Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

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  • ravvlet
    Registered Member
    • Nov 2023
    • 163
    • Seattle, WA

    Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

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    Oscar, and his less than impressed sister. They’ve staked out separate territories; Oscar is our basement goblin, and Noodle is our bedroom princess on the second floor. Oscar would love to play with her but Noodle is not yet sure about him (or if he’s even a cat) and will come down to sniff, hiss, and promptly run back upstairs!

    Oh well. Hoping eventually they get along.


    • ravvlet
      Registered Member
      • Nov 2023
      • 163
      • Seattle, WA

      Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

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      Oh boy, someone discovered the fish!
      Attached Files
      Last edited by ravvlet; 01-01-2024, 10:01 PM.


      • jwcarlson

        • Jan 2022
        • 1473
        • Iowa
        • Jacob

        Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

        Originally posted by ravvlet
        Oh boy, someone discovered the fish!
        The fish are probably safe. Wait until they discover the fish FOOD right there at perfect eating height.
        I've had to put my foods in a 5 gallon bucket and hang them from the ceiling because my cat got the lid off of freeze dried brine shrimp and ate the whole thing. He has always been good at opening things if it's a bag he chews it open. If it's a plastic jar he pries it open with his teeth (which are in horrible shape... he's getting pretty old (17) and has always had bad teeth, but not in bad enough shape to stop him). He must have liked it because he knocked everything off of all the shelves twice a day and tanks for four or five days in a row and I finally lost my mind. So now my food is up in a bear bag, basically. It's a pain. He's eaten a TON of bagged fish food too. It's my fault for leaving it out, but he has become a bigger and bigger pain the older he gets haha. He still behaves like a kitten and has lost nothing from a physical standpoint. Before I switched him to raw food he at least had a patella dislocation/displacement issue that would slow him down, but he hasn't even had an issue with that for about 3 years of raw diet. Stinker.

        These are old pictures, but these cats have aged gracefully.

        Pounce, head troublemaker:
        Click image for larger version

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        Duncan, expert hider and recluse:
        Click image for larger version

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ID:	2062247

        Pounce is 17 and Duncan is about 16.
        When we last moved Duncan delayed our moving by an entire day. He has ALWAYS been nervous of people, even "his people". We got him as a kitten, so I don't understand why, but any sudden movement or anything sends him flying and since our cats are still 4-wheel-drive he's torn me up several times when someone sneezes or knocks on the door. Anyway, when we moved the company I was going to work for paid to relocate us so we had packers in the house for a couple of days. And it was kind of an all day, really invasive thing so he really holed up. We hadn't seen him for two days and had packed the car, beds, etc because we had already spent our last night. There was literally nothing left in the house. Not a chair, not a TV, nothing. The day keeps ticking on and we can't find him, can't find him. Tried baiting him... nothing we spent hours trying to find him or trick him into at least meowing (he is VERY vocal). Finally, we pull the plug. I ran to Walmart to get a frozen pizza and an air mattress. We eat and get ready to go to bed I do one more pass in the basement and as I'm walking out of the laundry room where their litter boxes were and I felt like something was watching me. Duncan was up in the floor joists. I scratched the air like I was going to pet him, which usually made him come over and he went jumping through, jumped down into another room and than ran up and squeezed into a small space where the fireplace insert met the wall (on the back side) and then he could get onto the top of the false ceiling the covered 3/4 of the basement. So I could poke me head in and see him and he had an entirely different liar up there. Including some cat toys that had disappeared. It was a waiting game he eventually came out and I had to run in and cover that spot and we ended up catching him later that night and locking him in the room with us until morning.


        • LizStreithorst
          Moderator Team

          • Jan 2005
          • 13905
          • Moselle, MS

          Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

          That's a story that you will always remember. Beautiful writing.
          Mama Bear


          • jwcarlson

            • Jan 2022
            • 1473
            • Iowa
            • Jacob

            Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

            Originally posted by LizStreithorst
            That's a story that you will always remember. Beautiful writing.
            Thank you, a LOT of typos and spelling errors though. Haha


            • brewmaster15
              • Apr 2002
              • 30080
              • Northford,CT,USA

              Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

              Originally posted by jwcarlson
              The fish are probably safe. Wait until they discover the fish FOOD right there at perfect eating height.
              I've had to put my foods in a 5 gallon bucket and hang them from the ceiling because my cat got the lid off of freeze dried brine shrimp and ate the whole thing. He has always been good at opening things if it's a bag he chews it open. If it's a plastic jar he pries it open with his teeth (which are in horrible shape... he's getting pretty old (17) and has always had bad teeth, but not in bad enough shape to stop him). He must have liked it because he knocked everything off of all the shelves twice a day and tanks for four or five days in a row and I finally lost my mind. So now my food is up in a bear bag, basically. It's a pain. He's eaten a TON of bagged fish food too. It's my fault for leaving it out, but he has become a bigger and bigger pain the older he gets haha. He still behaves like a kitten and has lost nothing from a physical standpoint. Before I switched him to raw food he at least had a patella dislocation/displacement issue that would slow him down, but he hasn't even had an issue with that for about 3 years of raw diet. Stinker.

              These are old pictures, but these cats have aged gracefully.

              Pounce, head troublemaker:

              Duncan, expert hider and recluse:

              Pounce is 17 and Duncan is about 16.
              When we last moved Duncan delayed our moving by an entire day. He has ALWAYS been nervous of people, even "his people". We got him as a kitten, so I don't understand why, but any sudden movement or anything sends him flying and since our cats are still 4-wheel-drive he's torn me up several times when someone sneezes or knocks on the door. Anyway, when we moved the company I was going to work for paid to relocate us so we had packers in the house for a couple of days. And it was kind of an all day, really invasive thing so he really holed up. We hadn't seen him for two days and had packed the car, beds, etc because we had already spent our last night. There was literally nothing left in the house. Not a chair, not a TV, nothing. The day keeps ticking on and we can't find him, can't find him. Tried baiting him... nothing we spent hours trying to find him or trick him into at least meowing (he is VERY vocal). Finally, we pull the plug. I ran to Walmart to get a frozen pizza and an air mattress. We eat and get ready to go to bed I do one more pass in the basement and as I'm walking out of the laundry room where their litter boxes were and I felt like something was watching me. Duncan was up in the floor joists. I scratched the air like I was going to pet him, which usually made him come over and he went jumping through, jumped down into another room and than ran up and squeezed into a small space where the fireplace insert met the wall (on the back side) and then he could get onto the top of the false ceiling the covered 3/4 of the basement. So I could poke me head in and see him and he had an entirely different liar up there. Including some cat toys that had disappeared. It was a waiting game he eventually came out and I had to run in and cover that spot and we ended up catching him later that night and locking him in the room with us until morning.
              Very cute Kitties, and great story!

              My cat Leo is a holy terror with anything Plastic... he chews it up.. and I have yet to find a plastic lid he could not get off a food container. His bro Dante though takes the cake. We have a storeroom here where I Keep his Dry food which to him is like Crack. If I forget to close that door, hes in like a flash and tears the bag open. I woke one morning and the cats were no where to be found.I knew that meant trouble as they don't miss morning chow...walked in my storeroom and it was a cat food massacre ..two 6lb bags chewed open and spread all over the place. Kitties were sleeping off the party.
              AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

              >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

              Please Show your Appreciation..


              Al Sabetta
              Simplydiscus LLC Owner

              I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


              • jwcarlson

                • Jan 2022
                • 1473
                • Iowa
                • Jacob

                Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                Originally posted by brewmaster15
                Very cute Kitties, and great story!

                My cat Leo is a holy terror with anything Plastic... he chews it up.. and I have yet to find a plastic lid he could not get off a food container. His bro Dante though takes the cake. We have a storeroom here where I Keep his Dry food which to him is like Crack. If I forget to close that door, hes in like a flash and tears the bag open. I woke one morning and the cats were no where to be found.I knew that meant trouble as they don't miss morning chow...walked in my storeroom and it was a cat food massacre ..two 6lb bags chewed open and spread all over the place. Kitties were sleeping off the party.

                Pounce is the same way with plastic. I noticed a similar issue years ago, he had torn into a brand new bag of expensive-ish dog food (Orijen) in the closet. And what tipped me off if he wasn't eating as much of his normal food. He had torn into it on the back side so you couldn't really see it. One day I caught him, he'd crawl all the way into the bag and just sit there on his hoard. It was a 40 pound bag and I bet he ate at least a third of it.


                • ravvlet
                  Registered Member
                  • Nov 2023
                  • 163
                  • Seattle, WA

                  Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                  Originally posted by jwcarlson
                  The fish are probably safe. Wait until they discover the fish FOOD right there at perfect eating height.
                  I've had to put my foods in a 5 gallon bucket and hang them from the ceiling because my cat got the lid off of freeze dried brine shrimp and ate the whole thing. He has always been good at opening things if it's a bag he chews it open. If it's a plastic jar he pries it open with his teeth (which are in horrible shape... he's getting pretty old (17) and has always had bad teeth, but not in bad enough shape to stop him). He must have liked it because he knocked everything off of all the shelves twice a day and tanks for four or five days in a row and I finally lost my mind. So now my food is up in a bear bag, basically. It's a pain. He's eaten a TON of bagged fish food too. It's my fault for leaving it out, but he has become a bigger and bigger pain the older he gets haha. He still behaves like a kitten and has lost nothing from a physical standpoint. Before I switched him to raw food he at least had a patella dislocation/displacement issue that would slow him down, but he hasn't even had an issue with that for about 3 years of raw diet. Stinker.

                  These are old pictures, but these cats have aged gracefully.

                  Pounce, head troublemaker:

                  Duncan, expert hider and recluse:

                  Pounce is 17 and Duncan is about 16.
                  When we last moved Duncan delayed our moving by an entire day. He has ALWAYS been nervous of people, even "his people". We got him as a kitten, so I don't understand why, but any sudden movement or anything sends him flying and since our cats are still 4-wheel-drive he's torn me up several times when someone sneezes or knocks on the door. Anyway, when we moved the company I was going to work for paid to relocate us so we had packers in the house for a couple of days. And it was kind of an all day, really invasive thing so he really holed up. We hadn't seen him for two days and had packed the car, beds, etc because we had already spent our last night. There was literally nothing left in the house. Not a chair, not a TV, nothing. The day keeps ticking on and we can't find him, can't find him. Tried baiting him... nothing we spent hours trying to find him or trick him into at least meowing (he is VERY vocal). Finally, we pull the plug. I ran to Walmart to get a frozen pizza and an air mattress. We eat and get ready to go to bed I do one more pass in the basement and as I'm walking out of the laundry room where their litter boxes were and I felt like something was watching me. Duncan was up in the floor joists. I scratched the air like I was going to pet him, which usually made him come over and he went jumping through, jumped down into another room and than ran up and squeezed into a small space where the fireplace insert met the wall (on the back side) and then he could get onto the top of the false ceiling the covered 3/4 of the basement. So I could poke me head in and see him and he had an entirely different liar up there. Including some cat toys that had disappeared. It was a waiting game he eventually came out and I had to run in and cover that spot and we ended up catching him later that night and locking him in the room with us until morning.
                  Holy crap! Noodle is like that, very nervous. Oscar OTOH is the most laid back cat I’ve ever had. He sleeps most of the day, and just wants to be in someone’s lap.

                  Both of the cats have tried to eat the fish food, lol! Al’s discus chow is in the fridge but there’s a bag of blackworms in the fish supplies basket on the tank stand, and one time I left it out and it got nibbled on. The Hikari discus pellets were destroyed by the cats, and the Hikari Micro vibra bites were also nearly eaten! Never a dull moment for sure.


                  • Charlyc11

                    • Sep 2021
                    • 1765
                    • Jarrettsville, MD
                    • Carlos AKA Chuck

                    Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                    I really like this one yummy.

                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	2062316
                    Just Call Me Chuck​


                    • jwcarlson

                      • Jan 2022
                      • 1473
                      • Iowa
                      • Jacob

                      Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                      Chuck, is that a huge discus or a kitten? Or some combination of both. The fish looks enormous!


                      • Charlyc11

                        • Sep 2021
                        • 1765
                        • Jarrettsville, MD
                        • Carlos AKA Chuck

                        Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                        Originally posted by jwcarlson
                        Chuck, is that a huge discus or a kitten? Or some combination of both. The fish looks enormous!
                        The Marlboro Discus is 7 1/2 " the kitten is normal.
                        Just Call Me Chuck​


                        • brewmaster15
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 30080
                          • Northford,CT,USA

                          Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                          LEO,King of the box tower...

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                          DANTE, post breakfast snooze

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ID:	2062456
                          Last edited by brewmaster15; 01-23-2024, 06:08 AM.
                          AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

                          >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

                          Please Show your Appreciation..


                          Al Sabetta
                          Simplydiscus LLC Owner

                          I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


                          • Second Hand Pat
                            Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 33281
                            • Central Florida
                            • Pat

                            Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                            That expression says it all Al
                            Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


                            • brewmaster15
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 30080
                              • Northford,CT,USA

                              Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                              Cat condo..

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	20240206_211813.jpg
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Size:	45.3 KB
ID:	2062624
                              AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

                              >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

                              Please Show your Appreciation..


                              Al Sabetta
                              Simplydiscus LLC Owner

                              I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


                              • Second Hand Pat
                                Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 33281
                                • Central Florida
                                • Pat

                                Re: Cats Cats The cats Meow Thread

                                Oh boy Al, happy cats, your photo has me thinking about doing this for Musha and Nala, my barn cats. I ended up with lots of empty boxes and I place this in the barn, elevated of course.
                                Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening

