OK, here is a list I nicked off another forum ... it's ok, they nicked it off the web I'm sure there are many more, have a look through and add if you feel the urge
The List...
A-DEP - Automatic Depth of Field
AE - Automatic Exposure
AEB - Auto-Exposure Bracketing
AF - Auto Focus.
AF-S or AFS - Nikon term for lenses that have inbuilt auto focus motors
A (Nikon) -Aperture Priority
AV (Canon) - Aperture Priority
AS - Antishake. (Also known as VR {Nikon}, IS {Canon}, VC {Tamron}, OS {Sigma})
Bokeh - how the lens renders the out of focus parts of the image.
BMP - Windows bitmap
BTL - Behind the Lens
B&W - Black and White
CCD - Charged Coupled Device an older sensor technology
CHDK - Canon Hackers Development Kit. Click here for a detailed explanation.
Colour Depth - The range or amounts of colour that can be or is recorded
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor a newer sensor technology
CMS - Colour Management System
CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
CWB - Custom White Balance.
DI - Digital Imaging
DOF - Depth of Field.
DP - Digital Photography or in filmmaking Director of Photography
DPI - Dots per Inch.
DPOF - Digital Print Order Format
DR or Dynamic Range - The number of EV stops between the brightest and darkest part of a scene or image
D-SLR or DSLR - Digital Single Lens Reflex
DZ - Digital Zoom.
EC - Exposure Compensation
ETTR - expose to the right
E-TTL -Evaluative Through The Lens
EV - Exposure Value
EVF - Electronic Viewfinder
EXIF - Exchangeable Image File Format.
FEB - Flash Exposure Bracketing
FEC - Flash Exposure Compensation
FEL - Flash Exposure Lock
FF - Full Frame
FFS - When things go wrong
FOV - Field Of View
FPS - Frames per Second
FX - Nikons term for full frame
GB - Gigabyte
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format.
HDR - High Dynamic Range
HSS - High Speed Sync
IBIS - In body image stabalization
IF - Internal Focusing
IR - Infrared
IS - Image Stabilization (Canon specific technology when used in describing a lens)
ISO - International Standards Organization.
IQ - Image Quality
JPEG or JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group.
KB - Kilobyte - 1024 of these go into 1mb
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LTE - Long Time Exposure
M - Manual
MB - Megabyte
MF - Manual Focus
MLU - Mirror Lock-up
MMC - MultiMedia Card.
MP - Megapixels.
MS - Memory Stick (aka a USB key)
ND Filters - Neutral Density Filters (see also Graduated ND Filters)
NR - Noise Reduction
NS@W - Not Safe @ Work (Also NSFW = Not Safe For Work)
OCF - Off Camera Flash
OCR - Optical Character Recognition.
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OOC - Out of Camera (sometimes referred to as SOOC, i.e. straight out of camera)
OOF - Out of Focus
OTF - Off the Film
OVF - Optical Viewfinder
OZ - Optical Zoom.
P - Programmed auto-exposure (NOT Professional mode as some seem to think )
PIC - Picture
PICS - Pictures
PIXEL(S) - Picture Element - i.e the smallest addressable element of an image
PJ - Photojournalism or Photojournalist
PNG - Portable Network Graphics. Click here to learn more about this image file format.
PP - Post Processing
PPA - Professional Photographers of America
PPI - Pixels per Inch. Click here to learn more.
PQ - Picture Quality
PS - (Adobe) Photoshop
PSE - Photoshop Elements
PSP - Paintshop Pro.
SD - Secure Digital: a memory card format for your digital camera.
SDHC- Secure Digital High Capacity. A high capacity form of SD
SLR - Single Lens Reflex: the same thing as a D-SLR, only referring to film cameras.
SOOC - Straight Out of Camera (also see OOC).
SP - Shutter Priority. (Just S in Nikon speak and referred to as TV in Canon speak)
SS - Shutter Speed.
Strobe - a studio type flash
'SWMBO' - She Who Must Be Obeyed, i.e the boss
Tb - Terabyte - 1024 gb
TFP - Time For Prints, often a trade for the time of a model who get prints in return
TFCD - Time For CD, as above but instead of prints the images are burned to CD
TIFF or TIF - Tagged Image File Format.
TTL - Through-the-lens
TV - Time Value (Canon speak for shutter priority)
USB - Universal Serial Bus
USM - Unsharp Mask, also means Ultrasonic Motor
UWA - Ultra Wide Angle
VR - Vibration Reduction. Nikon specific vibration control
WA - Wide Angle
WB - White Balance.
WS - Watt-Second, a way of describing flash or strobe power
WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get
The List...
A-DEP - Automatic Depth of Field
AE - Automatic Exposure
AEB - Auto-Exposure Bracketing
AF - Auto Focus.
AF-S or AFS - Nikon term for lenses that have inbuilt auto focus motors
A (Nikon) -Aperture Priority
AV (Canon) - Aperture Priority
AS - Antishake. (Also known as VR {Nikon}, IS {Canon}, VC {Tamron}, OS {Sigma})
Bokeh - how the lens renders the out of focus parts of the image.
BMP - Windows bitmap
BTL - Behind the Lens
B&W - Black and White
CCD - Charged Coupled Device an older sensor technology
CHDK - Canon Hackers Development Kit. Click here for a detailed explanation.
Colour Depth - The range or amounts of colour that can be or is recorded
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor a newer sensor technology
CMS - Colour Management System
CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
CWB - Custom White Balance.
DI - Digital Imaging
DOF - Depth of Field.
DP - Digital Photography or in filmmaking Director of Photography
DPI - Dots per Inch.
DPOF - Digital Print Order Format
DR or Dynamic Range - The number of EV stops between the brightest and darkest part of a scene or image
D-SLR or DSLR - Digital Single Lens Reflex
DZ - Digital Zoom.
EC - Exposure Compensation
ETTR - expose to the right
E-TTL -Evaluative Through The Lens
EV - Exposure Value
EVF - Electronic Viewfinder
EXIF - Exchangeable Image File Format.
FEB - Flash Exposure Bracketing
FEC - Flash Exposure Compensation
FEL - Flash Exposure Lock
FF - Full Frame
FFS - When things go wrong
FOV - Field Of View
FPS - Frames per Second
FX - Nikons term for full frame
GB - Gigabyte
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format.
HDR - High Dynamic Range
HSS - High Speed Sync
IBIS - In body image stabalization
IF - Internal Focusing
IR - Infrared
IS - Image Stabilization (Canon specific technology when used in describing a lens)
ISO - International Standards Organization.
IQ - Image Quality
JPEG or JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group.
KB - Kilobyte - 1024 of these go into 1mb
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LTE - Long Time Exposure
M - Manual
MB - Megabyte
MF - Manual Focus
MLU - Mirror Lock-up
MMC - MultiMedia Card.
MP - Megapixels.
MS - Memory Stick (aka a USB key)
ND Filters - Neutral Density Filters (see also Graduated ND Filters)
NR - Noise Reduction
NS@W - Not Safe @ Work (Also NSFW = Not Safe For Work)
OCF - Off Camera Flash
OCR - Optical Character Recognition.
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OOC - Out of Camera (sometimes referred to as SOOC, i.e. straight out of camera)
OOF - Out of Focus
OTF - Off the Film
OVF - Optical Viewfinder
OZ - Optical Zoom.
P - Programmed auto-exposure (NOT Professional mode as some seem to think )
PIC - Picture
PICS - Pictures
PIXEL(S) - Picture Element - i.e the smallest addressable element of an image
PJ - Photojournalism or Photojournalist
PNG - Portable Network Graphics. Click here to learn more about this image file format.
PP - Post Processing
PPA - Professional Photographers of America
PPI - Pixels per Inch. Click here to learn more.
PQ - Picture Quality
PS - (Adobe) Photoshop
PSE - Photoshop Elements
PSP - Paintshop Pro.
SD - Secure Digital: a memory card format for your digital camera.
SDHC- Secure Digital High Capacity. A high capacity form of SD
SLR - Single Lens Reflex: the same thing as a D-SLR, only referring to film cameras.
SOOC - Straight Out of Camera (also see OOC).
SP - Shutter Priority. (Just S in Nikon speak and referred to as TV in Canon speak)
SS - Shutter Speed.
Strobe - a studio type flash
'SWMBO' - She Who Must Be Obeyed, i.e the boss
Tb - Terabyte - 1024 gb
TFP - Time For Prints, often a trade for the time of a model who get prints in return
TFCD - Time For CD, as above but instead of prints the images are burned to CD
TIFF or TIF - Tagged Image File Format.
TTL - Through-the-lens
TV - Time Value (Canon speak for shutter priority)
USB - Universal Serial Bus
USM - Unsharp Mask, also means Ultrasonic Motor
UWA - Ultra Wide Angle
VR - Vibration Reduction. Nikon specific vibration control
WA - Wide Angle
WB - White Balance.
WS - Watt-Second, a way of describing flash or strobe power
WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get