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Thread: opinion on difrence of fry rates of growth

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default opinion on difrence of fry rates of growth


    I wonder if some who have had fry could shed some light for me please all oppinions would be appreciated.

    My babies are 10 days free swimming and already there are lots of difrence in thier growth some are 3 times bigger than others and some twice as big. The smallest look like they are just a couple of days old compaired to the big ones.

    Is this something that will equalize or are those small ones doomed, could they all end up the same size or are the small ones destined to be runts. i know there are many questions in there but i am amazed at how much they all differ.

    My water has good mineral content and i feed every 2 hours for 12 hours a day, they are being fed bbs are attacking frozen blood worm and still visit the parents for a nibble.

    All views and experiances would help get a broad picture and i feel many people must notice this.

    Thanks for your time.


  2. #2
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Canyonville, Oregon

    Default Re:opinion on difrence of fry rates of growth

    The little ones do not catch up. I kept one from the RT fry and it's body is still the size of a nickel at 5 months (a long, football shaped nickel, lol). My PB fry have all stayed pretty much the same size.

    I think I didn't feed a large enough amount of bbs at each feeding for the RT- I was so worried about water quality the first time. I may be wrong - maybe it is genetic. I don't have enough experience yet to tell for sure.

  3. #3

    Default Re:opinion on difrence of fry rates of growth

    There's always have some fry will not grow properly. These are the culls. Don't waste your time on them. I usually siphone them out within the first couple of weeks. You always separate them into 2 broods when there's a difference in size and raise them separately. Let the smaller ones catch up with the big ones. It's not genetic. It's normal. When they're separated from their parents. The method of raising fry and the rate of growth lies entirely on the knowledge of their care givers the first 2 months in life. It is the most important period to set their future growth for the fry.HTH

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