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Thread: A new 50 gal?????

  1. #1
    Registered Member Tonyintx's Avatar
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    Default A new 50 gal?????

    Okay everyone I just got the deal of the century and I am supposed to get a 50 gal from somebody here in town, so I want everyone's oppion on what to get from heater (brand and size) to filter and everything in-between. all remarks are apprciated. ;D

  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:A new 50 gal?????

    Heater.... I still use Ebo Jager heaters, even though some have proven faulty. My first choice would be a 200 watt Ebo. If you don't wanna go with them, those new titaniums look nice, so i would't hesistate with them either.

    Filter.....Hydro Sponges! Get like two of them and you should be fine filtration wise.

    As for anything in between......i reccomend nothing! Well maybe a can of blue paint.....but all my tanks are bb.
    Congrats on the new tank.


  3. #3
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re:A new 50 gal?????

    That depends on your goal. Do you want a bare-bottom tank to raise out discus or are you setting up a decorative community tank?

    My suggestion for a bare-bottom tank is two Hydro IV sponges powered by an air pump (I use Rena pumps, the big ones with two outlets), an AquaClear 500 (remove the carbon bag they send with it and buy a replacement sponge so that you can have 2 sponges in the back), and a heater of your choice. I use Ebos but they've gotten a lot of bad press lately, so I'm sure someone will have a suggestion for you.


  4. #4

    Default Re:A new 50 gal?????

    My 50g tank has 2 Hydro III's and an Ebo Jager 200w heater. I also use a HOT Magnum filter with Micron insert for additional mechanical filtration when the tank is overcrowded.


  5. #5
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:A new 50 gal?????

    You've gotten a lot of good advice. All I can add is a thermometer

    It's pretty simple. Filter, heater, thermometer . . . . . water changing equipment and water storage barrel with heater and pump are good to have too.

  6. #6
    Registered Member
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    Nov 2002

    Default Re:A new 50 gal?????

    Now get 10 juvis from Frank (FCDiscus ) or Cary!

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