Being that this is my first time rearing an egg laying fish I have a couple additional questions. As some have read in a previous thread my Angels have spawned. I have wigglers that have fallen off of the pvc pipe and are laying at the bottom of my BB ten gallon. They're still wiggling and I fed them a bit of BBS. They all seemed to wriggle much more when I did which I thought was a good sign. However, very few if any are swimming around the tank. Can someone please define the difference in free swimming and wrigglers?
Another question I have is in regard to hatching BBS. I know it takes 24 hours but how long after that 24 hour mark can those BBS live in the 2 liter bottle if left alone with air. I know they die fairly quickly when moved from saltwater to fresh (3 hours if I'm correct) but I'm curious to know how long when left in the container.
Assuming I only feed the fry once every 24 hours. (I know it should be once every 12). Will the fry get any nutrients off the parents at 7 - 12 days old?
Another question I have is in regard to hatching BBS. I know it takes 24 hours but how long after that 24 hour mark can those BBS live in the 2 liter bottle if left alone with air. I know they die fairly quickly when moved from saltwater to fresh (3 hours if I'm correct) but I'm curious to know how long when left in the container.
Assuming I only feed the fry once every 24 hours. (I know it should be once every 12). Will the fry get any nutrients off the parents at 7 - 12 days old?