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Thread: Need help identifying skin issue.

  1. #1
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    Default Need help identifying skin issue.

    445B14AA-3D0A-4E05-8314-D75B2C25A463.jpgCurrently this is the best picture I have showing what I just noticed a little while ago before leaving for work. I would appreciate any help identifying what this is and how you would treat it. I am thinking fungus but I could be wrong.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need help identifying skin issue.

    Try for a better picture but sudden onset of skin lesions like this are usually abrasions from trauma

  3. #3
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    I will see if my wife can get a better pic for me. I’m fairly confident it is from abrasion. One of my Blue diamonds has become a little aggressive at feeding times and I have caught him nipping at almost everybody else in the tank.

  4. #4
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    Additional Pictures.FB91CDAD-34BF-460A-9CDA-01D0DD977DBE.jpg
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  5. #5
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help identifying skin issue.

    I agree w CaptAndy. Has the fish in question been netted recently? Often see that type of slime coat damage after fish have been netted...I would add salt at 3tbsp/10gal to aide the healing process

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need help identifying skin issue.

    Last netting 12 days ago.
    I will move forward with dosing salt to achieve a ratio of 3 tablespoon per 10 gallons over the next 24 hours. Currently the tank is set at 85°. Would you keep
    the current temp? Seeing as salt lessons the affects of “Bad/dirty” water should I decrease my 65 gallon per day water changes?
    For my own knowledge does the damaged area look to be affected by a fungas
    or bacterial infection?

  7. #7
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help identifying skin issue.

    Keep your temp around 82. Dannys recommendation for salt is good although you can go a little higher if you want to. I had a similar issue about a year ago and while the salt seemed to work, it came back. I treated with nitrofurzone and it knocked it out for good.

    I don't think this is a result of the actual water, but in my case I neglected to clean the filters for some time. I would clean the entire tank including the filters, and take a look at this thread

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Need help identifying skin issue.

    I’m currently bringing the water up to a salinity of 1.002 ppt ( 2000ppm/2%). I have been using a 50-50 mixture of aged city water and RO for my water changes. My pH varies by .2 to .3 in 24 hours. I have the ability to store 65 gallons of mixed aged water. I did not want to increase the Hardness too fast so I’m removing 10 gallons every six hours and adding a solution of aquarium salt RODI with 10 gallons RODI till I achieve 1.002ppt. You suggested a temp of 82°. Should I lower lower the temp over the next 24 hours to 82°? As far as my filtration goes I change out the two- 50 micron mesh socks daily. ( I was using a continuous filter filter roll but was not happy with the frequency of it advancing to a clean section) I have medium and find foam after the first set of socks. I rinse the medium foam every other day in RO water and the fine foam every third day in RO water. The final stage is two 4” 25 micron socks that I change out every other day. The foam is usually quite dirty. Probably because I feed the crap out of them. I also run 8 45 W? UV and 250 ML of Purigen. I probably should increase my rinsing and cut back on food. I don’t have any nitrofurzone. I Did a quick Google search and I’m thinking it’s a antibacterial med? I do have metroplex, kanaplex, Paraguard and PraziPro.
    Also thank you for the help. It seems every time i Google search something I can find 10 different treatment options and 100 thought processes either supporting or arguing the option presented.

  9. #9
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help identifying skin issue.

    Is this affecting a single fish or do you see it in others? If only one then you could treat in a hospital tank. This is a better choice because if you do treat with nitrofurizone then it will damage your biofilter. Pure nitro is getting pretty hard to find anymore but but a common packaged med is Furan 2. Easily found at some pet stores or online. I recommend 82 degrees because bacterial and fungal issue thrive in higher temps.

    You are a little more scientific about the amount of salt you're using than I am. I just eyeball it and dump it in. The amount of salt Danny recommends is actually a very mild concentration even though it doesn't sound like it. BTW, the last place I go for discus information is google or facebook. I listen and learn from people who know more than I do, lol...

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