Yesterday was a cold day, It was supposed to be 30F and instead it was 18 plus wind. Went for a walk at local trail near me here, borders a partially frozen stream. I haven't been there in many years. Birding was actually very good and saw no sign of Bird Flu when it seems its everywhere else. Main reason I went here was reports of large numbers of wood ducks and wow.. there were.. had to be several groups in the 30-40 birds each. We rarely see a few here and there. I will need to go back for better pics once the ice opens up more and I can get closer.

There were a few Great blue herons

Quite a few Common Mergansers

There were also Ring Neck Ducks. These are very common this year, I see them in alot of places, but in past years I never saw them. They are really interesting looking ducks. I lucked out with by finding a few in the river by a covered Bridge which gave a me a great vantage point.

All the above are Ring Neck Ducks were males, The females were off in the distance more, only have one shot of one..

Froze my butt off, and fingers were numb, but turned out to be a nice little walk.
There were a few Great blue herons
Quite a few Common Mergansers
There were also Ring Neck Ducks. These are very common this year, I see them in alot of places, but in past years I never saw them. They are really interesting looking ducks. I lucked out with by finding a few in the river by a covered Bridge which gave a me a great vantage point.
All the above are Ring Neck Ducks were males, The females were off in the distance more, only have one shot of one..
Froze my butt off, and fingers were numb, but turned out to be a nice little walk.