New 55 gallon Stock ideas??

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  • xoniac
    Registered Member
    • May 2011
    • 39
    • Detroit Metro, Michigan, USA

    New 55 gallon Stock ideas??

    So I just bought a nice 55g tank off craigslist intending to use them for my discus.... unfortunately, something weird just rampaged my tank and in three days, took all but two of them. One of the remaining two isn't all that healthy looking right now. If I can get these two to full health, I might keep them and try to con somebody into buying me a few more. However, it is more likely I will end up switching to something else; I'm moving back to school in two months and figure maybe I should set my new tank up with something... simpler... until I'm done with school.

    I'm thinking of centering it around my German Blue Rams, who are thriving despite my discus dying off. I have two females and a male right now, but will probably add in another male once the big tank is set up so the lone female stops being jealous. Does anybody have any stocking ideas for my 55? It'll have a sandy bottom, some driftwood, smooth stones, and two or three stalks of some kind of grassy plants. That was what I was originally going to do with the discus but, I'm afraid I'm running out of cash now that summer breaks coming to an end and I am surrendering to the fact that I should wait until I'm not in school any more to attempt discus again. :/

    I'm really not a big fan of tiny fish like tetras and stuff, but I guess they aren't completely out of the picture. I was always a fan of bigger fish, but I understand a 55g can't hold too many medium-larger guys. Anybody have any suggestions? Keep in mind I also have a young peacock eel who will be joining the rams in the 55. I wouldn't completely object to taking him back if whatever I put in there couldn't cope with the eel, but I'd like to keep him if possible as I really enjoy watching him slither around.

  • lipadj46
    Registered Member
    • Jul 2011
    • 2107

    Re: New 55 gallon Stock ideas??

    a m/f pair of dwarf gouramis are neat or a few nice looking angelfish are nice in a 55 gallon

