Rare subspecies of Red Tailed Hawk
Rare subspecies of Red Tailed Hawk
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Al Sabetta
Simplydiscus LLC Owner
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Beautiful hawk Al, seems to have a lot of white on the chest?
PatYour Discus are talking to you...Are you listening
One of the key features is the belly band...the darker feathers in a band across the middle.
This is a good read on their plummage.
In the North East we see alot of pale forms in the winter.
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Al Sabetta
Simplydiscus LLC Owner
I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr imagesComment
I am not sure I have seem a pale form here Al. I will check some of my photos. The ones around the house are darker.
PatYour Discus are talking to you...Are you listening
I believe thats a red Shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)
Whether wheeling over a swamp forest or whistling plaintively from a riverine park, a Red-shouldered Hawk is typically a sign of tall woods and water. It’s one of our most distinctively marked common hawks, with barred reddish-peachy underparts and a strongly banded tail. In flight, translucent crescents near the wingtips help to identify the species at a distance. These forest hawks hunt prey ranging from mice to frogs and snakes.
Last edited by brewmaster15; 02-01-2025, 09:50 AM.AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!
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Al Sabetta
Simplydiscus LLC Owner
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Thanks Al for the id. I need to pay more attention so I can id them correctly.
PatYour Discus are talking to you...Are you listening
Pat sometimes birds can be really confusing to Id.. fall warblers and sparrows, winter shorebirds.. and some hawks too. I really sometimes will spend hours looking at my pics wondering what the heck I saw!AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!
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Al Sabetta
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Al Sabetta
Simplydiscus LLC Owner
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