June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

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  • Second Hand Pat
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
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    June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

    New Jersey Discus guys Bob and Rod agreed to be our June spotlight members. Bob and Rod chose to do individual questionnaires so for the month of June we get a two-fer. Enjoy.

    Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening
  • Second Hand Pat
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
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    Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

    Bob's questionnaire

    Q - Please tell us all a little about yourself, what makes You tick? Single, married, attached? What do you do for a living? Other hobbies? Any significant non-discus achievements you want to brag about?

    A - I am married and reside in New Jersey with my fantastic wife and nine year old son. The older two children which are 29 and 30 reside Florida and Massachusetts. I am a technical specialist for a healthcare equipment manufacturer. All of my spare time when not importing and doing water changes is dedicated to family and raising my youngest son.

    Q - How did you get into discus? Where was the first discus you saw? How long had you been into fish first?

    A - I have been into fish since I was a young boy, way back when I didn't know of any such thing as a water change but that surely has changed. I can remember visiting the Seahorse Aquarium weekly trying to acquire every color variation of Sailfin Mollie that was available when I was in grade school. Once I reached my teens it was time to acquire the “cool, tough guy fish”. Yes I had the Oscar, Jack Dempsey, and, Piranha.

    I honestly never knew of or saw a discus until the year 2005. My first purchase led me to a stranger’s apartment building, while it was still dark, in Brooklyn, NY at 6 a.m. where I acquired six three inch Pigeon Bloods. Sounds pretty crazy and risky but I actually didn’t give it a second thought. From the moment I brought them home I was hooked and began acquiring more tanks and discus.

    Q - What strains are you the most happy with? Which do you think need some work? Are you working on anything new and exciting now? What strain/s do you like best, personally?

    A - My taste seems to change as far as a favorite strain goes. For the longest time I was a big fan of Albinos but that seems to have changed over time. Currently I tend to favor turqs. In the near future I plan on returning to some breeding as time allows with importing.

    Q - What do you feed your discus?

    A - I feed freeze dried blackworms, freeze dried beefheart, high protein content flake and Sera pellets.

    Q - What is your most exhilarating moment with discus?

    A - In 2009 I had a very nice Rose Red pair that spawned and hatched 600 fry. That’s not a misprint. Six hundred fry were grown to a sell-able size and scattered throughout the country. The thread on these can be seen here. http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showth...en-!&highlight

    Q What is your most frustrating moment with discus?

    A - My most frustrating moment also occurred later in 2009 when I special ordered one discus from a supplier. Although proper QT was followed, that one discus wiped out every discus I owned very quickly. That thread can be seen here and pics are on page two. http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showth...age2&highlight

    Q - Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?

    A - Besides importing Wayne NG discus here in the states, I would like to do some breeding again on a small but selective scale.

    Q - How do those in your life feel about discus?

    A - My wife is very tolerant of the time involved with them as her Aunt and Uncle used to own a fish store and the discus bring back good memories for her. My son occasionally will go and check them out but after a few minutes it’s time to move onto something else. Other family and friends are amazed that they get shipped in boxes across the country and as far as Alaska.

    Q - Do you have any funny, amusing or interesting discus stories to share with us?

    A - I would have to say the look on my wife’s face when I decided to make my own beefheart mix for the first time in her kitchen. The smell, the mess and my carving up animal hearts was quite a shock to her.

    Q - Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some applause?

    A - This may sound corny but the credit and applause I give is to my parents who raised me to be patient, dedicated, and responsible which are all qualities that I utilize daily in my discus keeping.

    Q - What do you see as the future of discus keeping? More/less people? Any cool ideas for strains?

    A - I predict more discus enthusiasts in the future due to the fact that there are so many sources to acquire discus from then there were many years ago. That accompanied by lower prices makes the king of the fresh water aquarium easier to acquire. Information on discus and the keeping of them is also readily available which eases the minds of those who feel discus are difficult to keep.

    Q - Can you think of anything I left out you would like to bring up - either personally or discus related?

    A - I don’t know. ASK ROD !


    Q - How did you decide to take the plunge into breeding as a significant part of your fishkeeping?

    A - From the moment I acquired my first discus, breeding was the plan. It was the challenge involved that that led me down that path. There were many ups and downs but when done successfully it was very rewarding.

    Q - What were the major obstacles involved in setting up as a breeder? Any advice for aspiring breeders?

    A - The major obstacle was finding room for more breeder tanks.  There is so much to learn, know and understand when it comes to breeding. There are a lot of knowledgeable people out there that can guide you through the process but you should choose your source wisely. I have been very successful breeding but I am and always will be learning. The key to success is listening and being open minded to those with more experience as there will always be others out there that know more then you.

    Q - How many pairs do you currently have producing? How many tanks?

    A - Currently I have no pairs. My place is set up for the QT and shipping of discus that we import for resale.

    Q - Any tips on breeding or raising discus? Tricks or methods you use to encourage pairs to breed?

    A - Many believe that discus are difficult to keep. In my opinion it’s rather simple. There are just two things to remember. Clean water and a good diet. Keep up with those water changes without excuses. Constant water parameters are a must. Be diligent with your husbandry. Feed them quality foods with a high protein level.

    Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


    • Second Hand Pat
      Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
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      • Pat

      Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

      Rod's Questionnaire

      Q - Please tell us all a little about yourself, what makes You tick? Single,married, attached? What do you do for a living? Other hobbies? Any significant non-discus achievements you want to brag about?

      A – I am currently single, and living in beautiful NJ! I manage private Country Clubs for a living, and play music in a band for fun…oh and I own half of adiscus importing business! J

      Q - How did you get into discus? Where was the first discus you saw? How longhad you been into fish first?

      A – I started with fish when I was 14 back in Brasil, we would collect fish from ponds and creeks and keep them in concrete vats for as long as we could. The collecting was way more fun that the fish keeping itself since we knew nothing about it at the time. I kept anything I could grab, from fish, to frogs, snakes, etc.

      My first real glass fish tank was made out of rear windows of VW utility vans, I got it for my 16th birthday and set it up for saltwater since I had a friend whose father was into marine tanks. I have great memories of that time since this was the person who really got me into aquariums, he would take us to stores in the big city, as well as specialty shops run by Japanese immigrants that knew all the secrets to fish keeping! It was all very mysterious and incredible to me; these guys knew the secrets to keeping, and breeding amazing fish alive, and thriving! I wanted it all!

      My first memory of discus were wild greens at a store in Sao Paulo that is still there today called “Aquarios do Brasil”, they were the biggest retailer at the time, and also exported all over the world. I remember seeing these huge green/brown fish swimming in the small tanks and just sitting there in awe of them. At 16 years of age, I was hooked, the rest evolved from that exact moment in my life.

      Q - What strains are you the most happy with? Which do you think need somework? Are you working on anything new and exciting now? What strain/s do youlike best, personally?

      A – I am a huge fan on turqs, and have no interest in albinos…I like older strains with nice patterns, and bright red eyes. I am also a huge fan of wilds, and am planning a new set-up for a group soon.

      Q - What do you feed your discus?

      A – Currently I am taking advantage of the freeze dried developments in foods. I feed freeze dried and flakes exclusively to my personal fish, as well as to the ones we import for resale.

      Q - What is your most exhilarating moment with discus?

      A – Back in 2000 I had some Heckels breed in a 90 gal acrylic tank in my basement, something I was not trying to accomplish at the time, and have not been able to replicate since. With other fish, I think I was one of the first people to breed Silver Arowanas in a home setting using 300 gal Rubbermaid containers.

      Q What is your most frustrating moment with discus?

      A – Not being able to breed Heckels again…ever!

      Q - Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?

      A – Personally, I am planning a habitat for wilds, a proper show tank.

      Q - How do those in your life feel about discus?

      A – Currently I have no one crazy enough in my life to have a say in my discus addiction.

      Q - Do you have any funny, amusing or interesting discus stories to share with us?

      A – I am sure everyone reading this has the same, or will in the future…many floods, electrocutions, jumpers, etc. Funniest thing I can think off is my mom coming to visit and opening the fridge only to be greeted by pans full of live blackworms…she did not find it as funny as I did as I was helping her off the floor laughing.

      Q - Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some applause?

      A – For fish in general I had my friend’s father back in Brasil Mr. Roberto, but for discus it would have to be my lost friend Brian Bender of Keystone Discus right outside of Philly. He showed me the first hybrids I had ever seen, and introduced me to Hans! I think it was Hans’s first trip to the US back at Joe’s house in Baltimore.

      Q - What do you see as the future of discus keeping? More/less people? Any cool ideas for strains?

      A – Like any other hobby, ours depends largely on the economy, if the current positive trends continue; we can see a good year in discus!

      In the last years we have seen the albino craze, the wild craze, the German craze…who knows what’s next? It is a great time to be a hobbyist; there are more importers than ever, cheaper and cheaper prices, and better foods/gear than ever! Today’s hobbyist has access to better fish, and more information than we ever had growing up, and this can be good or bad for the hobby as people tend to “master” things quicker, but they also give it less importance. Time will tell.

      Q - Can you think of anything I left out you would like to bring up - either personally or discus related?

      A – You tell me! Any questions I can answer for anyone?


      Q - How did you decide to take the plunge into breeding as a significant part of your fishkeeping?

      A – I blame Hans!!! J He started offering more affordable adults, and literally changed the discus hobby in the US in one large swoop!Say what anyone wants to, before Hans was here, most people were having limited success with breeding in any scale, and the only ones that had some significant success were hardcore hobbyists, the elite of the hobby. After Hans made good quality, breeding age fish available to everyone, breeding exploded!

      I bought some adults from Hans and bred them on occasion, just for my enjoyment. It wasn’t until I met Bob, and we became friends that I thought of a breeding partnership on any scale. Bob had the time to raise fry, I had the breeding pairs so together we started a breeding partnership that evolved into NJ Discus.

      Q - What were the major obstacles involved in setting up as a breeder? Any advice for aspiring breeders?

      A – First, I think the definition of “breeder” has to be carefully looked at. Sure, a breeder is someone who breeds any animal, granted. My concern is that the term is used loosely nowadays; there are many breeders out there that are just taking advantage of the better information and quality fish available. Breeding a couple of spawns does not make one a breeder in my mind.

      Doing it day in and out, planning and understanding the outcome of the crosses, adhering to quality standards, dealing with adversity…these are things that make a true breeder, all the rest are hobbyists that are having fun breeding, but not breeders.

      My one advice would be to “shut up and listen” J…sorry if I sound harsh…there are so many experienced people willing to offer help, and guidance here on Simply…people that learned via years and years of practice, listen to them and you will be a better keeper for it. One more thing, genetics…a true breeder needs a basic working understanding of genetics.

      Q - How many pairs do you currently have producing? How many tanks?

      A – Currently I only have one pair that I am working with. NJ Discus has evolved into an import business, so all of my focus has gone into that. Hopefully the batch of red turqs that I am I growing now will yield some nice pairs that will get me back into real breeding.

      Q - Any tips on breeding or raising discus? Tricks or methods you use to encourage pairs to breed?

      A – Constant water parameters are more important than the parameters themselves.

      Remember that fish want to breed, it’s what is natural to them so if yours aren'’t, there is something wrong with your water, and most of the times I find that it’s people messing to much with the parameters instead of leaving their fish in peace.

      Your Discus are talking to you...Are you listening


      • blueluv
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        • Christopher G

        Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

        Congratulations Bob and Rod!


        • Trier20
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          • Brandon Trier

          Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

          Very nice guys!
          Discus.....The best cult I've been a part of!


          • Discus-Hans
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            Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

            Very nice guys!

            Rod stop blaming it all on me lol lol lol Give me a call, you scared me did YOU loose contact with "friend Brian Bender of Keystone Discus right outside of Philly" or did we loose him?? I didn't talk with him for years!!!

            I've changed the Discus World.
            Visit our online store at:
            All advice I give, is because I've good results with it, you're free to copy it. It's not a rule, it's just my way. Ohhhh and don't take me serious, I'm most of the time kidding


            • yim11
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              Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

              One of the best Spotlights yet!

              Thank you both very much!

              SOS Crew - Texas


              • DiscusLoverJeff
                • Jun 2010
                • 3913
                • Lake Villa, IL 60046

                Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                Very nice profile guys. Thanks for sharing and grats for being selected.

                Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


                • marinum
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                  Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                  Very nice


                  • John_Nicholson
                    Registered Member
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                    Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                    Great read.

                    Please check out

                    SOS Crew Texas


                    • mlov1022
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                      Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                      Very nice guys! Bob, I'm probably the only one with some of those Rose Reds left


                      • DiscusBR
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                        Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                        Great interviews! Really enjoyed them.

                        Question for Rod: is that a Caipirinha in your hand? Is that how you take care of your discus? lol

                        Speaking of the LSF "Aquario do Brasil" in São Paulo, the store with the best availability of wilds in Brazil. I was there a week ago and saw a lot of dark wild discus in bad shape. Sad situation...


                        • discuspaul
                          MVP Oct.2015
                          • Jun 2010
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                          • Surrey, B.C. Canada

                          Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                          Really enjoyed your sharing your discus history with us, Rod & Bob.
                          All the best of success to NJ Discus.


                          • bobdon
                            Registered Member
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                            Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                            GREAT PEOPLE AND FISH


                            • a volar
                              Registered Member
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                              Re: June 2013 Spotlight Members New Jersey Discus Bob and Rod

                              I really enjoyed the reading, thanks for sharing.

