The reef project 2 years later

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  • Jenene
    Registered Member
    • Aug 2016
    • 1281
    • Rochester, NY

    The reef project 2 years later

    It’s been a journey with no end... this reef tank. Sometimes I kick myself for upending that gorgeous little Red Sea tank- however I wouldn’t have learned the lessons I have. Going big meant new challenges. I could get bigger fish which leads to more waste to export, more equipment, more chemicals, more money and more time.
    Things went well at first then after going away last summer on an extended trip I came back to nothing but problems. I had an experienced reefer guy tank sitting but for some reason parameters went haywire. I lost many corals. Each loss was painful. I’d find the source of a problem, nip it- and another would arise. In the last month I’ve finally gained control. The fish were fine. I’m actually shocked by how resilient they are. I have crazy creatures in there too that just thrive including a starfish, a huge sea cucumber and a coral banded shrimp.
    I’m learning to not push the limits on what my water parameters can do and for now I’m keeping things I know are happy in there. Rock anemones, varieties of mushrooms, bubble coral, leathers, hammers and torches.
    I was feeling confident enough just before Covid hit I had ordered a 60 gallon Cad Lights cube specifically for captive bred sea horses. The tank and skimmer got held up somewhere untraceable to even the merchants that sold them. I believe everything happens for a reason and it gave me time to come to my senses. I really don’t need the responsibility for the additional level of care they would need. I was able to cancel the tank and I’m still trying to get an answer from the skimmer guy. Anyway... I digress. I’ll leave a short video and a few pics of the tank as it is now. I’ll always have loads more to learn.

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    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields
  • peewee1
    Registered Member
    • Jan 2019
    • 1543

    Re: The reef project 2 years later

    Ho Lee, mother of Pearl. Did I see this set up at Mariineland?


    • Jenene
      Registered Member
      • Aug 2016
      • 1281
      • Rochester, NY

      Re: The reef project 2 years later

      Originally posted by peewee1
      Ho Lee, mother of Pearl. Did I see this set up at Mariineland?
      Ha ha ha! That made me laugh out loud.. Thank you!
      Hoping to get some more colorful things encrusting on the rocks. I have a wild video of the Tiger Tail Cucumber somewhere. I’ll put it up when I find it. He’s pretty weird but so useful as a clean up crew.
      "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields


      • Second Hand Pat
        Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
        • Sep 2010
        • 33291
        • Central Florida
        • Pat

        Re: The reef project 2 years later

        It beautiful Jenene, I had a 180 reef for years and built it into the wall with a small room behind the tank with a sink to maintain the tank. I left that tank in the wall when I sold the tank. Sam and Mary who bought the house make it into a freshwater tank with some huge fish. In 2009 Tom and I went to the keys with my daughter and her then man friend and that reawaken my desire to do a reef tank again...and in 2010 I found SD and discus and the rest is history. lol
        Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


        • peewee1
          Registered Member
          • Jan 2019
          • 1543

          Re: The reef project 2 years later

          I noticed last month a business near me located in the Seattle area that sells coral and anemones.


          • danotaylor
            Registered Member + MVP
            • May 2018
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            • Daniel

            Re: The reef project 2 years later

            Beautiful reef Jenene! Love the arches in your base rock formations. The water clarity of a healthy reef always amazes me! Nicely done


            • Jenene
              Registered Member
              • Aug 2016
              • 1281
              • Rochester, NY

              Re: The reef project 2 years later

              Thank you Pat. I remember you told me you had one years ago but not that it was that large. It’s much easier now with all the advancements with everything from filtration, technology such as temp and leak alarms, computers that test and monitor parameters that you can check on from the other side of the worldt and state of the art lighting. With all of that comes a big price tag. I opt out for most of that thinking if I’m in the hobby I can darn well test and monitor my own tank the old fashioned way. I don’t skip on pumps, skimmers and lighting though. Do you have any pictures? I’d love to see it. I’m jealous of the sink you had. My R/O system is in the other side of the house in my laundry room. I drag 50 gallon barrels around and drain the dirty water out the window into a drain pipe into my neighbor’s yard. Kidding... kind almost reaches.
              I’ve said this often...that everything happens for a reason. You wouldn’t be here if you’d gone that route. You really help keep this house running and the reef forums are so big and cold. I don’t even bother with them. So thank you for getting distracted into discus. We all appreciate it. (;
              Last edited by Jenene; 05-27-2020, 12:12 PM.
              "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields


              • Jenene
                Registered Member
                • Aug 2016
                • 1281
                • Rochester, NY

                Re: The reef project 2 years later

                “I noticed last month a business near me located in the Seattle area that sells coral and anemones.”

                When it is safe to “move about the cabin “ again you should pop in there. They are absolutely stunning to see in a well maintained shop. I’m really lucky to have many options here in Upstate NY but I have my trusted favorite. Careful though it’s hard to resist the pull to the dark side.
                Last edited by Jenene; 05-27-2020, 12:18 PM.
                "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields


                • Jenene
                  Registered Member
                  • Aug 2016
                  • 1281
                  • Rochester, NY

                  Re: The reef project 2 years later

                  Originally posted by peewee1
                  I noticed last month a business near me located in the Seattle area that sells coral and anemones.
                  Originally posted by danotaylor
                  Beautiful reef Jenene! Love the arches in your base rock formations. The water clarity of a healthy reef always amazes me! Nicely done
                  Thank you Daniel. When you find that equation of balance and stability it certainly helps- just as a well maintained discus tank is. I read here once that we are not so much fish keepers as we are water keepers. If I could remember who it was I’d give them the credit. It may have been in a signature line. All I know is it wasn’t me but is so true!
                  "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields


                  • Second Hand Pat
                    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 33291
                    • Central Florida
                    • Pat

                    Re: The reef project 2 years later

                    Originally posted by Jenene
                    Thank you Pat. I remember you told me you had one years ago but not that it was that large. It’s much easier now with all the advancements with everything from filtration, technology such as temp and leak alarms, computers that test and monitor parameters that you can check on from the other side of the worldt and state of the art lighting. With all of that comes a big price tag. I opt out for most of that thinking if I’m in the hobby I can darn well test and monitor my own tank the old fashioned way. I don’t skip on pumps, skimmers and lighting though. Do you have any pictures? I’d love to see it. I’m jealous of the sink you had. My R/O system is in the other side of the house in my laundry room. I drag 50 gallon barrels around and drain the dirty water out the window into a drain pipe into my neighbor’s yard. Kidding... kind almost reaches.
                    I’ve said this often...that everything happens for a reason. You wouldn’t be here if you’d gone that route. You really help keep this house running and the reef forums are so big and cold. I don’t even bother with them. So thank you for getting distracted into discus. We all appreciate it. (;
                    Hi Jenene, I do not have pictures of the 180 but I do have a thread on the 46 bowfront reef tank. It was a native Florida reef so a bit different then what is normally kept reef wise
                    Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


                    • Jenene
                      Registered Member
                      • Aug 2016
                      • 1281
                      • Rochester, NY

                      Re: The reef project 2 years later

                      Originally posted by Second Hand Pat
                      Hi Jenene, I do not have pictures of the 180 but I do have a thread on the 46 bowfront reef tank. It was a native Florida reef so a bit different then what is normally kept reef wise
                      Wow! That is gorgeous! There is something to be said about a display set up with geographically specific inhabitants. There’s a name for that but it escapes me. It reminds me of the beautiful, natural wild discus displays I’ve seen. I love the Gorgonians. I was going to put a few in the sea horse tank I abandoned the idea of.
                      I recognize many creatures in there but not this one. Is this a creature or an odd shaped rock or coral?
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                      Thank you for digging that up for me. I love seeing other people’s tanks. I know and appreciate the work that goes into them.
                      "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields


                      • two utes
                        Registered Member
                        • Oct 2007
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                        • Melbourne Victoria Australia
                        • Joe Zammit

                        Re: The reef project 2 years later

                        Wow! That's very impressive Jenene. I bet you get hours of enjoyment sitting in front of that beauty. It looks like you've also learnt some valuable lessons along the way. Too bad about your sea horse project....that would have been really cool to see. I was actually thinking of having a play with a salt water tank, but like you, enjoy traveling, and can only imagine the problems i would encounter...i think i'll stick with discus, until i settle down at least.
                        Enjoy the fruits of your hard labor.

                        ......and on a side note i agree 100% about Pat's commitment to the forum. She's a champ!
                        Last edited by two utes; 05-28-2020, 04:48 PM.
                        We're here for a good time...not a long time


                        • Jenene
                          Registered Member
                          • Aug 2016
                          • 1281
                          • Rochester, NY

                          Re: The reef project 2 years later

                          Thanks Joe,
                          Yes I’ve learned a lot but it would take multiple lifetimes to comprehend any of the total picture of what there is to know. We still don’t know most of what goes on underneath us. I doubt we will ever understand it all.
                          As far as the seahorse project, I now know everything happens for a reason. I wasn’t ready for the commitment. I doubt I will ever be.
                          I’m sure when you are ready to “settle down” you’ll have a beautiful reef tank and you’ll enjoy the challenge.

                          Thank you for your kind words.
                          "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields


                          • Second Hand Pat
                            Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 33291
                            • Central Florida
                            • Pat

                            Re: The reef project 2 years later

                            Why thank you Joe but I could not do it without the help of the team; Brian, Liz and Steve

                            I do not remember Jenene, I think it is just a odd part of the rock.
                            Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening

