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Thread: 3-2-1

  1. #1
    Registered Member Cove Beach's Avatar
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    Default 3-2-1



    1. Please explain the problems with your fish. When did you notice the problems and did anything unusual happen that you think started them?
    Noticed fish not eating, and losing weight.

    2. Symptoms (i.e. turning dark, excess slime, not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, clamped gills, white/yellow/green poop, hiding, headstanding or tailstanding, white on tips of fins, rotting or fungus, blisters/white zits on fish, bloated, cloudy eyes, wounds).
    Clamped fins but not all the time. Not eating.

    3. What medications/ treatments have you already tried and what were the results. Include dosage and duration of treatment.
    Moved to bare bottom hospital, raised temp, Epsom salt, Metro treatment for 14 days, but am thinking I didn’t keep the level high enough.


    4. Tank size and ages, numbers and sizes of fish.
    40 breeder hospital.
    3 fish

    5. Water change regime (What percentage and how often).
    50% daily

    6. How long has tank been running? Is it bare bottom? If you have substrate, what type and how deep is it?

    7. Do you age your water? If you do for how long and what is the ph swing.
    Aged water 2-3days with large air stone

    8. What type/brand water conditioner do you use? Do you add it to the tank or aging barrel? How much do you use? 2 stage sediment,2 stage carbon block

    9. Parameters and water source;

    Note: Water Parameters are important in diagnosing problems within a tank. If you don't own test kits for the following information, you can purchase them, test your parameters and post this info as soon as possible.

    - temp ___91.5__

    - ph ____7.45_

    - ammonia reading __0__

    - nitrite reading _0___

    - nitrate reading __0__

    What type of water or combinations of water sources do you use? If it is an RO/tap/well water mix, please list percentages in the mix.

    - well water ____

    - municipal water __x__

    - RO water ____

    10. Any new fish, plants or inverts added recently. No

    11. Please tell us what you feed your fish and how often. This can be critical information for solving the problem so be as specific as you can.
    FDBW from Al twice a day sometimes three

    12. Include any pictures or videos you have which shows the symptoms. If you can't add them to this post, please provide a link to them.

    Ok so here is the story. I noticed one Penang Eruption was not eating and getting thin. Also noticed a second one dark and in the corners and not eating, but still pretty thick. I moved them both to a 40 bare bottom hospital tank and started to elevate the temp. Added Epsom salt. No change. Noticed a PB that was also not acting normal and added him to the hospital tank. Proceeded with Metro for 12 days. The PB perked up and started eating and returned to normal. The skinny Penang also started to eat and seemed to be heading back to normal. I retuned the PB to the display and is doing well. The other Penang still refused to eat. Tried lowering the temp back to display level. Still no change and now the skinny one stopped eating. So I ramped up the temp an re-started the Metro this time keeping a better schedule. The thicker one is starting to take food but the skinny one has no interest an when I approach the tank bolts into the divider and then freezes in the corner with fins erect. Not sure where to go with the skinny one at this point. The other seems to be improving as of tonight. I did add a divider as the thicker was pecking at the skinny one.

  2. #2
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: 3-2-1

    Hi Mark, since you are already on a treatment course it is best to continue. When I use high temp I do not reduce it until all the fish are eating well for about a week even if I am have discontinued dosing metro.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  3. #3
    Registered Member Cove Beach's Avatar
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    Default Re: 3-2-1

    Update, one fish is showing signs of improvement by starting to eat and normal looking poop. The other fish seems to swim about as long as I don’t approach the tank. When I get near the tank it tries to escape by swimming into a corner and then freezing in position until I walk away. Hard to say if it is eating. It is extremely thin but no fin rot and it keeps them erect.
    Anybody have any ideas?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 3-2-1

    It seems to me that Discus have their own individual ideas about how to go about their daily lives. Like people some are followers and some are leaders. I had three in a tank who would all hide when I came to the tank to feed and would wait to eat when I left. I added 3 new fish who had all be hand feed. The 3 new come to my fingers even before I put my had into the water to feed them. With in a day the 3 shy ones joined the 3 new ones at feeding time. The new fish changed the 3 established fish to obtaining their food.

  5. #5
    Registered Member Cove Beach's Avatar
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    Default Re: 3-2-1

    This is not hiding, more like terrified. It was eating for a short while then went back to not. When it was eating it had no fear.

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