Well I went to a local meat market that sells grass fed Angus, and the steers they use for butchering are not raised on a feed lot.
I purchased two ribeye steaks a little over two inches thick (5.5 pounds) at $6.99 per pound.
I got them home, unwrapped them, and left them on the counter for an hour.
Then placed them in a 17 inch cast iron skillet along side a cube of butter. seasoned them with salt, black pepper, and rosemary.
put the lid on the skillet and baked them at 350 for 45 minutes.
They were warm all the way through, but nice and rare (like I like my steak) as in Red in the middle, not pink.
It took me two meals to eat one ribeye.
I purchased two ribeye steaks a little over two inches thick (5.5 pounds) at $6.99 per pound.
I got them home, unwrapped them, and left them on the counter for an hour.
Then placed them in a 17 inch cast iron skillet along side a cube of butter. seasoned them with salt, black pepper, and rosemary.
put the lid on the skillet and baked them at 350 for 45 minutes.
They were warm all the way through, but nice and rare (like I like my steak) as in Red in the middle, not pink.
It took me two meals to eat one ribeye.