. I honestly can't remember seeing such a good looking group of Discus.Mama BearComment
Re: Discus are smart
Hi Pat, I have a totally of 20 Discus in my 210 gal. So far they are very peaceful and treat each other very well even during the feeding time. Half of the group are just over a year old and the about half are 10 months old.Comment
Re: Discus are smart
Here is my 210 gal look like. I am a true believer of minimalist tank. It is easier to maintenance, you get admire with your discus with less/no distraction. Discus itself is beautiful and graceful enough to get everyone full attention!! Beside that, going minimalist approach is easier on pocket too! All the saving can go back to the fish and feed them more FDBW.....
Re: Discus are smart
I can tell that you have the Discus addiction now. It can make you feel wonderful as well as make you feel like dirt. I know all about it because I have been addicted for 18 years.
I want to know all about the fish and the tanks with lots of pictures. I honestly can't remember seeing such a good looking group of Discus.Comment
Re: Discus are smart
Rick from Canadian Aqua Farm is a wonderful breeder to deal with if you are from Canada. His discus (in any sizes) are top quality and very healthy. All my 20 discus in the 210 gal were all start at quarter size (about 3 weeks old) when I bought from him.Comment