Free Falling VS Free Swimming

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  • DLock3d
    Registered Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 1194
    • Dallas, TX

    Free Falling VS Free Swimming

    Being that this is my first time rearing an egg laying fish I have a couple additional questions. As some have read in a previous thread my Angels have spawned. I have wigglers that have fallen off of the pvc pipe and are laying at the bottom of my BB ten gallon. They're still wiggling and I fed them a bit of BBS. They all seemed to wriggle much more when I did which I thought was a good sign. However, very few if any are swimming around the tank. Can someone please define the difference in free swimming and wrigglers?

    Another question I have is in regard to hatching BBS. I know it takes 24 hours but how long after that 24 hour mark can those BBS live in the 2 liter bottle if left alone with air. I know they die fairly quickly when moved from saltwater to fresh (3 hours if I'm correct) but I'm curious to know how long when left in the container.

    Assuming I only feed the fry once every 24 hours. (I know it should be once every 12). Will the fry get any nutrients off the parents at 7 - 12 days old?
    - Dan
  • rdiscus
    Registered Member
    • Nov 2009
    • 1517
    • N.Dallas

    Re: Free Falling VS Free Swimming

    Wrigglers is they are still attaching in your PVC, and it takes 6 days to free swimming (count from the day of wriggler), free swimming is they swim around your PVC

    BBS can live up 12 hours after hatching, and they will die soon in FW (30 mins)
    I don't think the fry get any nutrients off the parents, if you don't feed them, they will die soon
    Feed them more if you can, once every 24 hours is not enough


    • DLock3d
      Registered Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 1194
      • Dallas, TX

      Re: Free Falling VS Free Swimming

      So it takes several days from wriggler to free swim? That's interesting. My timeline is all screwed up then. Until they start actually swimming around the tank I guess i dont need to feed them?
      - Dan


      • rdiscus
        Registered Member
        • Nov 2009
        • 1517
        • N.Dallas

        Re: Free Falling VS Free Swimming

        Yes ... mine is 6 days ... when they start swimming, they will look for food. They can live without food up to 12 hours after free swimming, after that if they don't get food, they will die


        • jarret8x
          Registered Member
          • Feb 2011
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