I have a ton of empty tanks in the fish room. Unfortunately most are large tanks purchased long ago to use as Discus and Angel grow out tanks. But I do have some empty 29's and an empty 20 tall. I've decided to set up the 20 for Blue Velvet shrimp. They will be the easiest to keep in the warm ambient temps of my fish room.
I just bought some subwassertang on AB for a good price. I love that stuff. I put in some small pieces of driftwood with Anubis attached and a couple of my magenta mystery snails already
I still have a bunch more stuff to buy. I want a HMF filter for sure. The rest I can get from my LFS. They are giving me the shrimp at their cost: 2.50 each. They are so nice to me...I also need gravel and another couple of fists full of Java moss. Then I'll be ready for shrimp! Can't wait!
I just bought some subwassertang on AB for a good price. I love that stuff. I put in some small pieces of driftwood with Anubis attached and a couple of my magenta mystery snails already
I still have a bunch more stuff to buy. I want a HMF filter for sure. The rest I can get from my LFS. They are giving me the shrimp at their cost: 2.50 each. They are so nice to me...I also need gravel and another couple of fists full of Java moss. Then I'll be ready for shrimp! Can't wait!