Welcome to the 1st Anniversary of Simply Discus Member Spotlight. This month we have Frank, long time member and contributor, and instead of a Q/A session, Frank wrote us a little autobiography which I edited and am pasting here for your enjoyment.
I am also including a number of pics from Frank's hatchery including some community tanks, breeding pairs and some young. I also have to say that I'm going to personally try to stop by Frank's place this summer and will add some material at that time as well.
That's enough of an introduction - here's Frank!
I am 52 years old, married for almost 25 years (poor woman) and have lived on Long Island for my entire life. I was born in a small log cabin in Brooklyn, but raised in New Hyde Park. Since, I have owned 3 houses, the last of which is in Manorville here on the Island. The house has a large basement, which is perfect for my tanks. The basement also has a full apartment, which has my own kitchen and a living room which will eventually become a showroom.
About a year ago, I made a commitment to try and become a professional Breeder. I sold all my old business properties, and have enough money to live on for about 2 full years, while I make this attempt. Got to give it a good solid shot!
I have raised and bred Discus since 1992. I have been into tropical fish since the 50s. I remember as a kid, waiting for the Thursday Newsday, to see the ads for Ed's Aquarium, and Tropical Showcase here on LI, and begging my father to take me to all the stores on Saturday. Even then, my dream was to just keep this gorgeous round fish, that swam so majestically in its tank. My Dad disuaded me due to the difficulty he remembered from his own fishkeeping days and the cost of the fish. I vowed one day to give it a try.
My father was no stranger to tropical fish, either. He and his father raised all types of fish when he was a boy in an unheated greenhouse in Brooklyn. Mostly livebearers, and some cichlids - what he called Egyptian Mouth Breeders comes to mind. His experience taught me how to achieve my first breeding success with Bettas.
In the early 90's, I bought and read a ton of Discus books - everything by Degen and Wattley and Axelrod. It was then that I decided to give the fish a whirl. My first Discus were from a local breeder in Shirley LI by the name of Gil Curtins. A few hours with Gil, and you felt you could set the world on fire. Course, since I knew it all too - I decided to try some things my way. I consequently killed quite a few fish. However, time and learning by trial and error, I eventually managed a spawn of Royal Blues. I actually raised three to maturity!
I kept my hobby rather small, and then decided to increase my room by converting my garage in Bayport (home at the time). I increased my fishroom to about 20 tanks, and things were going very well. Then came the BIG mistake!
I purchased a group of 10 Ghost discus from a LFS. I had them in their own tank in the fish room, and they seemed fine, but all of a sudden, the rest of my fish got deadly ill. It was what was currently known or being called the Discus "Plague." It killed about 90% of my stock, and I never really did get back into the hobby til last year. This attack was in 1997, or 1998 - I forget which.
Up until last year, I had only a few tanks, and maybe 15 fish and was slowly getting out of the hobby. I then came back and with a splash! I have spent a ton on fish and new tanks, and have increased my number of tanks to about 30 of various sizes. I have approximately 125 adults, and 10 to 15 pairs to work with. Many of the pairs are as yet still unproven, but coming along nicely. I do not have an auto WC system yet, so I do spend 6 to 10 hours a day, working on the tanks. In my opinion- there is nothing like clean tanks and clean water for keeping Discus. Ask my best internet buddy, Tad Fujita - and he will tell you I preach Clean, Clean, Clean!
My advice to anyone wishing to breed discus for some part time hobby and business is this - DEDICATION! You must stay with them and monitor and clean constantly, and you will have success - though maybe no money! There are so many things that can happen, and like Mr. Murphy said - they will! The last thing to do is panic! I found this site last June I believe, and have found tremendous insight and information here and at DAAH. (Of course - I supply that info!) I do firmly believe there is more info on these sites than in any Discus book ever written. In fact, most books give false information in my opinion - especially on Discus water conditions.
My future plans currently include more growout tanks and an auto WC system for them and then the rest of my large tanks. I will continue to do Breeder tanks by hand, at least for the forseeable future. My favorite strains tend to be blue fish. I have Blue SS, and Fantastic Brilliant Blues, and Red Turks. I am working hard to add some red melon strains also. I do have White Butterflies, and they have had wigglers, but not attachment, but again, they are young fish. Another favorite pair of mine are a pair of Red Diamonds I purchased from Dennis Hardenberger. Problem is - I think I broke them! Still working on them though - I am very patient.
As for feeding, I use a good deal of Tetra Bits and a ton of California Blackworms! Last year, I broke an old rule and tried some from Dan! Damn- the fish loved them! And they were alive the next day - and the next - and on and on and on. I was under the mistaken impression that CBW would give my fish all the terrible diseases in the world. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS! They are the best stuff in the world for Discus! I was very relieved to see how well accepted they were when I began reading the forums!
Well, I guess that about covers it! My cudos - ok - well to my wife for letting me do this and take this risk. To my friend Cary - who is always there when I need some help and gave me some very important encouragement! (One of these days, I may even meet him!) Gil Curtin, whose initial advice for me was invaluable. Tim Thimios - who supplied some awesome fish for me and sound help whenever I asked. Tad Fujita - for just being there to listen to me ***** and moan some days. And of course, my Dad-RIP.
Welcome to the 1st Anniversary of Simply Discus Member Spotlight. This month we have Frank, long time member and contributor, and instead of a Q/A session, Frank wrote us a little autobiography which I edited and am pasting here for your enjoyment.
I am also including a number of pics from Frank's hatchery including some community tanks, breeding pairs and some young. I also have to say that I'm going to personally try to stop by Frank's place this summer and will add some material at that time as well.
That's enough of an introduction - here's Frank!
I am 52 years old, married for almost 25 years (poor woman) and have lived on Long Island for my entire life. I was born in a small log cabin in Brooklyn, but raised in New Hyde Park. Since, I have owned 3 houses, the last of which is in Manorville here on the Island. The house has a large basement, which is perfect for my tanks. The basement also has a full apartment, which has my own kitchen and a living room which will eventually become a showroom.
About a year ago, I made a commitment to try and become a professional Breeder. I sold all my old business properties, and have enough money to live on for about 2 full years, while I make this attempt. Got to give it a good solid shot!
I have raised and bred Discus since 1992. I have been into tropical fish since the 50s. I remember as a kid, waiting for the Thursday Newsday, to see the ads for Ed's Aquarium, and Tropical Showcase here on LI, and begging my father to take me to all the stores on Saturday. Even then, my dream was to just keep this gorgeous round fish, that swam so majestically in its tank. My Dad disuaded me due to the difficulty he remembered from his own fishkeeping days and the cost of the fish. I vowed one day to give it a try.
My father was no stranger to tropical fish, either. He and his father raised all types of fish when he was a boy in an unheated greenhouse in Brooklyn. Mostly livebearers, and some cichlids - what he called Egyptian Mouth Breeders comes to mind. His experience taught me how to achieve my first breeding success with Bettas.
In the early 90's, I bought and read a ton of Discus books - everything by Degen and Wattley and Axelrod. It was then that I decided to give the fish a whirl. My first Discus were from a local breeder in Shirley LI by the name of Gil Curtins. A few hours with Gil, and you felt you could set the world on fire. Course, since I knew it all too - I decided to try some things my way. I consequently killed quite a few fish. However, time and learning by trial and error, I eventually managed a spawn of Royal Blues. I actually raised three to maturity!
I kept my hobby rather small, and then decided to increase my room by converting my garage in Bayport (home at the time). I increased my fishroom to about 20 tanks, and things were going very well. Then came the BIG mistake!
I purchased a group of 10 Ghost discus from a LFS. I had them in their own tank in the fish room, and they seemed fine, but all of a sudden, the rest of my fish got deadly ill. It was what was currently known or being called the Discus "Plague." It killed about 90% of my stock, and I never really did get back into the hobby til last year. This attack was in 1997, or 1998 - I forget which.
Up until last year, I had only a few tanks, and maybe 15 fish and was slowly getting out of the hobby. I then came back and with a splash! I have spent a ton on fish and new tanks, and have increased my number of tanks to about 30 of various sizes. I have approximately 125 adults, and 10 to 15 pairs to work with. Many of the pairs are as yet still unproven, but coming along nicely. I do not have an auto WC system yet, so I do spend 6 to 10 hours a day, working on the tanks. In my opinion- there is nothing like clean tanks and clean water for keeping Discus. Ask my best internet buddy, Tad Fujita - and he will tell you I preach Clean, Clean, Clean!
My advice to anyone wishing to breed discus for some part time hobby and business is this - DEDICATION! You must stay with them and monitor and clean constantly, and you will have success - though maybe no money! There are so many things that can happen, and like Mr. Murphy said - they will! The last thing to do is panic! I found this site last June I believe, and have found tremendous insight and information here and at DAAH. (Of course - I supply that info!) I do firmly believe there is more info on these sites than in any Discus book ever written. In fact, most books give false information in my opinion - especially on Discus water conditions.
My future plans currently include more growout tanks and an auto WC system for them and then the rest of my large tanks. I will continue to do Breeder tanks by hand, at least for the forseeable future. My favorite strains tend to be blue fish. I have Blue SS, and Fantastic Brilliant Blues, and Red Turks. I am working hard to add some red melon strains also. I do have White Butterflies, and they have had wigglers, but not attachment, but again, they are young fish. Another favorite pair of mine are a pair of Red Diamonds I purchased from Dennis Hardenberger. Problem is - I think I broke them! Still working on them though - I am very patient.
As for feeding, I use a good deal of Tetra Bits and a ton of California Blackworms! Last year, I broke an old rule and tried some from Dan! Damn- the fish loved them! And they were alive the next day - and the next - and on and on and on. I was under the mistaken impression that CBW would give my fish all the terrible diseases in the world. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS! They are the best stuff in the world for Discus! I was very relieved to see how well accepted they were when I began reading the forums!
Well, I guess that about covers it! My cudos - ok - well to my wife for letting me do this and take this risk. To my friend Cary - who is always there when I need some help and gave me some very important encouragement! (One of these days, I may even meet him!) Gil Curtin, whose initial advice for me was invaluable. Tim Thimios - who supplied some awesome fish for me and sound help whenever I asked. Tad Fujita - for just being there to listen to me ***** and moan some days. And of course, my Dad-RIP.