A few friends and I on another forum have gotten on a shrimp bender. I already have red and blue neo's and I'll have yellows on the way Monday. They're fun, but take my advice and buy from a US breeder.
Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
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Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
I don't have any shrimp atm Liz, but back in Australia I had 2 10gal planted tanks with shrimp sand (pH adjusting), 1 tank with crystal black shrimp, and the other w crystal red's. They're def sensitive to pH swings...a little like discus, lol, but lots of fun to keep when they settle in an begin to reproduce! Once we move into our new place I'd like to get a shrimp tank again -
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
I adore the crystal reds but when I looked into their temp and pH requirements I decided they wouldn't work for me.Mama BearComment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
Hi Liz! I’ve been keeping shrimp for about 2 years now. Red blue and orange. Was using the culled shrimp as food for my discus. I now have a colony growing in the discus tank. During water changes I usually find 20+ in the waste water. Unfortunately it really adds time to water changesI also haven’t tried the crystal shrimp. At one time I had 3 tanks worth of shrimp. Added some Pygmy Cory’s to one tank and they pretty much wiped it out. Didn’t see that coming.
They were fun at first but I guess with the discus things changed.Comment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
I tried to feed mine to the Discus and for the longest time the Discus ignored them and they started breeding. One day for no apparent reason the Discus developed a taste for them and no more shrimp on the Discus tank.Mama BearComment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
Mine do eat them. But my shrimp have adapted. I mean they change colors. I started with reds and blue culls in there. I have found blacks brown and many clear and green. I once caught a solid black one and moved it into my regular shrim tank and it turned the color of my gravel over night. They seem to change color to survive. Just my observations.
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
I have shrimp in all of my tanks, bloody marys and amano. Only the largest amanos survive in the discus and GBR tanks, the culled bloody marys end being snacks. I watched a mature male GBR eat a culled bm this week that I thought was too big for him. I am thinking of adding a blue morph to a tank that does not have other Neocaridina shrimp in it.Comment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
I've never had a color morph. Cool! Will you be buying more blues to go along with it.Mama BearComment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
I have several varieties of neocaradina: Golden-back yellow shrimp, Emerald Green, and Wild-type.
In caradina shrimp I have: c. babaulti 'zebra,' PRL's in Red and Black, and OE Tigers in Red and Blue.Comment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
Emerald Greens are the next strain I'll jump into. They are pretty dang cool looking. Where did you get yours? Do you have them for sale?Last edited by LizStreithorst; 07-25-2020, 04:09 PM.Mama BearComment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
I just got them about a month ago. I have some berried, but it will be a few weeks until have shrimp-lets. Probably 5 weeks total until ready to ship. I can send you some after that. Ive shipped shrimp many times.
These green shrimp are high-grade- so dark they are almost black. Im hoping offspring is just a little bit lighter.
I bought them from a seller on Aquabid. Ill need to check on the name- I forget.
Edit: Actually, looking back it was a seller on EBAY. This was the ad:
Last edited by Discluv; 07-25-2020, 05:55 PM.Comment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
Man, that's a lot for 10+ shrimp. Do you feel you got what you were paying for? If they are almost black, I wonder if you were somewhat surprised.Mama BearComment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
More than I would spend, but if you're happy with them that's what counts. I prefer the lighter colored myself, even if they are of lesser quality. I like a dark lime green even if it is the wrong thing to like.
It's a strange thing with me...I feel that I have good taste. But on the other hand I believe that taste is a matter of taste. In this case the latter is my "get out of jail" card.Mama BearComment
Re: Anyone else keep freshwater shrimp?
No Liz I think shrimp have run their course for me. I haven’t bought any new in probably a year now. Still have a few hundred in the 2 tanks and who knows how many in the discus tank. To me they are like my mts snails they serve a purpose their great cleaners. I haven’t even culled in months.Comment