starting a new shrimp tank

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  • LizStreithorst
    Moderator Team

    • Jan 2005
    • 13922
    • Moselle, MS

    starting a new shrimp tank

    I have a ton of empty tanks in the fish room. Unfortunately most are large tanks purchased long ago to use as Discus and Angel grow out tanks. But I do have some empty 29's and an empty 20 tall. I've decided to set up the 20 for Blue Velvet shrimp. They will be the easiest to keep in the warm ambient temps of my fish room.

    I just bought some subwassertang on AB for a good price. I love that stuff. I put in some small pieces of driftwood with Anubis attached and a couple of my magenta mystery snails already

    I still have a bunch more stuff to buy. I want a HMF filter for sure. The rest I can get from my LFS. They are giving me the shrimp at their cost: 2.50 each. They are so nice to me...I also need gravel and another couple of fists full of Java moss. Then I'll be ready for shrimp! Can't wait!
    Mama Bear
  • danotaylor
    Registered Member + MVP
    • May 2018
    • 3738
    • Aussie living in Cincy
    • Daniel

    Re: starting a new shrimp tank

    Nice Liz. Blue dreams have been on my most wanted list for a while now. I love the textured look of the subwassertang, very cool fern type plant. Looking forward to seeing pics when your all set up!


    • LizStreithorst
      Moderator Team

      • Jan 2005
      • 13922
      • Moselle, MS

      Re: starting a new shrimp tank

      Thanks for sharing my excitement. Why not buy some? Is your water not suitable? You can even keep them in a 10 gallon tank and everyone can fit a 10 gallon in somewhere.
      Mama Bear


      • danotaylor
        Registered Member + MVP
        • May 2018
        • 3738
        • Aussie living in Cincy
        • Daniel

        Re: starting a new shrimp tank

        Let's just say that I have WAY over done it in the past and have caused a few hurts along the way. I am very happy to have my 125 gal, and the boys have a 75 gal which is really mine as their interest waxes & wanes. I have a fluval edge 12 gal sitting in storage, and when the time is right will bring it out for a shrimp tank. Until then I will just enjoy yours Liz


        • LizStreithorst
          Moderator Team

          • Jan 2005
          • 13922
          • Moselle, MS

          Re: starting a new shrimp tank

          I will be sure to post pics of my journey with this tank. I will take one tomorrow so I can show what I'm starting with. If this litte project goes as well as I believe it should I'll have some little ones to give you when you are ready for them.

          The Blue Velvets in my store's little tank are a very solid dark blue. Mine will come from the same wholesaler. I hope mine turn out to be the same.

          Imagine stumbling upon another Blue Velvet shrimp fan in a Discus forum.
          Last edited by LizStreithorst; 09-01-2019, 09:53 PM.
          Mama Bear


          • danotaylor
            Registered Member + MVP
            • May 2018
            • 3738
            • Aussie living in Cincy
            • Daniel

            Re: starting a new shrimp tank

            Sounds great mate!


            • Disgirl
              SimplyDiscus Sponsor and MVP Nov.2015
              • Mar 2009
              • 4483
              • Eastern North Carolina USA

              Re: starting a new shrimp tank

              I bet it will be a fun tank Liz! I would love some blue shrimp sometime. I have a lot of Java Moss, want some? Don't buy it. Subwassertang sounds like a saltwater fish.
              On another note, would you all think and send positive thoughts to all of us in the path of this horrible hurricane. We are only 11 mo. from last Sept when Florence devastated a lot of our city. Thanks,

              Delightful Designs Discus Cones by Barb -- Check out my Sponsor section !


              • LizStreithorst
                Moderator Team

                • Jan 2005
                • 13922
                • Moselle, MS

                Re: starting a new shrimp tank

                I'd love some Java moss, Barb. The tiny shrimp babies love it! I hope you have better luck shipping it that I had shipping the water lettuce to you. I'll be keeping an eye on the weather and hoping the best for you.
                Mama Bear

