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Thread: Help My New Discus won't eat..

  1. #1
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Help My New Discus won't eat..

    Preface.. This article assumes that you have done basic research on the keeping of Discus. You are quarantining your new fish in a bare bottom tank with only Discus. It is by far the most ideal set up for new Discus and what I personally recommend. Ignore anyone that tells you otherwise

    You should spend some time here...Beginners

    Help my New Discus won't eat....

    When you get your new fish, you need to understand a few things. These fish have been handled multiple times before you got them. In most cases they have been stressed, fasted, damaged by handling. They may have ammonia burns on their gills and fins.Their slime coats have been damaged . These conditions all lead to a very overworked immune system. They are often not happy. It can take a long time to recover. They may not feel up to eating right away..They may not eat for days. They may also pass white feces even if they are not eating. This is a stress response and not necessarily a sign of disease at this point. Add to all this that as a new discus owner you may not have your tank optimized for the fish and you may not be feeding them the same foods they are used to. Your first experience here with your new fish is very frustrating. This leads to you seeking help on forums and social media. You may also be tempted to medicate the fish which leads to even more stress! Sometimes well meaning but non-experienced people will try and advise you what to do. That can make it even worse! Carefully consider your sources of information. Just because you read it posted somewhere doesn't mean the person that posted it was knowledgeable.

    What to do?
    Okay first up, check the basics, your water. Water changes are essential to the health of your fish. How much is debated all the time but I would suggest you shoot for 50-75% water changes daily , at least while your new fish are settling and recovering. Is your tank's temperature in the right range? (anywhere between 82-87 is fine for this articles purpose) . Is your tank cycled? Are you reading any ammonia or Nitrites? IF the answer is yes to ammonia or nitrites then you need to deal with this first. The easiest way is more water changes, and the use of something like “prime” that locks these up. You need to look at your filtration and get a better understanding of “ The Nitrogen Cycle” in a fish tank. There are plenty of sources of information here but if you don't understand this system, sooner or latter you will fail at Discus and most other fish. If your tank has nitrites, add 1 tablespoon table salt per 10 gals water to counteract the effects of the nitrites (read up on “Brown Blood Disease and Nitrites in Aquarium Fish)

    So you have either fixed the water or that wasn't an issue. Your fish isn't eating and its been a few days since you got it. What do you do? First thing to is not panic. A discus can go over a week without eating and then just start up if its not stressed. You should start by contacting the seller. Explain whats going on and see what they were feeding. Ask what their favorite or main food was and try that. Feed ONE time a day initially. Move up to two times if they are eating well. Don't over feed, feed sparingly. Feed only one food type initially.. keep trying that food for up to 5 days... do not try multiple foods at once. Discus can be picky eaters and they are stubborn. They will eventually take the food but it may take some time. If they have a favorite food, they may not be willing to give it up so easily.

    By this point you have ruled out your water, you have talked to the seller and tried the recommended foods, and have tried to feed just one food. The amount of time that has passed without the fish eating has been over a week. You have been doing regular water changes, the tank is pristine. Your tank temp is low to mid 80s. And you have no ammonia or nitrites. The fish isn't eating. If you have multiple fish in the tank and only one or two isn't eating move those to a hospital tank...If all are not eating this is not normal. You need to go back to the seller . There maybe an underlying disease issue like a protozoan.

    Before medicating talk to the seller. If they are unwilling to help or can't help you may want try Metronidazole but it may actually be better to send the fish to a lab for a test. It would mean sacrificing the fish but you would know what the issue was and could then go back to the seller for further discussions. For a tank of fish to not eat after a week , its possibly a serious disease issue, possibly Cryoptobia. If you use Metronidazole or other medications , it may be harder to test the fish latter. If you still go that way... dose at 500 mg per 10 gal for 10 days minimum. Large water changes (75+ % wc) before each dose. This dose is whats commonly recommended and is a good choice. High temperatures are not needed. Maintain your normal tank temperature of low to mid 80s.

    If the majority of the fish are healthy and eating fine, just treat the fish in the hospital tank as outlined above. If the treatment works on the non-eaters in the hospital tank it may be a good idea to treat the fish in the main tank as well...just incase. Thats a personal decision.

    The above article is targeted towards the Discus that are newly received and quarantined separate of existing fish. It may be of use in other cases as well where you are having issues with new fish..

    Al Sabetta
    Disclaimer: All information here is the author's opinion and offered as such. It is to be used at your own risk.

    If you read this and found it useful, or if you have already used SimplyDiscus to get started right or correct some problems in your Discus Keeping, PLEASE consider sending in a thank you (click here)... It helps keep the forum open and it will help keep me writing articles
    Last edited by brewmaster15; 06-28-2017 at 11:08 AM.
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    Al Sabetta
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  2. #2
    Registered Member emil's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help My New Discus won't eat..

    Great article as always Al. Thanks

  3. #3
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help My New Discus won't eat..

    Great article. Chances are nine out of ten that read it go straight to this line:

    you may want try Metronidazole

    but still the write up is spot on.
    Ex-President-North American Discus Association-NADA

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