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  • danotaylor
    Registered Member + MVP
    • May 2018
    • 3729
    • Aussie living in Cincy
    • Daniel

    Originally posted by Second Hand Pat

    Thank you Danny, there are buildings on the other side of the lake but those are pretty small.
    They are reflected almost perfectly as well!!
    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_4592.jpg
Views:	56
Size:	35.4 KB
ID:	2763660


    • jeep
      • Jul 2002
      • 7279
      • O.P. KS
      • Brian

      A boring and frustrating weekend for my limited technology abilities. My computer has been freezing up badly. I even received warnings that my PC was unrecoverable. I decided to do a complete backup of all my files, but the computer was so corrupted that it was impossible. So I decided to trust MS One Drive to restore my computer, which has not been a problem in the past, but before I did a complete reset, I decided to download a different antivirus program just to scan and see if there was any malware. In doing this, the AVG I downloaded deleted my entire 20 year collection of bookmarks and history from my Chrome browser. Pretty disgusting, although I primarily use Duck Duck Go these days, but there were still bookmarks in Chrome that I hadn't synched to DDG.

      Before resetting, I wanted to remove AVG but I accidentally uninstalled another program. I've been using Advanced System Care by Iobit for years ever since someone posted their success with it on this forum a long time ago. It's always done a great job and cleaning background issues and has always sped up my computer nicely. In accidentally uninstalling it, my computer immediately returned to normal function.

      This isn't a rant of wasting me personal time, as it is a warning to anyone using Iobit. In recent times they seem to have loaded it up with so much hidden advertising BS that it may crash your computer, so I suggest you find an alternative. And as for AVG, another program that used to be good is now off my list...


      • brewmaster15
        • Apr 2002
        • 30095
        • Northford,CT,USA

        Brian, Did you back everything up?
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        Al Sabetta
        Simplydiscus LLC Owner

        I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


        • jeep
          • Jul 2002
          • 7279
          • O.P. KS
          • Brian

          Yes, after 3 days of trying. One Drive says i'm backed up there as well but I have a backup on my external hard drive as well.


          • Second Hand Pat
            Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
            • Sep 2010
            • 33302
            • Central Florida
            • Pat

            Oh wow Brian, glad you got that sorted.
            Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


            • Second Hand Pat
              Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
              • Sep 2010
              • 33302
              • Central Florida
              • Pat

              I had to take Tom to the ER yesterday. He woke up with numbness in his left arm and later the TP guy noticed his left leg was dragging while walking. A stoke is suspected and quick intervention is best. So yesterday they did a "dry" CT which did not show anything and he was admitted to the hospital for an MRI last night. I am guessing he will come home today but not sure.
              Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


              • AquaticNerd
                • Sep 2019
                • 1135
                • Kentucky
                • Jake

                Brian, these days I've found it's best to let Windows do its thing and to not install any other application that implies to improve your system (things like IOBit, CCleaner, etc). I've found that, as Windows has gotten better (Windows 10/11), the applications you may have needed in Windows XP/Vista/7 are redundant. Many of them have basically turned into applications that collect data and do more harm than good, under the guise of "system tuner/system cleanup utility/etc".

                Wishing the best for you and Tom, Pat. It's a scary situation for sure and I hope recovery goes quickly. My MIL had two strokes before they found several aneurysms so I hope you get some answers.


                • Second Hand Pat
                  Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 33302
                  • Central Florida
                  • Pat

                  Thanks Jake, Tom's mother had several mini-strokes before she passed. None of them seemed to do any harm but still a scary situation.
                  Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


                  • brewmaster15
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 30095
                    • Northford,CT,USA

                    Today I need to spend some time cleaning and re-organizing our storeroom. I try and maintain a good supply of the things we need here day to day in the event of storms, natural and unnatural disasters. A little planning ahead can really pay off down the road.
                    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

                    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

                    Please Show your Appreciation..


                    Al Sabetta
                    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

                    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


                    • LizStreithorst
                      Moderator Team

                      • Jan 2005
                      • 13905
                      • Moselle, MS

                      Good luck Pat.
                      Mama Bear


                      • jeep
                        • Jul 2002
                        • 7279
                        • O.P. KS
                        • Brian

                        Originally posted by AquaticNerd
                        Brian, these days I've found it's best to let Windows do its thing and to not install any other application that implies to improve your system (things like IOBit, CCleaner, etc). I've found that, as Windows has gotten better (Windows 10/11), the applications you may have needed in Windows XP/Vista/7 are redundant. Many of them have basically turned into applications that collect data and do more harm than good, under the guise of "system tuner/system cleanup utility/etc".
                        I do agree. I've seen some pretty good results with Windows Defender. With Iobit, I've recently seen unusual pop-ups that are wanting me to put "free" stuff on my computer. Free isn't really free, lol...

                        I've slacked on the antivirus stuff since my ISP quit providing the full Kaspersky suite for free. I guess they got kicked out of America but no one told me.

                        Pat, I'm sorry to hear this about Tom. Hopefully it's not serious.


                        • Second Hand Pat
                          Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 33302
                          • Central Florida
                          • Pat

                          Thanks Brian and Liz, hopefully will know more later today.
                          Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


                          • LizStreithorst
                            Moderator Team

                            • Jan 2005
                            • 13905
                            • Moselle, MS

                            I'm afraid that I may have appendicitis. I understand that these days they treat it with antibiotics. Good, the last thing I want is a trip to the ER. I see my regular doctor at 11.
                            Mama Bear


                            • chelltom
                              Registered Member
                              • Dec 2019
                              • 123
                              • North Mississippi / Memphis
                              • Tom

                              Originally posted by LizStreithorst
                              I'm afraid that I may have appendicitis. I understand that these days they treat it with antibiotics. Good, the last thing I want is a trip to the ER. I see my regular doctor at 11.
                              Good luck hope all goes well Liz ..sending Prayers


                              • LizStreithorst
                                Moderator Team

                                • Jan 2005
                                • 13905
                                • Moselle, MS

                                It's not apendicitis. I he wants me to have a CAT scan Thursday at (shudder) 7am.
                                Mama Bear

