Things are still growing nicely in the reef even with some major algae issues I have been addressing. In such a small system the tiniest imbalance sets off a string of new problems. It started with a big leafy green algae which isn't really a bad thing unless it smothers your corals which it will, or dies and adds to the nutrient levels which it does. Then the cyano bacteria moves in, followed by the stringy brown algae. My newest problem is now bubble algae. All of these...and who knew there were so many kinds??? are the result of nitrates and phosphates. I have not been over feeding the tank. If anything the poor creatures, especially the fish must pretty hungry. I have come to feed every other day now until I can get this under control. I have been doing weekly water changes and keeping an eye on the skimmer but I think its time to start looking into some kind of reactor. These can be risky and I will have to really get a handle on how to run it effectively. Too much of it can wipe out and crash an entire tank. Some people dose with vodka or hydrogen peroxide. I am not a fan of putting any of this stuff in my tank. I am going to keep up with reducing light hours, water changes and feeding and see if I can get a handle on it naturally. The bubble algae is a job...Hand picking those tiny little bubbles trying not to burst them would try the patience of a saint...
Still...glad I did it. The tank is beautiful. Lots of new growth. I have added 2 new rock nems. One which has decided to live as a hermit in the back of the tank in the rocks... the other tried that same angle but I carefully pulled him back, set him where I wanted and asked him to sit and stay. He listened... for now anyway. I also have a puffer fish. He is a Valentini Puffer. He is perfect for my tank with a max length of 4 inches. He gets along great with his tank mates and has the personality of a docile dog. Researching his diet I have learned he needs hard things to chew to keep his constantly growing teeth at bay. Occasionally he gets a live clam from the grocery store. I purge it to clean it in a separate container of tank water over night. There may still be a risk of contamination but it is nothing that wouldn't also come in on live rock or frags. I break the shell with a hammer and let him pick through it. He enjoys it immensely.
So I am attaching some picks of the things I have seen the most growth in and the puffer... The mushroom finally split. The Pumpkin Chalice is growing off the plug as well as the rock nems, they are growing nicely. The Candy Cane corals are splitting madly and I have already broken a piece off of new heads and replanted them in another spot. As I looked for these pics to post I stumbled upon old ones that really show how they have grown since I brought them in. A great thread for another day. I will attach a full tank shot then too.

Still...glad I did it. The tank is beautiful. Lots of new growth. I have added 2 new rock nems. One which has decided to live as a hermit in the back of the tank in the rocks... the other tried that same angle but I carefully pulled him back, set him where I wanted and asked him to sit and stay. He listened... for now anyway. I also have a puffer fish. He is a Valentini Puffer. He is perfect for my tank with a max length of 4 inches. He gets along great with his tank mates and has the personality of a docile dog. Researching his diet I have learned he needs hard things to chew to keep his constantly growing teeth at bay. Occasionally he gets a live clam from the grocery store. I purge it to clean it in a separate container of tank water over night. There may still be a risk of contamination but it is nothing that wouldn't also come in on live rock or frags. I break the shell with a hammer and let him pick through it. He enjoys it immensely.
So I am attaching some picks of the things I have seen the most growth in and the puffer... The mushroom finally split. The Pumpkin Chalice is growing off the plug as well as the rock nems, they are growing nicely. The Candy Cane corals are splitting madly and I have already broken a piece off of new heads and replanted them in another spot. As I looked for these pics to post I stumbled upon old ones that really show how they have grown since I brought them in. A great thread for another day. I will attach a full tank shot then too.