Rebecca Goldring will give a presentation at the Minnesota Aquarium Society meeting on Thursday, August 1 at 7 PM (Central). Her topic will be freshwater puffers (although not necessarily the 20"+ monster in this picture).
Minnesota Aquarium Society meetings are open to the public, but you must pre-register to participate. Go to the and enter the requested information. You will receive an automated e-mail response with an individualized log-in. The meeting starts promptly on the hour with some club activities. The presentation will begin ~7:25 PM.
You can see the presentation schedule for the rest of the year at the home page.
Minnesota Aquarium Society meetings are open to the public, but you must pre-register to participate. Go to the and enter the requested information. You will receive an automated e-mail response with an individualized log-in. The meeting starts promptly on the hour with some club activities. The presentation will begin ~7:25 PM.
You can see the presentation schedule for the rest of the year at the home page.