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Thread: Tips to help acclimating fish?

  1. #1
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    Default Tips to help acclimating fish?

    Ok so i got my 2 adults, they are a bit shy I understand why they would be.

    Is there anything i can do to help the acclimatation process and maybe get them eating more quickly?

    Left the lights closed since they got in yesterday evening and opened them this morning. They are staying at the back of the tank breathing a bit fast.

    Nitrates are under 5ppm (my tap water has some nitrates these days because of all the migrating birds in the lake...), Temp 84f. I have 2x36" fluorescents. I'm thinking of going with only one but then again i might decide to add plants in the future...

    I was thinking of waiting until they come out of hiding (which they did before i turned on the lights) and feed them bloodworms.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Registered Member RyanH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    Salt is a good stress reliever. I like to use it with all new arrivals. 2 tablespoons per 10 gallons. Keep the lights off only for the first day and then turn them on. If you baby them too long then get shy whenever they come on and you don't want that.

    Move slowly around the tank for the first few days until they get used to you. Once you feed them a few times and get them to associate you with food, they'll be at the glass begging in no time.

    I always ask the seller what they were feeding so I can give the new fish familiar foods. If you have access to live foods like Blackworms (not tubifex), they are a great way to get your fish eating as well. Also, raising the temperature a bit (88 degrees) will get their metabolism going and will often get them eating faster.

    Seek ye the truth and the truth will set you free.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    Hehehehe looks like you are my babysitter for my start. I'm pretty sure i'm in good hands and i appreciate it Thanks a lot!

    I will give a try at salt, (non-iodized) table salt that is. Does any1 has experience with salt and clown loaches? I'm also raising the temps slowly every 4 hours for a difference of about 2F degrees a day... I'll be at 86 tommorow. Do you keep the salt concentration up for a few days or just add it once and remove with future WC?

    Btw I'm holding off on the WC for the first week or so to avoid stressing them too much i'll be monitoring nitrates daily to avoid problems tho.

    The LFS was feeding flakes, hikari bloodworms as a treat and their own beefheart recipe which contains garlic oil which is a tip I got from here 2 years ago between. He's had less problems with parasites since and his fishes are now breeding.

    No live food around here unfortunately... Oh yes I have crickets for my Bearded Dragon... ^_^

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by QiKsilver; 11-04-2005 at 11:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    Perhaps my philosiphy is different. I think that you should not baby them at all. Just be normal. The discus will get use to you. You should not get use to the discus for the obvious reasons. So, imo, put the lights on their normal routine, feed as normal (unless they dont eat their food from last time). Give them a week and they will be use to you. Salt is good though!
    In discus limbo atm! So much to do and so little time!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    I wouldn't know those botia loaches are real pigs and they clean the bottom ASAP...

  6. #6
    Registered Member Greg Richardson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    I'd do wc's right away. Wouldn't wait.
    No matter if your food being eaten or not by others.

  7. #7
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    Smile Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    Lunch time update

    They were both at the front glass but quickly went away when they saw me entering the room...

    Offered them blood worms and flakes which they seemed a bit interested but they didn't go for it.

    Some of the flake foods moved their way when the loaches were eating and the smallest picked up some from the bottom and then the larger one seemed more insterested suddenly...

    They even started to slightly pick on each other like: Hey stay quiet i'm da boss... No ur not!
    I'm pretty sure that with just a little more patience they'll be fine

  8. #8
    Registered Member candyl70's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    Sounds like they are warming up to you Q. It takes a little bit. Mine hide when they see i have the syphon for a water change. But they sure know when i have food... and then they rush to the glass. Usually people wait 24hrs. to feed. It usually takes them that long to feel more comfortable in their surroundings. Any pics??? I love pics!

    Good Luck!!

  9. #9
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    As soon as they come out of hiding... i don't want to picture them with flash and stuff right now

    Makes me wonder what kind of father am I gonna be later if i worry so much for 2 fishs hahaha

  10. #10
    Registered Member candyl70's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    lol.. i know what you mean. I have 3 tanks, a dog and a cat. I'm mommy to all of them and constantly worry if they are ok (my cat just had surgery.. ate some string!!) It's good training


  11. #11
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    It may take a couple of weeks for adults to settle in and start eating. IN the meantime do daily water changes. Keep the tank clean. Leaving the heat at 86 should be fine. Only add salt for the first couple of days. After the first 24 hours I do the regular stuff - they will get used to it.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    They are tasting the flakes already but they spit 'em out now. Well we sure ARE progressing here

    I added some "Water lentils" dunno if that's the name at least that's how we call them in french... Little double leaf that float on the surface. 15 minutes after i added those they came out and are roaming the whole tank now. Guess the light was a bit too bright for their taste... Makes the water looks greenish but i like it it look smore like the amazon

    I also added 4 tbsp of aquarium salt, the clown loaches are freakin out a bit.... Should i have diluted it in some water first? I dropped it directly in the tank....

    Until i can get better pictures...

    Tank is 33 gal standard, I had an algae bloomd a few weeks ago and it's almost gone now...
    Last edited by QiKsilver; 11-04-2005 at 06:36 PM.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Tips to help acclimating fish?

    Both are now eating bloodworms this morning! Hurray! Now if i can get a feeding cone to avoid bloodworms from going all over in the tank...

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