Everyone, I'm sorry about the delay on this spotlight. I have had a lot going on in the recent past - my wife had some surgery in early November, things were insane at work and I was short some help here in the office... But you don't want to hear my excuses, you just want the spotlight!
Here is Randal's interview, in its entirety.
Q - Please tell us all a little about yourself. Single, married, attached?
A - Singly married and attached to 2 kids, Maddie 3.5 and Owen 1.5.
Q - Do you have any other hobbies?
A - With discus who has time? LOL
Q - What do you do for a living in the real world?
A - I've been a police officer for 14 years
Q - How did you get into discus?
A - Kind of a funny story there. My wife got me started and I keep telling her it is all her fault. An old tank in my father-in-laws garage spurred the whole thing. I got some bad advice from an LFS employee and wound up killing a bunch of tetras, guppies, etc. My wifes uncle who had been keeping fish for a long time gave me a ton of crap about the deaths. So I decided to try the one fish he'd never had the nerve to try, Discus. So here I am 2 years later.
Q - Where was the first discus you saw? How long had you been into fish first?
A - I saw my first in the LFS, a Wattley Blue turq for $150.00. I wasn't into fish at the time, I had kept a 10 gallon community tank as a kid. But I thought that fish was pretty impressive.
Q - What major obstacles did you have to overcome to keep discus? Any special problems which arose?
A - I have been pretty lucky with discus (Knock Wood!). I feel sorry for the starter fish I runted, but that's how you learn. I really attribute my success to Simplydiscus.com I got a ton of conflicting information prior to signing up here. Fortunately, my water is pretty good for raising young discus so my main problem is space. I have a small house with no basement. I am in the process of grabbing part of the garage but dont tell my wife!
Q - How many tanks do you presently have?
A - 12 Tanks totaling 274 gallons. 2x 10's for my daughter, a planted 35 Hex, a planted 29 and the rest BB discus tanks. I currently have a 54 corner bow planted tank and a 37 Gallon Mini-reef/Nemo tank in the building stages.
Q - How many fish?
A - 25 discus, assorted rams, cories, angels, etc.
Q - Any specific fish that you are really happy with?
A - I have gotten some really spectacular fish from Cary Strong (of course) and have accumulated some nice specimens over the last 2 years. I like them all, I just wish I could get some fry.
Q - What is your favorite strain?
A - No particular favorite, I like them all! That's the problem with space constraints..
Q - Any tips on raising discus that you have learned?
A - Don't mess with the pH, get the biggest tanks you can and Water Change, Water Change, Water Change!
Q - What do you feed your discus?
A - Hikari Frozen Blood Worms, Brine Shrimp, ONF-1 and 2 flakes, Tetra Crisps, Tetra Bits and Black Worms. Not all in the same day obviously.
Q - What is your most exhilarating moment with discus?
A - Seeing my blue diamonds tending wigglers on the cone.
Q - What is your most frustrating moment with discus? Everybody has those horror stories to share!
A - Seeing the same BDs eat the wigglers as they went free swimming. I also had a Blue Turq female stop eating and nothing I could do would save her. I finally wound up having to put her down.
Q - Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?
A - Bigger area, more tanks, more discus! I'm not going to be selling any fry I produce, just refining my technique and seeing how many newbies I can convert to the hobby..
Q - How do those in your life feel about discus?
A - They think I am insane but they tolerate it. My kids love them and one of my sons first words was FISSSSHHHH!
Q - We all know that you have an intensive knowledge of RO and water quality systems. Please let us in on how you came to be so skilled and any advice you have for those of us who might be interested in RO technology.
A - I paid most of my college bills repairing/maintaining household RO systems for a water company here in Chicago. I am operating my hobby on a shoestring budget and I knew what the RO parts cost. When I got on the board, I saw the all the mystery surrounding RO stuff and the outrageous prices, so I decided that I could pay back some of the great advice by teaching people about RO filtration and providing the equipment as cheaply as I could.
My main piece of advice for people interested in RO technology is that almost all RO units are made from the same components with minor differences. If you want to purchase equipment, go with someone who has a reasonable price, offers complete kits, will answer your questions and can be contacted easily. Too many out there are hard to reach after a sale is made.
Q - Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some kudos?
A - How long can this interview be? Wow, there are literally hundreds of people on this board who I have taken advice from but there are a few standouts, Al the Brewmaster, Carol Roberts, Cary Strong, Paulio and the others who get the frantic phone calls when I see some stringy poop or a dark fish in a corner. I can not say enough about the great members here who have made me a success with discus because of their posts. Thanks To all!
Q - Can you think of anything I left out you would like to bring up -either personally or discus related?
A - I think the above says it all on the discus end of things, but I'd like to thank my family for putting up with this obsession/mania that I call my Hobby.
Here is Randal's interview, in its entirety.
Q - Please tell us all a little about yourself. Single, married, attached?
A - Singly married and attached to 2 kids, Maddie 3.5 and Owen 1.5.
Q - Do you have any other hobbies?
A - With discus who has time? LOL
Q - What do you do for a living in the real world?
A - I've been a police officer for 14 years
Q - How did you get into discus?
A - Kind of a funny story there. My wife got me started and I keep telling her it is all her fault. An old tank in my father-in-laws garage spurred the whole thing. I got some bad advice from an LFS employee and wound up killing a bunch of tetras, guppies, etc. My wifes uncle who had been keeping fish for a long time gave me a ton of crap about the deaths. So I decided to try the one fish he'd never had the nerve to try, Discus. So here I am 2 years later.
Q - Where was the first discus you saw? How long had you been into fish first?
A - I saw my first in the LFS, a Wattley Blue turq for $150.00. I wasn't into fish at the time, I had kept a 10 gallon community tank as a kid. But I thought that fish was pretty impressive.
Q - What major obstacles did you have to overcome to keep discus? Any special problems which arose?
A - I have been pretty lucky with discus (Knock Wood!). I feel sorry for the starter fish I runted, but that's how you learn. I really attribute my success to Simplydiscus.com I got a ton of conflicting information prior to signing up here. Fortunately, my water is pretty good for raising young discus so my main problem is space. I have a small house with no basement. I am in the process of grabbing part of the garage but dont tell my wife!
Q - How many tanks do you presently have?
A - 12 Tanks totaling 274 gallons. 2x 10's for my daughter, a planted 35 Hex, a planted 29 and the rest BB discus tanks. I currently have a 54 corner bow planted tank and a 37 Gallon Mini-reef/Nemo tank in the building stages.
Q - How many fish?
A - 25 discus, assorted rams, cories, angels, etc.
Q - Any specific fish that you are really happy with?
A - I have gotten some really spectacular fish from Cary Strong (of course) and have accumulated some nice specimens over the last 2 years. I like them all, I just wish I could get some fry.
Q - What is your favorite strain?
A - No particular favorite, I like them all! That's the problem with space constraints..
Q - Any tips on raising discus that you have learned?
A - Don't mess with the pH, get the biggest tanks you can and Water Change, Water Change, Water Change!
Q - What do you feed your discus?
A - Hikari Frozen Blood Worms, Brine Shrimp, ONF-1 and 2 flakes, Tetra Crisps, Tetra Bits and Black Worms. Not all in the same day obviously.
Q - What is your most exhilarating moment with discus?
A - Seeing my blue diamonds tending wigglers on the cone.
Q - What is your most frustrating moment with discus? Everybody has those horror stories to share!
A - Seeing the same BDs eat the wigglers as they went free swimming. I also had a Blue Turq female stop eating and nothing I could do would save her. I finally wound up having to put her down.
Q - Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?
A - Bigger area, more tanks, more discus! I'm not going to be selling any fry I produce, just refining my technique and seeing how many newbies I can convert to the hobby..
Q - How do those in your life feel about discus?
A - They think I am insane but they tolerate it. My kids love them and one of my sons first words was FISSSSHHHH!
Q - We all know that you have an intensive knowledge of RO and water quality systems. Please let us in on how you came to be so skilled and any advice you have for those of us who might be interested in RO technology.
A - I paid most of my college bills repairing/maintaining household RO systems for a water company here in Chicago. I am operating my hobby on a shoestring budget and I knew what the RO parts cost. When I got on the board, I saw the all the mystery surrounding RO stuff and the outrageous prices, so I decided that I could pay back some of the great advice by teaching people about RO filtration and providing the equipment as cheaply as I could.
My main piece of advice for people interested in RO technology is that almost all RO units are made from the same components with minor differences. If you want to purchase equipment, go with someone who has a reasonable price, offers complete kits, will answer your questions and can be contacted easily. Too many out there are hard to reach after a sale is made.
Q - Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some kudos?
A - How long can this interview be? Wow, there are literally hundreds of people on this board who I have taken advice from but there are a few standouts, Al the Brewmaster, Carol Roberts, Cary Strong, Paulio and the others who get the frantic phone calls when I see some stringy poop or a dark fish in a corner. I can not say enough about the great members here who have made me a success with discus because of their posts. Thanks To all!
Q - Can you think of anything I left out you would like to bring up -either personally or discus related?
A - I think the above says it all on the discus end of things, but I'd like to thank my family for putting up with this obsession/mania that I call my Hobby.