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  • DarkDiscus
    Registered Member
    • Apr 2002
    • 1690
    • Morris, CT


    Let me start by thanking Jeff for responding so quickly! Despite this being his busy season he got back to me in one day! Great job! He also will post some pics when he gets a chance to do so.

    Here we go!

    Q - Please tell us all a little about yourself. Single, married, attached? Other hobbies? Any significant non-discus achievements you want to brag about?

    A - Im Single. I enjoy fishing, hunting, and shooting.

    Q - How did you get into discus? Where was the first discus you saw? How long had you been into fish first?

    A - Its actually my brother and I. The first discus I saw was at a local club auction in Chicago. At that time I was into guppies and my brother helped me out. I went that day to buy some new trios for $8.00 and saw discus selling for $15 each. I thought man poor guy just spent $15 for 1 and I got 3 for $8. Then I thought well bad for the buyer, but good for the breeder. Here Im selling guppy fry for $.50 each. So that is what opened my eyes. I had been into guppies since a kid with my brother and liked them because of the colors. That fall in 97 I went and visited Jacks hatchery in Miami. When I saw his pairs taking care of fry that did it for me.

    A few weeks later we saw some in a local pet store and wanted to give it a go. The owner said they are very difficult to keep and would probably die. That was all the challenge I needed to do it. But it wasnt until last year we got crazy with it.

    Q - How did you decide to take the plunge into breeding as a professional endeavor?

    A - Last year my brother lost his job in Florida and came out to join me and my business. When I knew he was coming out I started buying all the equipment I needed because I knew at that point it was on. I actually do not breed. I import. I like getting 2-3 inch fish and growing out from there. We then set up a web site and selling over the net.

    Q - What were the major obstacles involved in setting up as an importer? Any advice for aspiring importers/breeders?

    A - My biggest obstacle is just peoples mentalities that discus are difficult. Dont buy the books and waste your time. All the correct info you need is on the forums. Take time to research what you want and dont be in a hurry to buy. Take a few months and really do your homework first. Then ask a lot of questions. The chat rooms are great for this. Most folks are willing to help out newbies. From there you should know enough to make smart decisions about what to buy and what is an ideal discus.

    I do this strictly as a hobby. For me two things are important.

    1. I must have fun and enjoy what Im doing.
    2. When the day is over I must feel good about what I have done.

    If you always keep your focus in mind and have patience you will go a long ways.

    Q - How many pairs do you currently have producing? How many tanks? What would be the maximum you could handle with your current system?

    A - Im always changing my tanks and configurations around. Im in the process of doing that again. My max will be under 2,000 gallons though. 28 60s and a few misc larger tanks. This winter I should be close to that. It just depends on how busy I am. Im a contractor and work on this in my spare time. The summer is our busiest time and we slow down in Jan and Feb.

    Q - What strains are you the most happy with? Which do you think need some work? Are you importing anything new and exciting now? What strain/s do you like best, personally?

    A - I like Leopards, RSG, Blue Diamonds, Ocean Greens, Goldens, and the Mandarin Passions.

    Lately for me its been the Mandarin Passions that trips my trigger. I have a chair in front of their tank and I can sit and watch them for hours if I have the time.

    The Leopards are in a tank in my office and I sit and watch them when Im on the computer.

    For my brother, he loves the yellows. He still gets mad at me every time I sell one.

    Q - What do you feed your discus?

    A - This is a very important question. I feed a variety of foods to achieve a balanced diet. Hikari Blood Worms, Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 and 2, Tetra Bits, Plankton Gold, and a Sea Food mix.

    I like the CBW but have taken a break to rethink their usefulness. The worms are great for fry, but I dont breed. For 2 inches and above I think the above rotation is good for them. The biggest problem I have with worms is my customers want to feed what I feed. Out of 60+ local customers only about 5 percent of my customers really take care of the worms the way they need to be taken care of. The result is constant chronic sick discus. So a few months ago I stopped feeding and selling the worms. I was suggesting flake and frozen and guess what? No more calls about sick discus. Now it wasnt the worms fault the discus were sick, it was lack of care of the worms were given that made the discus sick. All of my customers know how to care for them, they just slip up a time or two and the next thing you know they are looking for Metro. If their discus are sick it reflects on me. If their discus are healthy and happy I have a greater chance for repeat customers.

    Q - What is your most exhilarating moment with discus?

    A - Every time I get in a new batch. Opening the boxes is just like Christmas as a kid. I also enjoy getting new types of discus I have never had before.

    Q - What is your most frustrating moment with discus?

    A - I have to be careful here. I get very tired of importers and breeders bringing in sick and junk discus passing them off to stores and newbies as great discus. If the person knows what they are buying so be it. Nothing I can do. But often what I see is the B and C grade discus being sold here for premium price. A new person thinks they have something great. We in the US are just so far behind the Asian countries as far as quality and for the most part don’t even know it. The ACA did have some very good quality discus in the show thanks to Cary, Mike and Joe, but that is an exception to what most hobbyists have in their tanks. We need to demand better and pass on so-so discus. Let the person who has them sit on them as a reminder of their junk.

    Q - Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?

    A - I need to finish what I started and get all my tanks going and maintain my current customers. I also need to do a better job of maintaining stock. I have been busy this summer and fell behind. The sale is not over once the customer gets the discus. That is when the work begins. It is my responsibility to teach them to care for this fish. That is where all the time comes in.

    Q - How do those in your life feel about discus?

    A - Well its just me and my bro and we are very committed to the hobby. Our job comes first, but discus are right behind.

    Q - Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some kudos?

    A - Yes I do. Danny Ng helped me out a lot in the beginning. Then there is also Cary, Zoids, Sly, Orient and Al. The biggest help I still get is Simply Discus and Aqua Realms. They are the most complete references that exist on discus.

    Lastly I would like to thank all my customers who have bought from me and the friends I have made along the way.

    Q - What do you see as the future of discuskeeping? More/less people? Any cool ideas for strains?

    A - It is my hope to improve the knowledge and quality of discus here in the US. That will attract new hobbyists and grow the hobby. The easier it is for folks to be successful the faster the hobby will grow. The hobby is growing now, but could be faster.

    What Im waiting for now is a nice Red Spotted Yellow Discus. I know someone in the Orient has some he just wont share yet. Soon I hope.

    Q - Can you think of anything I left out you would like to bring up - either personally or discus related?

    A - I think my philosophy is very important. I do not represent any breeder. Im not a franchise or dealer to any specific breeder nor do I have any monthly minimums I have to commit to. So what I do represent is the buyer. I look for the highest consistent quality at the best prices I can get them for. Im only interested in the top end of a spawn. It is my responsibility to make the buyer happy. My success is not measured on how many discus I sell rather how happy my customers are with me. That is both initial and on going.

    The majority of my customers are local. I prefer not to ship, but will if necessary. I just like customers coming in and being able to pick out their own discus. They are going to have them for a while and I think they should get what they want rather than me picking their pet.

    Q - Thanks a lot Jeff! This has been a very interesting interview from the perspective of an importer as opposed to a full scale breeder! Good luck!
  • brewmaster15
    • Apr 2002
    • 30092
    • Northford,CT,USA


    Bravo John and Jeff! Great interview!

    Thanks for taking the time here to share your perspectives and experiences. I think theres a lot to be learned from what you have written here!

    I have to add to the interview that in my experiences on the boards there are some people that truly Care about the hobby and care about this site, and are there when you need help. Jeff is one of these individuals.

    Keep up the good work Jeff!

    and send some of those discus to Connecticut!


    ps.. thanks again John!

    ps.. If i lived in california..I'd vote for Jeff Young as Governor! ;D ;D ;D
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own...

    Please Show your Appreciation..

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images


    • Discus_KC
      SimplyDiscus Sponsor and University
      • Apr 2002
      • 2394
      • Kansas City. Missouri
      • Jack



      My hats off to you !!!! Customer service is a big key !! That's why we go back to the same breeders over and over again. We get what we ask for !! We are blessed to have individuals like yourself who care about us !!! Just in talking to you, I know you get a big smile when you see a mature discus in a hobbyists tank that came from you !!!

      I know Discus_KC will have some of your fish in my tanks !!!!

      (816) 517-4529


      • fcdiscus
        Registered Member
        • Jul 2002
        • 1565


        Nice interview guys! Frank


        • jeep
          • Jul 2002
          • 7279
          • O.P. KS
          • Brian


          Great interview. Thanks Jeff!


          • Carol_Roberts
            Registered Member
            • Apr 2002
            • 11484
            • Canyonville, Oregon


            Great interview!
            Pictures - Pictures - Pictures


            • Ardan
              Registered Member
              • May 2002
              • 5605
              • Wisconsin


              Nice Job and very interesting!

              Maker of unique hand crafted creations


              • April
                Registered Member
                • Apr 2002
                • 7467
                • vancouver
                • April Ross


                Great interivew Jeff and John. Jeff is one of the good guys on my list to drain fish out of his tanks.
                now....i dont wanna have to come down there jeff to get your gonna have to ship !!!
                I have talked to Jeff alot in chat and think of him as a good friend and completely honest and trustworthy. not to mention a tad picky.....about what fishies he has swimming about in his tanks. ;D


                • SLY
                  Registered Member
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 1103


                  I knew my vote wouldn't get wasted this time..great interview..I am sure if you are passionate about the hobby you can do it jeff. Good luck.


                  • Glenn
                    Registered Member
                    • May 2002
                    • 227
                    • Vancouver B.C. Canada


                    Nice interview guys.Jeff keep up the good work.


                    • Jeffery_Doty
                      Registered Member
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 255



                      That was a really great interview! Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your honest approach to dealing with customers, and looking out for their best interests. It is very refreshing!



                      • Jeff
                        Registered Member
                        • Aug 2002
                        • 2503
                        • Los Angeles, CA


                        Here are a few pics. Some are mine some are from the breeder. Orient in this particular case.


                        • Jeff
                          Registered Member
                          • Aug 2002
                          • 2503
                          • Los Angeles, CA

                          Re:SEPTEMBER MEMBER SPOTLIGHT - JEFF YOUNG

                          Leopard Skin


                          • Jeff
                            Registered Member
                            • Aug 2002
                            • 2503
                            • Los Angeles, CA

                            Re:SEPTEMBER MEMBER SPOTLIGHT - JEFF YOUNG

                            Snow White


                            • Jeff
                              Registered Member
                              • Aug 2002
                              • 2503
                              • Los Angeles, CA

                              Re:SEPTEMBER MEMBER SPOTLIGHT - JEFF YOUNG


