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  • DarkDiscus
    Registered Member
    • Apr 2002
    • 1690
    • Morris, CT


    Here's this month's spotlight, a little early to make up for last month being late! Thanks, Mat, for your prompt response! Ladies and Gents, MAT WITH ONE T!!

    Q: Please tell us all a little about yourself?

    A: Well, believe it or not, I am a laid back, easy going guy. I was not always this way, and perhaps the cynical, sarcastic, and sardonic attitude I developed while running the mean streets of the Northeast, where I was born and raised, still find a way to manifest themselves into my personality. I think that because I call a spade a spade and take virtually no crap from people, it is assumed I am some wise guy. I really am not. You'll always know where you stand with me, a quality I like in other people. I believe in "Live and let Live" but, if I let you live, you're going to let me live, too. This planet is big enough for all sorts of people and beliefs.

    I moved to the Pacific Northwest, the Tacoma/Seattle area in 1984 and stayed until 1994. I moved back to Pennsylvania in 1994 to take care of a personal matter and thought maybe I'd just stay there. Wrong. I was miserable there and quit my job in 1996 and moved back to Tacoma, Washington. I bought a condo in University Place, Wa. (a Tacoma suburb) in September 1997 and have been here since, living a quiet life and flooding my neihgbor below me occasionally. She has been real sweet about these mishaps, fortunately.

    I love the Pacific Northwest, not only for the natural beauty, but also the cultural diversity. I have found the many different peoples who inhabit this area make it the real place that it is.

    I am 50 years old, long time divorced with a married daughter and 2 beautiful granddaughters who reside in Pennsylvania.

    Q: How long have you been going by Mat with one T?

    A: One t Mat developed as a kid. My best friend, who lived two doors down from me, was also named Larry. Since we always hung out together, it got to be confusing. People started calling me Matty, taking the first three letters of my last name and forming a nickname for me. When I got older, Matty was changed to Mat, and just stayed with me.

    Q: How did you get into discus?

    A: My father raced homing pigeons and had a friend who raced them also. Pete also raised tropical fish, bettas, fancy guppies, and other livebearers. He always said how he would like to raise discus. On Christmas 1960, at age 8, I received a five gallon tank with common guppies in it. Soon, I had 12 tanks and was breeding many different livebearers, some cichlids like convicts and angels, and bettas. I was spending a few weeks with a cousin in Rhode Island when I was 15 and saw a Black Piranha in a LFS. Of course, I bought it. Then the guy got in a Red- bellied Piranha the day before I was leaving to go back to Pennsylvania. And yes, of course, I bought that too. I ended up with a dozen piranhas over a years time.

    Then it happened. The LFS where I did most of my business got in a pair of wild brown discus. I remember how Pete said he'd like to raise them. Discus were the ultimate challenge he said. I sold off some pirhana and bought the discus. This was like 1969. Two weeks later, he got in another pair. Of course, I bought those, too. And what a price I had to pay - $19.99 per pair.

    I managed to keep them alive for a couple years in the hard, alkaline water from the limestone springs and streams from that part of Pennsylvania. Needles to say, no spawning was ever accomplished in that 20H tank I had both pairs in, along with a pair of Golden Rams, a small school of Cardinal Tetras, a Red Tailed Shark, two Kuhli Loaches, a couple cories, and a common pleco. I had an UGF and an old Dyna-Flo Power Filter on the back. 50% water changes performed every Saturday and once a month I would breakdown the whole tank so it was nice and clean. There wasn't much information in those days. I knew from the little TFH magazine that discus liked clean, warm water. I also jacked the heat up the heat the whole way to 80F to accomodate these "warm" water fish. They lived for 2 years like this before I found life in the fast lane and had no time for fish. I sold all my tanks and fish at that point, but my interest never died.

    Q: How long have you been into discus?

    A: In 1990 I bought a tank. In a month I had four tanks and many dwarf cichlids species and then one day I saw a beautiful discus, a brilliant blue, at a LFS. I watched it for a week, then bought it. Then I saw a red turquois that was nicer at another LFS. I bought it. Now, I decided to buy a 90 gal tank and before you know it, I had 10 discus in it. I was back in the fish game.

    Q: How many discus do you currently own?

    A: I currently have 12 discus I am growing out. Six each are from Mike Wells and Cary Strong. I have a dozen more coming from Dennis Hardenburger in Oregon shortly. I am looking forward to these fish. I think Dennis is one of the real experts on this forum, as quiet as he is. Cary has two adults coming my way, too, shortly. I also have 24 adults, of which 9 mated pairs are formed. I only have 2 pairs together in their own tanks at this time.

    Q: How many tanks?

    A: I have had 24 tanks running at one time, but have cut that back to half as I have most of my adults combined. I am a little afraid having that many tanks up and running in a 3rd floor condo. Know what I mean?

    Q: What strains do you have?

    A: I have Marlboro Reds, two different varieties of solid yellow(one from brown discus blooline and one from Pigeonblood lines), Cobalts, San Merahs, two different Snakeskin lines, some Greens and RSG's, and the odd Turquois, tangerine and two Red Turquois.

    Q: What strain/s do you like best?

    A: What is my favorite discus variety? Well,it may be easier to say what I don't like. I don't like the white discus varieties, although I appreciate the work done to get them there. Quite impressive display of knowing genetics in my opinion. I just don't care for them. Pigeonbloods have become boring to me as well as the million and one varieties of Leopards. I like the Wattley striated discus that looks alot like the late Dr. Schmidt_Focke's line (yes, I know they swapped discus) as well as his Coerulea Blue line. I love a solid green discus and the many red varieties. I have taken a liking to the SS varieties too of late. But, if I had to pick one discus to have, for those of you who have the book "DiscusCatalogue/Atlas by Degen and TFH Pub. turn to page 60. This wild Royal Green discus is, to me, the ultimate discus. If every discus I owned looked like this specimen, I'd be one happy man.

    Q: Are you presently breeding discus or is it something you plan on doing?

    A: I have not been really breeding discus of late. The couple pair I have together seem to want to eat their spawns. One female has just started spawning and the other is just with a new male. I have a few pairs laying like crazy in the community tanks, however. I have a beautiful male MR that never spawned with a nice female form Cary as well as a nice MR male from a LFS with another female from Cary. I want to get a line of these discus going if possible. I aslo want to get a SS line going and possiblely some San Merahs.

    Q: Any tips on breeding or raising discus?

    A: Daily large water changes is key to me for keeping healthy discus. Of course, feeding blackworms defeats that purpose. Sorry, couldn't resist. Patience and work are also important. I saw Jack Wattley on Long Island in the mid '90's and he said something that was really important and I don't know who all heard it. He said, you have to decide what you really want to do - watch TV or raise discus.

    There are no short cuts. Certain things must be done or failure follows sooner or later.

    Q: Alright. The big question. What is the deal with you and the blackworms?

    A: The blackworm thing is something that I like to bust chops with, especially with Al and Cary. It's all in fun to me. I had a bad experience attributed to blackworms in my mind, both with discus and some Appistogrammas that I used to raise. I quit feeding bw's and the problem ceased. I am fully aware of the upside of blackworms and don't deny them. I think there is a definate risk, and haven't fed then since. One of the MR males I have dwarfs the MR females that were raised on BW's. That fish never sampled a blackworm.

    I have considered isolating a tank and experiment with bw's on some discus. But, that's just a thing I am ONLY thinking about.

    Q: What is your most exhilarating moment with discus?

    A: I had a special feeling when I received my first shipment of discus. They were from the man himself - Jack Wattley. That was a very special feeling to me as I released these discus into their tanks. Then, a pair spawned like 9 months later. Special again.

    Q: What is your most frustrating moment with discus?

    A: That pair of Wattley discus ( F1's from wild royal blues and his striated strain) ate the first 25 spawns. One set was 7 days free swimming and I thought that I was over the hump with them. Ha. Surprise!!

    Q: Do you have any future discus plans?

    A: I would like to get set up in a place other than a 3rd floor condo so I can do some serious breeding. You know, just a couple strains and try to create a nice discus. I have no plans of trying to be a player in the discus world. This is a hobby to me, theraputic. If it ever becomes like a job, I'd more than likely lose interest.

    Q: What would be your ideal discus set up, within the realm of possibility?

    A: Okay, sort of a continuation of the last question. A room or building with plumbing and proper electrical connection to run a hundred tanks if need be. Well, maybe 75. lol. And time, lots of time!

    Q: Tell us a little about your personal life?

    A: Well, let's see here. Some of this was already covered in question one. I'm not sure what I can add. I am laid off from my job. I am a Medical Laboratory Tech. I am looking at another career oppurtunity presently in the area of personal finance. I love Starbucks Coffee, although I am strictly a decaf man. I am a slave to nothing, not even my discus. They are a choice. I am a straight shooter and I stand up for and by my friends. I got your back. I always had my friends back and they knew it, even in the mean streets years back.

    Other areas of interest are Eastern spirituallity and philosophy. I think the three most influential men of the 1900's were Albert Einstien, Mohandas Gandhi - the Mahatma, and Bob Dylan. Malcom X was probabally the most misunderstood man of the last century.

    I used to be an avid fisherman, but seemed to have lost interest for some reason.

    I like sports. Am a very long time fan of the Colts (yes, Johnny U died today), The St. Louis Cardinals, and the Boston Celtics.

    Q: How do those in your life feel about discus?

    A: Everyone seems to be supportive of my discus. They know they are part of me and thats the way it is. Fortunately, no one has made a thing about it. Knowing the man I am, I suppose the know if it came to an ultimatum, they know that answer and it's probabally not what they want to hear.

    Q: Do you have any funny discus stories to share with us?

    A: No really funny discus stories. I tried breeding two females for 6 months and couldn't understand why I always had eggs and no fry. Then there was my meeting of Ray Kosaka as I had the time zone wrong and called him up in the middle of the night waking him from a deep sleep. He was most gracious about it all and was willing to talk in spite of being woke out of a deep sleep. Of course the guy that I am, I let him get back to sleep. Maria Cruz had her moments from time to time, too.

    Q: Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus?

    A: Without a doubt, the biggest influence in my discus keeping was provided by Jack Wattley. I have read about all there is to read by him and to this day subscribe to TFH solely for his column. I wish I knew him personally. I did have the pleasure of meeting him and having a 20 minute chat with him.

    The forums have been very beneficial, too. I won't mention names, because I'll forget someone and don't want anyone feeling left out.

    I have gotten to know a few of you guys, Cary, Mike Wells, and Beth on the phone and Nate, Dennis Hardenburger and Jeff Doty in person. Also email buddies with a bunch of you, John Nicholson and the late Jim Quarels come to mind first. And then Maria and Barb N got to know each other.

    Well, thats it. Thank you all for your time and interest. I had to let the really juicy stuff out as I don't know if the statute of limitations had run out yet. But, thats probabally best.

    Q: Thanks again Mat, and it was nice getting to know you!
  • brewmaster15
    • Apr 2002
    • 30092
    • Northford,CT,USA


    I really Like these Spotlights! Feel Like I just met someone for the first time when I read them, until of course they mention your name in it!

    Really great job John, not that you've done a bad interview yet!

    And as for you Mat with one T... Thanks for sharing you life with us, though I have to be a straight shooter here myself. .. you are a pretty good wise -@ss too, when you want to be! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D even if you are laid back about it!

    Thanks again guys,
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

    Please Show your Appreciation..

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


    • DarkDiscus
      Registered Member
      • Apr 2002
      • 1690
      • Morris, CT



      Since we're being honest, this one was really easy for me. Mat answered the questions so well I had virtually no work to do, other than to think up questions and some minor edits! It was a pleasure!



      • John_Nicholson
        Registered Member
        • Apr 2002
        • 8379
        • Caddo MIlls, TX


        Mat now that you are a cleb will you still talk to me.......


        P.S. Mat is really a great guy.
        Please check out

        SOS Crew Texas


        • Surfghost63
          Registered Member
          • Jul 2002
          • 188


          Hi guys !

          Now you can see why I first nominated Mr. One T Mat for September spotlight !!!! ;D

          I knew he was going to surprise us.

          Thanks Mat and John for sharing.

          Best Regards,



          • Barb Newell
            Forever Friends
            • May 2002
            • 3412
            • Burlington, Toronto ONTARIO CANADA


            Hey Mat, it's great to learn more about you. Thanks for sharing. ;D (I already knew you were a nice guy... I mean... !)

            Take care,

            Feb 14, 1962- Dec 5, 2007

            Barb was a friend to us all and we will all miss her dearly....Rest in Peace .


            • Ardan
              Registered Member
              • May 2002
              • 5605
              • Wisconsin


              Another Great Spotlight!
              Really great to learn more about you Mat! 8)

              Great job John!


              Maker of unique hand crafted creations


              • Jeffery_Doty
                Registered Member
                • Apr 2002
                • 255



                Thanks for the bio! Nice to get to know you even better.

                I have had the pleasure of driving around Seattle with Mat and Dennis, crusing for discus. We spent the day hitting shops and enjoyed a nice tour of the area, and a great pizza. I can tell you first hand, that Mat is an honest, straight-forward guy. He is also someone who would be the first one to help a guy or gal in trouble. And, he has a wicked sense of humor!

                John, thanks for putting in the time to give us these great spotlights!



                • Guest's Avatar


                  Hey One T.

                  You're not such a big meanie after all. [glow=red,2,300]LOL[/glow] :funny: :funny: :funny: ...

                  Heck, I'm thinkin John can pull the "good" from almost anyone now. ;D ;D ;D Way to go John...
                  Maybe this one should be posted in the Bullring as well...... he he

                  Thanks for allowing us to get to know you better.



                  • Pamela
                    Registered Member
                    • Jun 2002
                    • 16


                    Nice interview Mat, thanks for sharing. But where are the photos of you and your discus???



                    • brewmaster15
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 30092
                      • Northford,CT,USA

                      Re:SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT - MAT WITH ONE T

                      Hi Pamela!
                      We have to go easy on Mat here. Its taken us 10+years to get him to open up this much. If we push too hard he'll regress, so we'll just to be patient

                      take care,
                      AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

                      >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

                      Please Show your Appreciation..


                      Al Sabetta
                      Simplydiscus LLC Owner

                      I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


                      • Don_Lee

                        Re:SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT - MAT WITH ONE T

                        Great interview! What a fascinating group of people we have here, with such diverse interests. Thanks for being interviewed Mat, I like straight shooters! Sounds like you led a very interesting life, with much more to come.


                        PS-Pamela, where are those pics of you! lol


                        • April
                          Registered Member
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 7467
                          • vancouver
                          • April Ross

                          Re:SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT - MAT WITH ONE T

                          Heh Mat with one T and my neighbour to the south....that was a good interview.
                          one of these days...i may get down across that border....
                          I should come and see carol.....and you...and jeff.....and dennis..


                          • Guest's Avatar

                            Re:SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT - MAT WITH ONE T

                            Great job again John + Matt

                            But There are a few things I would like to Bring to Light!

                            first You say Starbucks Coffee is the way to Go.
                            come on Matt everyone Knows Tim Hortins Coffee is the Bomb! Plus I hear Buck has worms in his Beans

                            Then You say How tuff Your Hood was? Again I must Say
                            How could a city like seattle be tuff with words like
                            essay, Local + milkweed. Not to metion a football team named seahawks :P

                            Even Kurt Covain after leaveing The small city new there were many way's in But only one Way Out! ;D ;D ;D ;D

                            Then You continue to speak about dwarfs.
                            Well I was with Maria last night and Your Name Came Up alot! Hee.hee.hee.

                            Well Am just calling a spade a spade But I leave Mine in the garage. :P

                            One Thing you did have Right and I agree On was Dennis.
                            A expert indeed who really appreciates a Quality Discus.
                            Not To mention a very supportive Guy! THANKS Dennis.

                            Cary Gld!

                            P.S I will arm wrestle You for Beth! May the best man win


                            • Chad
                              Registered Member
                              • May 2002
                              • 76

                              Re:SEPTEMBER SPOTLIGHT - MAT WITH ONE T

                              Great work with the bio...

                              Mat with 1 t i am still trying to figure you out!! LOL
                              Good stuff nice to get too know your background a bit....

                              Chad 8)

