Growing out in planted tank... again :P
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
I'll admit, I love wondering when I'll find my next discus pair that not only spawns in the tank and gets them to wigglers, but is dedicated enough to raise them + protect them.
This current pair... not a chance in hell. Might as well compare them to 2 spring breakers doing it and parting ways-ElliotComment
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned... it's been ... sh**... like 15 or 16 years since my last confession? I mean, sorry Padre, but I left the Catholic church in 2007 but last confession was, uhmmmm... "
"Shut Up, Elliot... I mean, child. Let's cut to the chase --- what the hell did you do this time?"
"Sh**, what haven't I done since last confession? But I don't regret much of that... and they're always funny stories... but I can't confess to my wife,... ... ... that I 'may or may not have' purchased 2 new discus that she doesn't notice because this time they are the same strain as the others and her level of attention-to-detail (visually) is as bad as Stevie Wonder's"
"Doesn't matter, Elliot,... you're a ding dong for this being the one petty thing compared to all of the crazy crap you always confess to her anyways -- plus she doesn't ever assist you with her dumb Amazon purchases that she puts on your Capital One travel card anyways."
"Good point, Father... never mind... I take my confession back. Tell the big guy I still love'm, just have my own opinion on the Vatican... time for a beer, fireball, cigarette, & water change!"
<end of donut's corny story confessing he got 2 new RR's and wife hasn't noticed... knocking on wood... and I'll tell her eventually!... when she's drinking, happy, and acts like she's listening... a year from now>Last edited by pastry; 02-08-2022, 11:37 PM.-ElliotComment
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
Added 2 teenie tiny silver Angel's to grow for my wife's tank at her school. I usually don't like keeping them with my discus but when tiny I don't mind. Funny little turds go after the shrimp like I wish the discus ( discus) would. But they set the bar HIGH and go after the female shrimp that are as long as they
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
Some updated pics.
PAT! A certain little guy literally started popping out some some blue streaks and blue in the fins within like 72-96 hours!
Meanwhile, pair in the corner sitting on eggs again and Heckle cross has (I think) 2 boys vying for her attention and I'm screaming at her to make a damn decision! (but one might actually be another female and so maybe it's the young SM male that needs to decide).
Little Angel's have grown quick over 2 weeks... told wife, "Soon they need to go to your classroom tank... cute now but not permanent in my tank"
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
I'm pretty confident that I have my third pair ever that is capable of raising little ones in my planted community tank (raised long enough to adulthood.... follow this pair if I don't take all of the fry out after a couple weeks then at least take out a number of them because I love the combination of my heckle cross female with a brown base red male. The last group they had last week made it three days until I pushed my luck and went to the side of the tank they were at to take a picture and did not realize I had my phone camera on flash. Big the hell out of the parents and they jolted to the other side of the tank and didn't return for five to 7 long seconds which was enough time for my angels that I do not want in the tank, a few of my runny nose Etc that are fatter than the others and the little school I have, and one hungry little apisto female to demolished the small group of about 20 or 25 three day old free swimmers.
About 2 months ago I did a water change with my age tap water and did so without testing the water. End up being ridiculously horrible water that I don't even think was good for human consumption, and it wreak havoc on all the fish in the tank. Almost lost them all but end up losing only one of my biscuits which was my biggest nail. Boss half of my running nose school and all but four of my Ember Etc school. It even wiped out all but one of my corydoras and love you bristlenose pleco that I kept from a pair that spawned multiple times a year ago. No more signs of any cherry shrimp at all, and to top it off, lost two of the three female apisto ninjensii I had just gotten to put with my two males in the tank. Two others in the neighborhood experienced the same and were also alerted because they had aquariums ( they lost almost all of their fish and one of them is OCD on water parameters 24/7). So three of us, as well as others we found out on John's Island, blasted the local water company and at least they really did do a sincere apology but at the same time not very cool when you see a pH below 5.0, and have readings on all three categories involving nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia... I've never seen that .-ElliotComment
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
So the 2 damn angels that I agreed to keep in my tank VERY temporarily (for my wife) grew up and happened to me M&F. Spawned recently and had over 300 free swimmers starting 2 days ago. Right now, less than that many (thank you Rummynoses!!!!!!) but still don't want them!
Meanwhile, have my RR with Heckle X pair shielding freeswimmers so I can't get pic-ElliotComment
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
Damn Angels... Male picked off a few discus fry. Pair of discus said "Screw it, making new batch!" but still had a few eating from sides!!!!!!!
Alright, might remove that discus pair to breeding tank. I'm VERY inexperienced moving pairs from tank to breed. I'll try finding some horny goat weed to help with transition. Letting them sit on tonight's batch though.-ElliotComment
Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P
You sure have it going on with breeding, Elliot. Have you given your Discus pair a love nest yet. Those are nice Angels. If I were I would start breeding them, too. Your problem is that you don't have enough tanks. You need to build a fish room.Mama BearComment