When I first started using Nikon in addition to Pentax I wanted to really get a feel for the two systems so tested lens in both Mounts or similar ranges on both and decided which to keep. I ultimately decided to use Nikon mostly for birding and Pentax for all else.Mostly because of the insane numbers of Pentax lens and bodies I have. So I am finally letting go the Nikon gear that I have dups of or that I have Pentax mounted versions of. I know we have a bunch of members here that have older nikon Dslr bodies and have expressed interest in wildlife photography so heres your chance.. Nikon I should say is a bit of a pain with their systems, where Pentax is designed so that all lens work on all bodies, Nikon splits their bodies into two groups, some have built in motor drives, some need lens with AF motors.Because of this, its important to match the right lenses to the right DSLR bodies.
First up is a Gem of a Lens. Its made by Tamron and has a range of 200-500 mm .
Tamron SP 200-500mm F/5-6.3 LD AF IF Di Telephoto Zoom Lens A08 for Nikon w/Cap $360.00 shipping USA included.(3 available)
I absolutely love this lens. Its not as fast as newer lens but its range is excellent and its optically sharp. If it gives an indicationof how much I like this inexpensive telephoto lens.. I have 4 copies. I am keeping one as its light weight and perfect for long hikes.
Timestop by Al Sabetta, on Flickr
_DSC5485 by Al Sabetta, on Flickr
_DSC0081a by Al Sabetta, on Flickr
_DSC0052 by Al Sabetta, on Flickr
You will not find a Better Lens in this range for less money.
**************One of these has been sold.******************