One of the newest morphs of M. ramirezi are the black rams, also known as Dark Knight rams. I first came across this morph on Shahar Danziger's Facebook. He's also the supposed creator of "albino dantum" angelfish (which are nothing more than albino x Peruvian scalare, IMO) and a few other unusual things. There is also a breeder in South Africa working to refine the strain and make it deeper black.
I was lucky enough to get some fish from Martin B. in Illinois. They are not solid black but they definitely carry the dark genes. His pair throws both dark rams and normal colored rams, with a handful of jet black rams per spawn. My hope is to do some line-breeding and get a deeper color without sacrificing the health and vigor of the fish. The ones he sent me are very healthy, happy, aggressive fish. The dark ones seem particularly aggressive compared to normal M. ramirezi. I received them at about 12 weeks old and had my first spawn within about 2 weeks. They parent-raise.
Here is the male with the eggs.
I was lucky enough to get some fish from Martin B. in Illinois. They are not solid black but they definitely carry the dark genes. His pair throws both dark rams and normal colored rams, with a handful of jet black rams per spawn. My hope is to do some line-breeding and get a deeper color without sacrificing the health and vigor of the fish. The ones he sent me are very healthy, happy, aggressive fish. The dark ones seem particularly aggressive compared to normal M. ramirezi. I received them at about 12 weeks old and had my first spawn within about 2 weeks. They parent-raise.
Here is the male with the eggs.