Golden State Discus

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Thread: researchin

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default researchin

    Hello everyone,
    Almost finished with my reseach........still reading everyday, I believe even years for now I will still be learning about discus, same with my job (jet engines) after 11 years USAF I am still learning. Well on with it I am looking at a good setup for discus for my 150 gallon in the worx, what is a good community?? I read various other websites and information I gather from simply discus and most of it is conflicting, I usually try to aim straight down the middle from information from different parties. Can I keep German Blue Rams with Discus or should I keep discus with only a couple of cory's?? I have read that most cory's cannot thrive in a discus tank(heat and ph) but I hear that people are doing it. Here is what I am planning about 6-8 discus, 4-6 rams, 4 cory's (still deciding on strain), and a bristlenose pleco. I know everyone has their own way of doing things that works for them.........please help....................Rob

  2. #2
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    this is one of the acticle I found that really threw me off.

  3. #3
    Registered Member korbi_doc's Avatar
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    Hey Rob, I keep Cory Jullii with my discus, 4 huge & healthy in the 90g, & 5 more going into the 125g. Presently have 20 baby Bolivian Rams growin' like mad in the 37g QT preparing to go into the discus tanks. Not all of course, so some will have their own tank. They are adapting well in the same water & temp of 86*. Should make great tankmates. go for it!! Dottie 8) 8) 8)

  4. #4
    Registered Member RandalB's Avatar
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    I keep C. Paleatus with mine at 85 F with no problems. Rams are also good tankmates.


  5. #5
    Registered Member April's Avatar
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    i have one catfish in my discus tank and fine. had to take him out when i used salt though.
    but hes been doing fine. they totally ignore him.

  6. #6
    Registered Member korbi_doc's Avatar
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    Hey April, when u take him out, you're obviously treating for something, what do you do with him before you return him to that same tank?? Or, is it not necessary to treat him?? tia Dottie ;D ;D

  7. #7
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    If you actually manage to read every article on the board you will probably be to old to enjoy the tank

    I do remember seeing several threads though about tank mates. I would think that many of the dwarf cichlids from south america like the apistograms would be a nice addition. Funny but some of those things cost as much as the discus do... Ive also see a mention on pencil fish, which I hadnt thought about but sound like a nice change from many of the tetras.

    The article from dfh that you see is a good starting place for what may or may not be a good thing to test with.

    Everyone here has their favorite temp to keep their tanks at, me I keep mine a little on the cool side. A nice balmy 82-83 and the skunk cories seem to have no issues with it. The oto cats in the other tank are also doing fine at that temp.

    If your looking for some of the more unusual fish from that area take a look at I happen to live an hour away from him so Ill be going down for a look and maybe to pick up a few.

    The one nice thing (depending on your view) is that you have the luxury of putting any new fish in a qt tank and seeing how the do over a space of 6 weeks. That should give you time to see how they fair at that temp.

  8. #8

    Default Re:researchin

    Hey Rob,

    cory's are fine and they also do a good job of cleaning the bottom. This is a great advantage if you decide to go w/ gravel.

    I wanted to tell you that i've bred german rams in 60 gal bare bottom tank w/ few swords in pots. In the tank i had also 6 med sized discus.

    The rams will be very aggressive toward the discus when it is time to spawn. When they lay eggs nothing will be permitted close to the nest.
    They will bite and chase the discus away to the point that they need to be separated.


  9. #9
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    There's corys and there's corys. Corydoras barbatus, C. trilineatus and C. hastus seem to have problems coping with discus temperatures. On the other hand, I've kept C. sterbai, C. robineii, C. arcuatus (skunk cory), C. julii and of course, C. aeneus in the discus tanks with no problems. Jury is still out on C. panda. No problem with fish interactions, but not all cory species can handle the heat.


  10. #10
    Registered Member RAWesolowski's Avatar
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    Maintain a 36 with 3 cory julii, 6 gold tetra, 6 jumbo neon ( started out as a dozen but they seem toi be slowly disappearing), 4 3/4" bistle nosed pleco and too many (not enough) discus in a planted tank. Think somebody might be snacking?

    Love to add some rams as tankmates!

  11. #11
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    Sounds like you're getting in that discus buying mood! That collection sounds good in a 150 gallon tank. Lots of fun fishwatching!

    Good luck!


  12. #12
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    Now that someone has brought it up, I had forgotten about panda corys. Sad to say the 2 that I had didnt survive which could have been the fish or the heat. But since they both went I wont be getting any more for my discus tank.

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