Essentially what happened is that all 5 of my discus died in the 75g tank they were living in, Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate were all zero or very close to zero, I did 90% water changes every day(skipped a day here and there but not often) biggest discus was 5 1/4 inch smallest was 4 1/4. Feed them a mix of BH flakes Al's FDBW and tetra color bits, they were quality stock from Kenny/Forest. I remember putting dechlor in. Temp was also at its constant 82 degrees They all died within the time it took for me to eat dinner and return to the office. Tank was bare bottom ,had just painted it white. No signs of illness before fish died that I had noticed. Does anyone have any idea what could of caused this?
I would post this in the disease section but I do not know if it even was a disease or just something I did wrong and have no clue of. There is no rush also, because i only had one tank with discus that died, also have a 40g breeder beneath the discus, one angel and a dozen BN pleco's but none of them died. Thanks all.
I would post this in the disease section but I do not know if it even was a disease or just something I did wrong and have no clue of. There is no rush also, because i only had one tank with discus that died, also have a 40g breeder beneath the discus, one angel and a dozen BN pleco's but none of them died. Thanks all.