Heater Suggestions?

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  • Second Hand Pat
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
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    Heater Suggestions?

    What is everyone doing heater wise for their discus tanks? I am upgrading some of my old stuff lol.
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  • jwcarlson

    • Jan 2022
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    Re: Heater Suggestions?

    I'm using Inkbirds on everything, so without heat controllers this might not be a good suggestion. But I have had great luck with the alphabet soup brands of knock-off heaters from Amazon. Their wattages might not be accurate (for example a 500W heater is probably just a 300W with a different sticker on the box). But knowing that, I've been pretty happy with mine.

    Inkbird: https://www.ebay.com/itm/153905797620

    I've had no failures with these heaters over the last 2+ years sample size about 15 or 20:

    They're all the same heaters and if you're going to try to regulate with the dial, you might not have a good time. I've never tried it since I have Inkbirds to spare.


    • jeep
      • Jul 2002
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      Re: Heater Suggestions?

      I really like the Inkbird controllers. I use them with leftover titanium tubes from other heaters and I use them with glass heaters. They have two outlets so you can use two tubes per tank if you wish, but they will only accept one temp setting if that makes sense, You can also get them with wifi if you want to monitor your tank remotely. What I really like is that they display the desired temp as well as the actual tank temp.
      I've never had a single issue with them but I have seen others that have. Another controller is the Ranco. It's more of an industrial grade controller that has a lot of applications. But, I think you may have to dip the sensor in a plastic coating to protect it from corrosion.

      The actual heater is up to you. I cut the controller off of 20+ year old ViaAqua's and add a plug and I use cheap glass heaters I got from Amazon. You can also buy tubes from Amazon or Jehmco. They all work great!


      • Charlyc11

        • Sep 2021
        • 1765
        • Jarrettsville, MD
        • Carlos AKA Chuck

        Re: Heater Suggestions?

        I been buying Hyggers, some of the new large heaters have some energy savings tech. I been comparing using with Inkbird setting the temperature and Hygger setting the temperature and using Inkbird as the safety. There is an obvious small saving in the watts used when Hygger controls the temperature. All my smaller tanks I use Aqueon Pros for now until I replace them. All my heaters are used with Inkbird controllers (WiFi version) either as a safety or to control the temp.

        These are the two models I have been using.

        500 Watts

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Hygger 500 watt small .jpg
Views:	1
Size:	16.8 KB
ID:	2062779

        600 Watts

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Hygger 600 watt small.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	13.5 KB
ID:	2062780
        Last edited by Charlyc11; 02-28-2024, 08:29 AM.
        Just Call Me Chuck​


        • AquaticNerd
          • Sep 2019
          • 1135
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          • Jake

          Re: Heater Suggestions?

          I'm also a fan of Inkbird controllers. The 306A is a great option because it has two temperature probes that will sound an alarm if one is reading significantly different than the other. Helps with ensuring one probe hasn't failed.

          I like pairing those with the titanium heaters from Bulk Reef Supply - they private label Schego (German company) titanium heaters. My only complaint with those heaters is the mounting suction cups aren't the strongest so I replaced them with different ones.

          It looks like BRS is currently discounting their bundled Inkbird 306A and heater elements, as it appears that they've moved to bundling with Finnex controllers instead. Might be a good deal to some:

          The Bulk Reef Supply Titanium Aquarium Heater System is a complete temperature control system that includes a virtually unbreakable titanium heating element paired with an Inkbird ITC-306a Wi-Fi Aquarium Temperaturere Controller which sets new standards in safety and reliability. The heater controller includes two large LCD displays for an instant readout of your tank's temp, and features an App that can push Wi-Fi notifications should anything be amiss. The controller also features dual power relays and dual temperature probes to prevent failures. The outlet dongle has two outlets, allowing for control of two heating elements, which can create another level of redundancy in your system. Features Precise Digital Readout Dual Heater C

          The Bulk Reef Supply Titanium Aquarium Heater System is a complete temperature control system that includes a virtually unbreakable titanium heating element paired with an Inkbird ITC-306a Wi-Fi Aquarium Temperaturere Controller which sets new standards in safety and reliability. The heater controller includes two large LCD displays for an instant readout of your tank's temp, and features an App that can push Wi-Fi notifications should anything be amiss. The controller also features dual power relays and dual temperature probes to prevent failures. The outlet dongle has two outlets, allowing for control of two heating elements, which can create another level of redundancy in your system. Features Precise Digital Readout Dual Heater C

          The Bulk Reef Supply Titanium Aquarium Heater System is a complete temperature control system that includes a virtually unbreakable titanium heating element paired with an Inkbird ITC-306a Wi-Fi Aquarium Temperaturere Controller which sets new standards in safety and reliability. The heater controller includes two large LCD displays for an instant readout of your tank's temp, and features an App that can push Wi-Fi notifications should anything be amiss. The controller also features dual power relays and dual temperature probes to prevent failures. The outlet dongle has two outlets, allowing for control of two heating elements, which can create another level of redundancy in your system. Features Precise Digital Readout Dual Heater C


          • Iminit
            Platinum Member

            • Mar 2020
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            Re: Heater Suggestions?

            I too am using inkbird controllers. The 306. Same as the 306a but no WiFi. Maybe $5 cheaper. I’m retired and around don’t need WiFi . For heaters I’m using any titanium that still works aqueron pros,finnex and hyggers. Hygger is the new player. So far their heaters are great. I’ve used many different. Titanium and quartz they all work. Again backed by inkbirds. The older inkbirds have a stainless probe the newer a rubber probe. Havnt seen any rust on the stainless probes. Hygger also makes led lights. The 957 is to me probably the best light you can find and at 48” it’s under $100. Good luck!! Heaters as always are the major question mark in aquariums.


            • Vanman
              Registered Member
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              Re: Heater Suggestions?

              This reminded me I need to order some heaters from Jehmco. Probably getting Eheim.


              • Discus Fever
                • Sep 2023
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                • Scott Winefka

                Re: Heater Suggestions?

                I use Inkbird controllers with Eheim heaters


                • Iminit
                  Platinum Member

                  • Mar 2020
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                  Re: Heater Suggestions?

                  Eheim are not what they used to be. Last ones I bought in 19 didn’t last the year. Only way to use them was at full and on an inkbird. Seemed like you just couldn’t calibrate them. Only heater out there that still has to be calibrated.


                  • Discus Fever
                    • Sep 2023
                    • 391
                    • Gilberts, IL.
                    • Scott Winefka

                    Re: Heater Suggestions?

                    Originally posted by Iminit
                    Eheim are not what they used to be. Last ones I bought in 19 didn’t last the year. Only way to use them was at full and on an inkbird. Seemed like you just couldn’t calibrate them. Only heater out there that still has to be calibrated.
                    I must be pretty lucky because the last 3 I have bought haven't given me any issues and they have been running for the last 3 years. I also have some that have been running over 6 years without fail. I guess until I have issues with them I will be using them anytime I need a new one.


                    • jwcarlson

                      • Jan 2022
                      • 1473
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                      • Jacob

                      Re: Heater Suggestions?

                      Originally posted by Iminit
                      Eheim are not what they used to be. Last ones I bought in 19 didn’t last the year. Only way to use them was at full and on an inkbird. Seemed like you just couldn’t calibrate them. Only heater out there that still has to be calibrated.
                      Agreed. I've had Eheim failures (at least two) in the last three years. And I've yet to have any of the random Chinese heater company heater fail over the same time and I own more of the randoms now. And the Chinese ones are a lot smaller. A 300W Eheim has to be close to two feet long.


                      • Second Hand Pat
                        Administrator and MVP Dec.2015
                        • Sep 2010
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                        • Pat

                        Re: Heater Suggestions?

                        Thanks guys, I appreciate all the suggestions.

                        I currently have two of the Hygger which have their own temperature controllers. I just ordered two more and also ordered an inkbird. I have some heaters with runaway temperatures (use in the aging bins) and the inkbird will come in handy for that. I also use only Titanium heaters. I seem to always break the glass ones.

                        Jake, I checked out the links to Bulk Reef Supply. I decided to pass on them as the reviews weren't great.

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                        • Iminit
                          Platinum Member

                          • Mar 2020
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                          • Tom

                          Re: Heater Suggestions?

                          Thing with the hygger quartz/glass is they surround them in plastic. Making them hard to break.

